"Cultural Marxism" is a hoax

Why do so many people on Sup Forums constantly parade around the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to anything they don't like? Notice how they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School themselves but merely go off on conjecture about the members' Jewish origins, or vague accusations about the mainstream media being allegedly owned by communists? Well this actual Jewish Marxist has debunked the myth:


Other urls found in this thread:


No response?

Cultural Marxism is what weak people call cultural Jewry. You are correct in the fact that sperging idiots call our modern society cultural marxist. I would just call it what it is: Jew controlled Liberal Capitalism


>Jew controlled Liberal Capitalism
Lucky for you, the Frankfurt School was very much against liberal capitalism.

what are these talking about then?

>what are these talking about then?
Certainly not a conspiracy theory claiming the Franks were trying to "infiltrate" the West...

The critical theory of the Frankfurt School ought to be understood as a continuation of the long tradition of Jewish antinomianism, as it emphasizes a break from the ideology and norms of the existing modern order for the sake of redemption. The members of the Frankfurt School drew inspiration from the western canonical tradition, with its blend of Jewish and Pagan precepts, rather than seeking to destroy it. Their animosity towards western industrial-capitalist society and the progress myth grew out of the historical disdainful attitudes of the Gentiles towards European Jewry, culminating in a genocide characterized by hierarchical obedience and technical efficacy.

If Jew-hating conspiracy theorists really knew anything about Jewish history and the Frankfurt School, they'd bring up Walter Benjamin - may HaShem avenge his blood - and his admitted interest in the Gnostic Sabbatian-Frankist heresies - something he picked up from his good friend and theologian Gershom Scholem - which consisted of amoral transcendence of Jewish law and ethics (such as consumption of unkosher foods, ritual sodomy, feasts and orgies on Purim, et cetera), egalitarianism, and female liberationist doctrines, all in the name of tikkun and Messianic redemption. The Dönmeh (the loyal followers of Shabbatai Tzvi) publicly converted to Islam in the manner of the forced conversion of their Moshiach, all the while secretly practicing their clandestine heretical Jewish faith, replete with wife-swapping, homosexuality, and other Abrahamic no-nos. The Dönmeh, situated in Turkey, later "infiltrated" Sufi and Alevi orders, as well as the Turkish communist party, feminist and anarchist organizations, intent on subverting traditional Islamic morality and epistemology.

Yes, they took a lot of their inspiration from antinomian Judaism. Doesn't that debunk the idea they hated God and religion?

Were they against the social liberalism aspect of liberal capitalism or just the economic aspect?

Critical theory follows in this wave of thought by throwing off the rigid chains and iron fists of the narratives which emerged from modernity and capitalism. Mythologies of “progress” and the gradual move towards a new Golden Age through the forces of technological development, so-called capitalist “freedoms”, and un-malleable “logic” which had engulfed the western mode of thought were, in essence, flipped in the sense that they would be interpreted as elements of social control and an ongoing historical catastrophe, leading humanity straight to a torturous fascist death. Oral Torah and kabbalistic texts are littered with references to the existing world being under the domain of evil side of God, that is, the side of God which incorporates hatred, punishment, and unholiness. God fell into duality by the act of Creation, and must be re-unified through the tikkun of the people below, whose actions will thus bring about the re-unification of God above and the return to primordial harmony. ….

In all of this, it can be stated that the intellectuals of the Frankfurt School were in no way trying to destroy culture, but were rather looking to retrieve the elements of western culture which gave off a sense of utopianism within the commodified capitalist sludge. This can be seen in the ways Benjamin utilized translation as a means of finding the lost holy sparks of God within language and literature, and also in within his motif of collecting and contrasting the artifacts of culture he encountered whilst walking into the sphere of the profane. It is also what lead Adorno to praise old school reactionary thinkers on the basis that such thought longed for a culture that was more “authentic”, and Marcuse to champion bourgeois literature as superior to the hippie aesthetics which he denounced as having little to no artistic value. They all recognized that mainstream culture had been transformed into a decaying carcass as modernity and capitalism

They saw liberalism as failing to liberate humanity.

So what was the 'cultural marxism' they were talking about?

Marxism as an academic discipline.

debunked by youtube kike

Fuck you, read a book. Call it critical theory if you want. It's just destructionism by kikes

>It's just destructionism by kikes

Explain. The Franks were very pro-culture.

What? From the link.
>A thorough examination and analysis of the tensions between political sociology and the culturally oriented Marxism that emerged in the 60s and 70s is presented in this volume
>culturally oriented Marxism

Yeah... that doesn't prove anything about there being a "conspiracy" to destroy the west from the inside.

>critique culture
>subvert superstructure
>glorious Marxism time
They provided the tools the target with the idea that 'modernity' sustained capitalism. Given they were Marxists, presumably some kind of socialism was the goal.

