Can anyone invade Russia?


And yet our moronic president wants to do it with the EU army + the USA.

holy shit.

Russia has nothing worth taking. Pride and aging nukes don't make an economy.

said the guy whos shithole have to use wrench to keep it nuclear shafts open since lock rusted away way back when first bush came to power.

>mfw europeans will send millions to die in a pointless time and this time the anglo will sit back watch.

i cant fucking wait.

>Can anyone invade Russia?

A lot of people invaded Russia, you just keep doing it wrong.

America has nothing worth taking. Pride and aging nukes don't make an economy.

china probably could

[citation needed]

China will fucking help them
I will be so fucking happy when trump loses next term and democrats invade russia with their crazy warmongering policies

Because what bad has ever come from invading russia

pls no invade

>You can't invade Russia
Of course you can, you only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.

Macron wants to invade Russia? Holy Kek.

>Trump is a Russian shill
>He wants to invade Russia

Which is it?

Actually YES it is possible.
But it will be a massacre.

Btw burgers are planning insurrection in all Russian Federation, even if they are falling hard.
Their intelligence sucks hard these days. They are just good to steal information with tecnology.

Did Napoleon try that one time and failed miserably?

He did and he failed.
Same for Hitler.

>Trump is the president of France

If Russia goes down, they will make sure the entire Europe goes down with them.

It is estimated that to conquer Russia and hold the territory you would need 16 million soldiers today.

Actually, the Chinese will be somewhat successful in seizing Siberia from Russia, by dint of technology and migration.

Dox the politicians

Good way to stop these wars

Russia is too big to conquer. Plus there are over 100 million of them, and Russians are very nationalistic people. Good luck controlling the,

I'd like to "invade" Russia, if you know what I mean

*controlling them.

Well Finland did come out of it. We are like 3 times bigger than we would be if the original border between Sweden and Novgorod hadn't been enlarged by conquests.

Why are the globalist pushing so hard against Russia?

This. I dont know why people keep pushing Putin. If Russia collapses everyone in the fucking world will be worse off for whatever shape the shit storm takes.

Even if no nukes are launched.

awesome bot man

>Ottomans invade
Realize they don't particularly want to have anything to do with Russia so they just take tax/tribute. Leave when they get tired of Russians burning their huts down all the time.

>Napoleon invades
Everyone freezes to death. Russian emperor was friends with Napoleon so he always let him escape.

>Nazi Germany invades
Everyone freezes to death. Soviet Union has so much people as cannon fodder it was dumb trying to take over in the first place.

>Modern day
Russia is so fucked up a war wouldn't really make things worse. No country would ever gain more than it would lose attacking us, even out of principle.
Even if another country "wins", taking the land will be impossible because local Russians never followed the official governing body in the first place.

You would need the Russia civilians support. Which is unlikely the way everyone is shitting on them. Hell we gave Ukraine the CIA coup treatment.

It's not me.

It's some kraut that took the picture.

Those Russian bots have to get better at what they do.


It's really my thread and the other guys is another guy.

if you're a real person and you really believe your president wants to invade Russia that's even worse.

Comrade, your cover's been blown, you never apologize and explain if not guilty.
I will report to the comissar. You use other exit nod from now on.

why do these sick fucks want us to hate Russians ?

lol USA btfo


Why would anyone want to invade Russia?

Which is why they seek to destabilize Europe and the US through indirect means.

Nobody should hate "Russians". What you should hate, however, is the Russian government and whoever keeps these corrupt assholes in power.


It has strategic depth. If Russia was Muscovy though, that would be possibru. Anyway as always it ends in one way - Russians invade and kill themselves

stop buying our oil,minerals w8 1-2 years, congrats u win.

I want to invade Russia. It would be a better way to die than watching the country slowly disappear under migrant masses.

hey look its serbia sucking russias dick
and today on Sup Forums nothing new happened

>hurrr you have ter use da rench on nukler subs murr russia

natural resources?
strategic location ( bridge between east and west)?
worlds largest military by far?
Sup Forums?
Joe's Kansas City BBQ?????

