By 2050 30% of the world will be white

You Sup Forumstard think white people are genocided. Actually, they are more than 1.1 billion in the world.

Moreover, with the genetics, most of women will be able to choose their child. Did you know in Sweden, the sperm bank ran out of blue eyed blond haired contibutors, and asked for more sperm from them ?
Because some people of foreign country (asia, eastern europe, south america, middle east) buy this semence.

Every mother want a white child, with the technology the white will overwhelm the world and make it better !

Based science.

Other urls found in this thread:

Define white

Pink nipples

>says white
>includes slavs and spics
1 drop rule u dumb nigger

>american mongrel
>calls others nigger

>By 2050 30% of the world will be white.

Source? I don't believe that shit, Arabs and Hispanics are not white.

You can not even properly read your own language ? Who is the nigger here ?

> Because some people of foreign country (asia, eastern europe, south america, middle east) buy this semence

The world will get whiter and whiter.



Do you really think we'll get to the point where the average poor person can afford gene therapy for their kids by 2050?
Furthermore why would non whites want kid that don't look like them?
Sorry but white people are still going extinct unless their birth rates start going up

But Mediterraneans are?

Ask Brazilians. White privilege in Brazil exists and is absolute.

That is SO NOT the average european man..

> thinks they're white
> is from France

No it doesn't.



the long term effects of manipulating genetics are not going to be in humanity's favor

>turkey lecuring anyone on whiteness

Let me give it to you straight eastern Europeans especial Slavs and Romanians
Every "white" Hispanic of south America and most Mediterranean's have contributed hardly anything compared to northern Europeans who are experiencing all be it slowly a genocide

This is what we're concerned about

yeah cool, and we do everything better so shut your mouth and get back in your yurt savage

is this cunt jared leto?

>get back in your yurt savage
*gets back to petrol after shitposting*