>the idea that 'modernity' sustained capitalism
And they were correct.

They mean "post modernism" which is just another form of Class Warfare.

No Civil war, no Revolution, comrades!

so they sought to change modern culture to make it fit with Marxist ideas?

>They mean "post modernism" which is just another form of Class Warfare.
the form where rich students belittle poor natives?

>we will make West corrupt
You're just confirming OP's point, you never read a single sentence from authors associated with Frankfurt School.
They literally criticized cultural and social corruption of West you idiot, which they attributed to liberal capitalism.
Why would they criticize it if they wanted it to happen?
You illiterate cretins are thinking of people like Derrida. Only you never heard about Derrida because you never read a book in your life.

Postmodernism rejects all forms of class struggle.

>so-called capitalist “freedoms”, and un-malleable “logic” which had engulfed the western mode of thought

This. I used to call it cultural marxism but I think postmodernism is more apt, although certainly some of the ideas from the frankfurt school are very relevant to postmodernist ideology, including marxism itself.

All of these things are interconnected, so it's useful to have a catch all term to refer to 'anything we don't like' as you say. Call it cultural marxism or postmodernism, but either way we all intuitively know what it is and (((who))) it is that is spreading it.

That's exactly what the Montenegran said.


Cultural Marxism is just Marxism

"In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property(Capitalism) - Communist Manifesto

"Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. " - Communist Manifesto

I think you're trying to tell me they criticized capitalism yet I already told you they criticized LIBERAL capitalism.
They also criticized Soviet-style socialism which they found even more inhumane.
Perhaps they were wrong or deluded, but that's a different subject. They certainly weren't some shady super-influential Jews who plotted Western demise.

>Cultural Marxism is just Marxism
It's not. Its methodology is NOT Marxist.

Okay so what do we call the fight between every "marginalized group" and white people

>Okay so what do we call the fight between every "marginalized group" and white people


The term 'cultural marxisim' is a nice way of saying 'you've reduced the glory of western CULTURE to a dialectic materialist circlejerk [marxism]'
Marxist dialectics just give angry NEETs a framework in which to discuss destroying things instead of actually working to better themselves. They can't even comprehend a demiurge.BAKA

By marriage.

Fuck of you maoist piece of shit.

Cultural Marxism came into prominence in the late 60s-mid 70s by French "intellectuals" because people caught onto the fact economic Marxism was a sham in the USSR.

So they had to repackage it.


In case anyone has a doubt about Frankfurt School and critical theory, take a look at this typical example of the school's thought. This is a Wikipedia summary of the book "A Critique of Pure Tolerance". The concept of "repressive tolerance" for which the book is known is attributed to Herbert Marcuse.

"Liberal society is based on a form of domination so subtle that the majority accept and even will their servitude. Marcuse believes that under such conditions tolerance as traditionally understood serves the cause of domination and that a new kind of tolerance is therefore needed: tolerance of the Left, subversion, and revolutionary violence, combined with intolerance of the Right, of existing institutions of civil society, and of any opposition to socialism. Marcuse claims that tolerance shown to minority views in industrial societies is a deceit because such expressions cannot be effective. Freedom of speech is not a good in itself because it allows for the propagation of error; Marcuse believes that "The telos of tolerance is truth". Revolutionary minorities hold the truth and the majority has to be liberated from error by being re-educated in the truth by this minority. The revolutionary minority are entitled, Marcuse claims, to suppress rival and harmful opinions."

After reading this I am not sure how can anyone seriously assert that the school had an interest in preserving european welfare, tradition and identity.

Blacks belittle whites, women belittle men, gay's belittle straight Until we have our war, then our police state

I'm not a Maoist, but a Marxist Humanist/LeftComm.

That's postmodernism, or post-structuralism. Has nothing to do with the Franks.

You don't understand what he means by ''revolutionary minorities''. It doesn't mean blacks and Jews.
Supreme irony here is that he's talking about groups like Sup Forums. Of course, that would be superficial comparison, because Sup Forums is a board of angry manchildren who construct fantasies as to why they are losers and hate reading books.

Nah I think I'll stick with cultural Marxism. We know that the left likes to redefine words so we will too

It's a destrutice cult and you don't provide any arguments beside
>muh feels
>was thought in universtiy so it's an academic discipline
>muh conspirancy theory even if five out of the six big Media cooperations are owned by them
I'm sick, because we have debunked your shit time and time again, if you are honest bring decent Arguments or let it be.

Meant to reply to you

And what would your response be to MacDonald's assessment of the Frankfurt School in his book Culture of Critique? Didn't watch the video btw so sorry if my question is answered in there

>we have debunked your shit time and time again

No you haven't. Show me undeniable proof the Frankfurt School were specifically attempting to "subvert" western culture for the sake of communism. I'd expect a German to have actually read these people given that they were all Germans.