I love when Americans shill for other countries

like 90% of Russians live within 100 miles of the southwestern border with Europe.

Just take all the good parts of Russia and push back their borders to Siberia and to Kamchatka (if a war were to happen).

I think a war would be unnecessary, all Putin does is posture, and once he is gone or we can have meaningful talks with Russia there goes the problem that never existed.

forgot pic

>hur dur i am american

>hurrr i cant provide counter argument so i will call american an american


I can't fucking wait to seen Macro sending weak leftists frenchies dying in Russia.

J'espère que vous aurez le sourire aux lèvres lorsque vous serez EN MARCHE !

"oh my god are they shooting at us???"
"I thought theyd surrender?"
"lets surrender"

viva le francais

You can't win if your own country run out of ressources.

>EU army
>Mexican Intellectuals

Why should we invade Russia?

We should focus on the invasion of Niggers and Mudslimes in Europe.

>so i will call american an american
that is ultimate insult.

>with the EU army
The what?

At least he's self aware. You faggots have unwarranted pride and think you're amazing when you're actually a cesspit of cheese pizza, animal porn, crime and miscegenation. Say what you want about Britain, at least we know we're lame and even apologise for being successful or good looking when that occasionally happens.

That's nice. Someone should tell Macron that Trump wants peace. Actually, in his Twitter, he keeps saying he wants PEACE in capital letters, like he's trying to get a point across, namely that he wants peace. You know, peace, like the opposite of war.

Here's a nice compromise: how about Macron rounds up all the "refugees" and economic migrants from all of Europe and leads them personally on a quest to conquer Russia or, failing that, to establish an independent nation state of Diversitystan somewhere deep inside Russian territory. For bonus points, the army should set out from Europe in October so that they can maximize their enjoyment of the Russian winter. So many birds, one stone.

>corrupt assholes in power
Can you please provide me with the name of the country where the government is not corrupt. Just curious.
USA? South Korea? Sweden?

Of course they do

How else are they going to kill off the last remaining white male breeding stock and replace us all with niggers and arabs so the kikes can usher in the NWO?

Did you really think this was all just a big "conspiracy" theory?

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

So many reddiit faggots in here nowadays

> EU army
> a continent that treats their military like shit, recruits like psychos and trains them to throw bales of humanitarian aid at brown people
> lets take the backbone out of NATO and see what happens


Aww, babby's first redpill? Fresh off the boat from reddit kiddo?

Hey retards, see here:

I'm not even sure he would be able to mobilize the french army considering the fact it only has 200.000 soldiers which includes 20% arabs/blacks who just don't give a sh*t about the country.

He want to re-establish the military service but i don't think that he's aware about the fact that frenchies are now 40% arabs/blacks, 20% gays, 40% metrosexuals and 35% asthmatics and deficients in vitamins B12. (You can combine those lineaments)

I'm not even sure they would be able to go across Ukraina/Poland without fainting by seing countries inhabited by white peoples.

99% of normies don't know shit about cp or ap, crime happens everywhere, we just punish people for it.

I won't apologize for being an American, shows how much spine you have britbong. I know a few brits who would beat an apologetiic brit down, sure theres a few of em here.

except remove "so i will call an american an american"

I remember the last time France tried to invade Russia.

Don't really understand whi you quoted me while i never said it wasn't going to happen.

Because you're dumb too

Average Sup Forums Muricans who's telling shit about a country he doesn't know a shit about. Vivement que ton pays croule sous les Mexicains et noirs.
France and Frenchs are unable to fight against anyone, they'll just being replaced and progressively disappear in the next decades.

Russia is just a distraction for US and EU citizens. "Big bad wolf" you should be alarmed at, and ignore "less important things".

Muslims can

Neocon cuck fuck off

You are the reason of half of Europe's problems.

>lel don't ally with Russia, they are white and christian
>lel ally with Saudis Muslims and sandniggers they pose no threats
>20 muslim terrorst attacks
>Russia is a threat I swear!

How fucking stupid are you?

>invading Russia
keep in mind that Russia will never again fight on its own territory

but i hate russians, burger.
he still did a number on you with that post.