Tfw no girl will ever look at you like Croatian milf president looked at mr. Trump

>tfw no girl will ever look at you like Croatian milf president looked at mr. Trump
Why to even live?

That is the "please give me your babies" look if i've ever seen it.

Jakove izdrzi

Trump epitomizes the American dream.

Getting your whole life handed to you on a silver platter is the American dream?

macaroon looks jelly hahaha or is he not into women that young hahahah

I had a girl look at me like that
I miss those eyes

Croats got L I B E R A T E D!!!eggs dee!11!!


I want to milk her

That's what happens when you're an alpha male, you ignore bitches and they come to you.

49 years old

I would enter into bilateral negotiations with her if you know what i mean.


And slap dat ass

Is he twittering in that last pic?

how is this allowed
do you fags want me to fap again or what

Oh Jesus

Shes probably trying to figure out wtf is on his head.

*btfo'ing liberals
yes, yes he is

more like trying to figure htf to give him head

> only a small loan of a million
> implying it wasent multi millions
> implying Drumpf is a billionaire

jesus fucking christ

filename, and 3.6 billion

cya nerd

orange pig blumpfie will be impeached in weeks sweetie :)

Why do slavic women love Drumpf so much?

You guys aware those bikini pics are not actually the croatian president, right?

It's a trick ivan, don't listen to your dick.


this guy is like a peafowl, and he always makes this face when he wants to be seen as great/intelligent or whatever.
thank you burgers you voted for the best real satire ever.

That's not her, newfags, it's Ice T's wife whoever Ice T is.


>trophy wife

macron is giving him the eyes as well, he wants that BWC

Holy shit why have I not seen this hot ass Croatian prime minister before?

Eh, even conservatives agree he under performs as businessman. He isn't even make it in the top 20 for real estate moguls in his own state, let alone nation. Sure he's rich, but he directly inherited 300 mil, meaning he only increased his family's net worth by 10x at his highest current valuation.

> all handed to him on a silver platter

Must be nice

not so fast drumpfy

No doubt she's thinking "man this blomf guy is fat"

I unironically think she looks more attractive than Melania. Trump should pull a Bill with her if he can.

right up his demographic

>"what the fuck is going on with his hair?"

It doesn't matter if his dad gave him a million dollars or a thousand. He built on his success and made himself who he is today. If you win the lottery, would you not want to live your dreams? Would you not want to be successful and use that money to build something wonderful?


Sure would be easy to be successful and famous if I inherited 300 million


She was actually looking at his bald spot and comb over you dumb ass


That's funny because tens of thousands of people have that experience and you don't know their names. Many more people inherit a fortune and squander it than inherit 1,000,000 and grow it by two orders of magnitude


It's more like of a ' it that his real hair ' kinda look.



This milf piece of ass makes me proud my great grandfather came from there. Can i come back as an honorary citizen and tap that ass crobro?

Yes, that is the goal as a parent. To give your child a life of grandeur.

You have to have talent to become famous and smart to become successful. People piss away their life and fortunes all the time and no one will ever remember them.

Eastern European beauties really have a thing for him.

Jesus Christ, his poor neck

Just wait until sexbot technology becomes advanced enough and program your sexbot's AI to look at you like that.

by the Republican House and Senate??? CryMore Blueslide. Hey, you ever wonder if once the rope is around your neck, do you have the will to end it? Just once, try it.


Is.. is he knocking out the whole ex-Yugoslavia? Are we next?

>his father gave him nearly 20 million dollars
>enough to pay people who know what they're doing so his son doesn't end up an absolute failure.

At least he'll be remembered and talked about in the future for better or worse, unlike normal plebs who are nothing but a number and will be forgotten forever.

Look at the shitter on that critter.

Since when did Spencer "Spenny" Rice become leader of leafistan?

ya gotta knock it off with the viagra, gramps

za Trampa spremna

Much jealousy and resentment I sense in you user.

I don't see you turning your family's value up by 10 times?

"breed with me breed with me BREED WITH ME"

It will never be good enough for some. Next thing will be, "Sure he because president, but that's only because the Russians interfered with the election."

Oh wait. That already happened.

He'll rot in a jail cell for his collusion with an adversary country and be remembered as the worst president who got impeached before his first term was over

Can't wait. Blumpfkins BTFO :)


sorry bitch, our god emperor only fucks 11/10s

>that third one as a mistake

yo i heard you like em thicc

I hope you die in a terror attack, you delusional faggot.

Stay mad first aid cunt

Jesus, are you a bot? You literally repeated that guy's words. You're a parrot and I want you to remember this so you can become a better person.
Now go do something else.

who elected this frog
wtf i'm realizing the cunt is sitting at a nato summit
wake me up inside

Ayyyy mein negers

She really was. I can only imagine they had a great chemistry

Its no surp(rice) considering (((he))) is also a kike

Friend zoned if I ever saw a pic

> that kino
> that alpha leaf

> friend zoned

Nope lol


Ehem, that would be a gold platter thank you very much.

But in all seriousness. Dudes worth $3 billion.
That's prolly a 100,000% ROI over a lifetime, so you're an idiot

Haha were they even talking to each other or was she just staring at him like that?

The Bernie fans sure think so.


Isnt that the "white privilege" you niggers scream about all the time? Having decent loving parents that try to give you the world, something a nigger will never have or understand.

the loan was 1 Mil.
The inheritance MUCH MUCH later was 10 Mil.
By then, Trump had already earned his first Billion.

in 1990, his corporation was in the red to the tune of 4 BILLION in various debts and loans, and he was himself in debt by about 1 Billion.

By 1995, he turned it around and became a billionaire.

Fred Trump didn't die until 1999, and Donald only got 20 Million from that, and half of it went to taxes.

she's checking out his weave.

Now it's obvious why Sup Forumscucks like trump, they like to self-insert as him and fantasize that they are famous billionaires who bang women left and right. All of this to cope with their lackluster sexual lives

drumpf is a deistic lady beta mans ideal of an alpha

It's weird, they could get russian skanks to piss on them for a small amount of cash

Is that Macron next to her?

You're the one mad and hoping "DRUNPTFF will surely be impeached". Stupid cunts like you deserve to be executed.

>tfw Trump is married

Women like tall guys shocker.

Even tall geeks get girls.