You'll stick with whatever suits the fantasy you created, because it's the only way for you to keep going.
He, despite being a Marxist, brought honest decent arguments which you people simply refuse to accept or are too dumb or illiterate to comprehend.

MacDonald is a hack whose conclusions are based on dubious EvoPsych methods.

>epithome of a well readed gentleman

gtfo you and your french gang of postmodern fairytales

I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.

> tolerance of the Left, subversion, and revolutionary violence, combined with intolerance of the Right, of existing institutions of civil society, and of any opposition to socialism

What part of " tolerance of the Left", "intolerance of the Right" and "intolerance of any opposition to socialism" don't you understand? When he says minorities he clearly and definitely does not mean Sup Forums. The man is a marxist for god's sake.
It's time to stop with the mental contortions.

>of course it had to be a fucking leaf

And yet another idiot who misunderstands what's posted here.
How the fuck did you conclude I support Derrida?
My point was that people like Derrida are the ''subversives'' you idiots talk about. Derrida has nothing to do with Frankfurt School.

You have a source on that quote?

That Horkheimer quote is fake, FYI.

>I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA,
So what? What does that have to do with the Franks?


I have read them.
Mögen die Horst-Güntherchens in ihrem Blut sich wälzen und die Inges den polnischen Bordellen überwiesen werden…“
„Alles ist eingetreten, was man sich jahrelang gewünscht hat: das Land vermüllt, Millionen von Hansjürgens und Utes tot.“
Quotes from Theodor Wiesengrund (Ardorno) "Briefe an die Eltern". Many of the Frankfurt School marxists admited everything openly.

To be fair, Benjamin's language theory was similar to Deconstruction -- ahem, ((((Deconstruction)))).

Nigger these people believe Jesus created the world 1000 years ago

>this thread again
Wew ladddddddd


What is wrong with evolutionary psychology? Keep in mind that I'm not attacking anyone's opinions here I'm just trying to learn more


Read that again. Notice ''minority views''. Connect that with ''revolutionary minority''.
>does not mean Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a ''revolutionary minority''. A group of people who hold opinions contrary to established opinions of elites and masses who follow them.
I didn't say he meant Sup Forums for fucks sake, I meant that he was describing groups like Sup Forums. Even though he probably wouldn't agree with views of Sup Forums, yeah.

It can't be verified and is entirely based on educated guesses.

Kikes are a cancer that need to be removed permanently from our lands. How can you not see it?

Yom Bin Israel "The Frankfurt School" 1997, page 32. Quoting a journal entry Horkheimer wrote in the early 1920's.

"Die Revolution wird nicht mit Gewehren, passieren eher passiert es inkrementell, von Jahr zu Jahr, von einer Generation. Wir werden allmählich infiltrieren ihre Bildungseinrichtungen und ihre politischen Ämter, verwandelt sie langsam in marxistischen Organisationen hin zu universellen Egalitarismus."

Whether Jews are cancer or not is totally irrelevant to the points made in this thread by this other Canadian and me.
These Jews, at least in their works, didn't really call for destruction of West, and actually criticized some of things average Sup Forumstard criticizes.

>22 posts by this id
really trying to crack consensus eh? the phenomenon is called cultural marxism around here and even if your premise was correct 50 years ago, it aint now, especially after bezmenov

But honestly I don't care what you kikes call it. Marxism in all its forms was Jewish to the core. Feminism, a form of cultural marxism, is almost entirely Jewish from top to bottom and I can prove it.


The video I linked explains the "Jewishness" of the Frankfurt School, but she makes the point that it was this Jewishness which lead them to be PRO-culture.

> Marxist
> Humanist


Communism is slavery, kiddo.

finally you niggers understand why Auschwitz was the only exit solution for this world . poor fuckers , you went horribly wrong

Kikes are a cancer that need to be permanently removed from our lands at the very minimum. Marxism in all its forms was Jewish to the core and you still need to answer for these crimes against humanity.

Feminism predates Frankfurt School by several decades.

So tell me: what does Judaism have to do with Marxism? Are you a theologian?

Obviously I know this. I am trying to make it write. I was born in the 1990's don't forget the war was 50 years finished when I was conceived.


See something in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?


NKVD head (((Gengrikh Yagoda))), Stalins right hand (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, who wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the ukes out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.


Not Judaism but Jews. Jews because of their status as ''aliens'' historically and even now tend to support egalitarian movements. That's only natural.
Though it's debatable whether Marx was motivated by that, and he wasn't pro-Jewish in any case.

