ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”

>ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”

>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"

>Coalition forces have discovered thousands of plots by Isis to attack Europe

>“We saw the future of this threat in Brussels and Paris,” said the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, adding that future attacks will be on “an order of magnitude greater.”

>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the EU

>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned, as well as targets in Belgium

>the use of a Borak in an improvised bomb “could effectively disperse the sarin nerve agent.”

Other urls found in this thread:

This never makes sense. They are invading in comfort and getting free shit and race mixing and converting people.

This is the Zionist doing this

Get on it, world police. 'murica. Do what you do best, hm?

Fuck you
leave me alone

(((they))) will use this as an excuse to bring in world wide marshall law.

not everything can be stopped

at some point you must take responsibility for your own lives


Agree that is the endgame

I wonder who could be behind this?

Half our country is straight up dumb, there's people who still think trump will get impeached for taking two scoops of ice cream. We'll probably sell you guns if you want but I think Europe is on their own this rodeo.

All bets are off if ISIS pulls off an NBC attack on a US city.

Something like this will firstly be exactly what people asked for when they invited Muslims into their nation, and secondly will contribute to the mass redpilling that needs to take place.


the endgame is ww3

martial law will likely be imposed throughout much of the world before then tho

another reason to get out asap. borders will be closed tight soon

Wow thanks

Deus Vult

>Mass redpilling
You're solution when a bunch of whites wants their race to go extinct is to show their race is under threat? No sure how that will work out.

Ok, who wants to bet that date is during the last 10 days of Ramadan?

That way all of the suicide bombers will be extra-extra rewarded.

This, these are our own problems to deal with now.

>For three or four years I thought to myself that the facts with regard to Germany were exaggerated by the First Lord, because the then Prime Minister — not this Prime Minister — said that they were not true. The First Lord was right about it. Then came the war.

It's like watching a kid touch a stove after you told him it was hot.
You feel bad, but know he needed to get burned to learn.

>every nigger kike fag and degenerate killed at once

>32 year old migrant kid

Is this true? Sauce?

At the point when you flooded Europe with migrants because of your mong-geostrategics aka military-industrial complex keeping it cooking?
Fuck off, fatso.

>Tfw when you get to spend the whole summer in a secret Serbian hideout ISIS will never discover.

we could argue about motivations, causes, etc., but at this point it's beside the point

you are in danger and if you intend to survive you need to escape


do any of these things look Afghani or Iraqi to you retard?
Why are you blaming us?

What do you suggest?
Last time I checked your country isn't happy about immigrants either.

bring it on you paedo cunts

Because you lit up the ME.
Leaving a destabilized Iraq led by a shia minority, making ISIS taking over scathes of land possible.
Because Your country happily delivered all the right weaponry to all the peaceful protesters which have now become radicalized terrorists in Syria?
Seriously are you kidding me, mong?

how does any of what you said have to do with Africans flooding Europe?

Because muh Lybia, mong?

Lybia is Arab, look at the picture again, those are Sub Saharan Africans

Sounds good.

where there's a will there's a way

you can fly here tomorrow if you have the $ for the ticket and stay for 90 days without a visa. during that time you can work on more permanent arrangements

>European keeps getting attacked
>We should do something

Refugees welcome

Come on.

Not the worst idea, implying my gf and sick parents are ready for the ride. Thanks for the advice anyway.
I must ask: If I came over, what would me enable to stay besides winning a greencard lottery?

Muslims can kill 100,000 Europoors in a day and they will still bend over backwards for them.

>Come on.
Come on what? We never bombed Sub Saharan Africa and yet they're flooding Europe so how is that our fault?

Why are all your links from 2015/2016 and they have no recent reference? Where is this countdown?

Sounds like a bunch of hysterical bullshit desu.
Post recent and relevant news on it. Otherwise, you're rehashing and trying to make something of old dead news.

Work visas are a decent way.

>I must ask: If I came over, what would me enable to stay besides winning a greencard lottery?

an employer could sponsor you with a work visa; you could get a uni to sponsor you for a student visa

my wife went to NZ on a student visa some years ago; I qualified for a visa because of hers

you could also just disappear; not legal, but it beats being killed

see the recent news is self-evident. see Manchester. the threat is here and it's already manifesting; however, the worst is yet to come

I'm a patriot but that doesn't imply leaving the Homeland. I WILL evade a draft to teach you smarmy fucking eurotrash the lesson you deserve.

Almost 1,300 years you've had to fix this problem, and now you've given up. I hope it buries you.

Thanks guys!