>Jew controlled Liberal Capitalism
i'll agree with this
people make it out to be more conspiracy/grand schemy than it really is. it's just kikes and dollar signs and not all this esoteric reading like protocols

So what, in your view, makes Jews so willing to fight for communism?

Funny that history proves it is real

You seem to be a bit confused, and under impression Nazis invaded rest of Europe to ''save us'', and not in order to establish German domination of the continent.
So yeah, I have to thank those people, at least I still exist and I'm not a German slave, at least not as openly as Nazis desired it.

Lenins chosen successor was Trotsky (not his real name of course which was Lev Davidovich Bronstein) and Stalin outmaneuvered almost the entire Jewish establishment in the 1920's. Stalin wasn't Jewish but his son married a kike and Stalin had many Jewish affairs according to Jewish publications. Nobody really knows how Stalin felt about the Jews. There were estimates in the 1980's that up to 30% of his purge victims were Jews.


No it doesn't. Most of what Sup Forums hates (3rd wave feminism, migration, etc.) are products of capitalism.



You're the one that is confused. Poland was blocking even food shipments by rail in August 1939 and there was a zero percent chance Hitler was going to sit around and wait for another pic related and/or the commie waves that came with it. NKVD Jew head Yagoda and his merry band of inbreds famined 6,000,000+ European Christians in the 1930's and Hitler was not going to let this happen to his people in the Eastern territories while he sat hopelessly by.

This is why Hitler didn't demand all the land stolen after WWI just the German port of Danzig and a corridor so he could reinforce the east when the (((commies))) came for Western Europe.


Hitler Teaching What Is Europe

This pasta again.....
Watch these they ruin your narative....



>Nobody really knows how Stalin felt about the Jews.
Except we do know. Over time Stalin became very anti-Semitic.
>up to 30% of his purge victims were Jews
Because many of the old Bolsheviks were Jews. Majority were obviously Russians. Ethnic Russians.
Lenin himself said ''if there's a Jew in some position, Russian must be his deputy''. Stalin took this to heart.
You didn't read much on Soviet history and society or politics.
In any case, Yagoda you mentioned was killed by a Russian, Yezhov, who was far more brutal and sadistic. Yagoda was actually removed because he was reluctant to start purging.

Wrong pic but you get the point.

Two Hundred Years Together =]

Yeah well lots of Jews and other highly respected goyim academics disagree with you.

"Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you"


"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"


>Nigger these people believe Jesus created the world 1000 years ago
Sound precisely like what an atheist kike would say.

You were responded to the other day.

>Poland was blocking even food shipments by rail in August 1939
At least you didn't use ''Poles slaughtered Germans in Danzig'' bullshit. And that never happened. It was actually Hitler who closed off border, for propaganda purposes mostly.
>there was a zero percent chance Hitler was going to sit around and wait for another pic related and/or the commie waves that came with it.
So he signed a de facto alliance with those same commies? You never heard of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?
>Hitler was not going to let this happen to his people in the Eastern territories
How would that happen when those territories weren't ruled by Soviets? They were in fact ruled by highly anti-Bolshevik regimes.
>didn't demand all the land stolen after WWI
''Land stolen'', also known as land Prussia stole from Poland in late 18th century.
>so he could reinforce the east
By handing over a third of Poland to Soviets?
By handing over Baltic States and Finland?
Again, you're very very wrong, and if you keep posting idiotic bullshit with zero proof I'm just gonna stop responding to you because you seem to be a cultist who's only interested in pushing propaganda.

I doubt you are genuine, but I will explain it. It's about the messianic thinking and the prophecies of Judaism, which link it inseparable to Marxism. At the bottom of both is a selected elite with the "god" given knowledge (jews/ gods chosen people and more specifically their rabbis and prophets) and a class of proselytes/ goyim, who are subject to the rule of the chosen ones in Marxism those are the masses/ the workers. Both want to bring "humanity" into an ever peaceful utopia, for the absolut peace everything that makes human different/ individual has to be erased, since difference equals conflict. I could go further and elaborate for hours, about how the temple and everything is also represented in Marxism, but there are already many good works about it.

be usefull and make sure your local freemasons do not infiltrate your brain . make sure your mates understand the dimension of the problem . I am a german engineer , the system will always need my skill , YOU are a redneck , you will be replaced by chinese robots . your choice. The next 50 years you will have to work very hard in order to survive . your ancestors made a mistake - and you pay the price . spread the good news : final victory is faisable - it depends on you . switch off the computer NOW and start your political work.

combat 18 Germany

An overwhelming hatred for the European man, woman and child even after we saved from extinction and treated them as brothers/equals.

Just look at America for proof. They treated the kikes better than their own sons and it took less than three generations for the majority to turn on them. Jews and middle eastern Muslims are two sides of the same inbred desert coin, they must be removed from our lands and relocated to their desert without exception.