You've been watching too much infowars and spending too much time on Sup Forums m8. Of course these are the things isis wants and much worse but they just aren't capable. Stop waiting "The" happening because you will be waiting forever. Until some sort of large scale war brakes out we will only have these scattered happenings like manchester. Flags will become profile pictures online, #notallmuslims, rinse, repeat. The world is much more boring than you think.

You're welcome (literally). Godspeed

Stop aiding terrorists.

>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"
Last night I dreamed there were several consecutive terrorist attacks across Europe. What does it mean???

I'm doing the opposite

A war or earth changing natural disaster is the only future in store. Tensions are too high, corruption levels are off the scale, and people are at the stage where they will no longer dialogue. Its not nice, but something big has to happen to clear the air.

Probably the plan all along the creation of an Eu army will be sped up to deal with it, now where have I seen this plan before... straight outta sheev palpatines playbook, say hello to empress merkel

Remember now. ISIS is an arm of CIA and MOSSAD. Look at how quickly Supreme leader May used it to mop up the last bit of freedom bongs had on the internet. Wasnt even a day later and they had it shackled and neutered. This is the final part of their plan. Commit a big enough falseflag that popular support of mooslems evaporates, and a mass exodus occurs. Allowing Israel to expand without fear of backlash or reprisal.

you just keep telling yourself that


Was George Lucas trying to warn us?

>Become Councilor
>Fund Opposition
>Use ensuing war to coerce the people into voting you emergency powers
>Use absolute power to dissolve senate, create Unified army directly under your control

Holy shit, what george Lucas redpilled?

This is my thinking, sure there will be innocents but if major cities are attacked then mostly it will be the liberal fucks that allowed this to happen in the first place, that are doing the dying

Problem is the kid is not making the connection that the hot stove is what is causing his burns. Or he refuses to believe it. So now you just gotta watch till he loses both his hands and when he's 35 and struggling to do anything in life because he has no hands, he'll get real mad and blame you for letting him be a retard.

eurocucks made their bed
now they get to sleep in it

Sorry, but who let them into the country? Last I checked, it was Germany that was commanding other countries to let in refugees or else.

Can we all just disband Germany after the 3rd world war?

>God, have you guys seen the fucked up shit coming out of Germany the last couple years?
>Yeah... Clearly, eight nukes wasn't enough.

>Get on it, world police. 'murica. Do what you do best, hm?
Don't worry trump has got it covered

And what have (((you))) ever done you fat fuck? You burgerkikes are encouraging all this.

Merkel was a communist (East German) in her formative years; maybe she's still working for Russia

Only one. What the fuck is this lonely ass arab racecar driver doing on a boat full of nig nogs?

And why the fuck is this nigger smiling. Hes literally the ONLY one smiling.

Yeah they should never have been given this much power after two fucking world wars they should be permanently spit up with land going to all countries around them

Nevermind, kust seen his two buddies next to him

Remember what happened to Al Qaeda after 9/11? This guy turned the Muslim world upside down. I think Trump is capable of far worse.


It louder

Here in Ausfailia we arrest them when they try and come home. In Europe they are just letting them walk back in.

It's beyond suspicious.

> Stop waiting "The" happening because you will be waiting forever.
> he world is much more boring than you think.

You can go back to 2013/2014 .. 2011/2012 and find the same shit... No happenings.

>As the images emerged, circulating on Twitter in recent weeks, Libyan intelligence claimed that the ISIS is exploiting the Mediterranean refugee emergency to send its fighters into central Europe, as reported by the BBC.

>The refugee emergency offered resettlement places across Europe under the emergency summit crisis package that was agreed by EU leaders in Brussels on April 23.

>There has been a growing fear of ISIS militants take advantage of the migrants that are crossing the Mediterranean to send fighters to Europe.

who didn't see this coming??, I didn't!!. even if ISIS hides it's members among geniue refugees doesn't mean we should stop #welcomereguees if anything we need more refugees to show how tolerant we are.


maybe that's the point.

get the "moderates" out and bomb the rest.

We are already on it thanks to our anti-terrorism alliance with Saudi Arabia and Israel. Now once we get rid of Iran, terrorism will be defeated once and for all. No thanks necessary, just us burgers saving Europe as per usual :)

One day they will all chimp out simultaneously in Europe. The ISIS members will have other Muslims join in, citing the Koranic verses authorizing migration jihad, and they will castrate and enslave the cucked whites.

It will happen with the coordination of certain politicians, police, and celebrities all of whom will be in on the plan.

A global chimpout of titanic proportions.

>marshall law

Excuse me Mohammed?
I can't hear you over the sound of that greasy sandnigger cock in your mouth.

europe needs guns

it's too late for that

based Romaniabro