College Professor hounded by anti white Marxists for objecting to anti-white event

College professor at liberal arts college wrote email objecting to some sort of "no whites on campus" day gets hounded and shrieked at and called to resign.

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B-but.. You told me they were the enemy..?

poor neet here. did well in college but i dropped out before uni after going to an extremely left leaning liberal "we are gay, and thats ok" school. The way a lot of people speak to each other would suggest that none of them have ever been hit, (as a kid or later on in life). cant have respect without understanding the lack of it. cant appreciate freedom without having seen true oppression...

The jew wants you to hate the jew.
Be wary, young one.

not saying physical violence is the answer. but my question is how far can one drift out of reality before needing a slap to get back to your senses. hysterical

inb4 white people go to campus in black face to avoid getting kicked out.

I have a theory that kids who never had a broken bone are a lot more likely too be pussies

I never broke a bone and I'm a giant pussy, while my autistic friend who fell off trees every day is getting mad pussy

he must be one of those jews who thinks he's white.

i tend to agree with that.
You could/should condition yourself user.
the other thing is overbearing/ protective parents... which is why self determination on an individual level is the answer

>Jewish professor supports Sup Forums's view

Lets see how you guys mentally gymnasticize this one.

i seriously cannot wait till all these liberal "students" enter the real world , they are going to get rekted by reality

Why can't it be legal to kill marxists, they are pretty much anti-american.

>thinks all jews are zionists

hes what you can call a "decent person" i know that sounds odd and it is, its quite rare for a person these days to stand up for what is right instead of what is PC, but hey there are those few out there that still try to be good examples as good people. Even if most of the world now sees them as being the love child of Satan and Hitler

Reminder that these are far left extremists, a very vocal minority. Just like you, Sup Forums.

Not ALL jews are bad.
Most are goy like us.

So youre saying that liberals in history have been the ones standing up for what is right?


>"no whites on campus" day




>Americans will defend this.
>Americans will claim their (((elite))) universities are the world's best.

>a whole college is a very vocal minority

no faggot, no.

>supporting Sup Forums's view
How exactly?

He has good reviews on rate my professor:

no im saying decent people have been

also it does not mater what you are
liberal , conservative , far left , far right, 3 toed sloth from mars etc does not mater
every group has good decent people, and its not even about what group you get placed in

it all boils down to most people are shit, and group mentality is what rules society.

good people are and have always been a minority who get pushed around and bullied by assholes

The libs are blowing their load too soon.

>Reminder that these are far left extremists, a very vocal minority
Right, just like Berkley. Police department, faculty, mayor, head of college etc... All vehemently anti-conservative, white and free speech.

How exactly do they enforce "no whites day"? What happens if you still show up?

hhahahaha finally starting to see jews getting eaten by their own monster
no way these commies accept jew as separate from white male

What fucking plane of reality am I living on where people think this is ok? People are willingly segregating themselves now?

I don't know who's jewing who anymore

u got the correlation backwards
he's got tons of male hormones u dont

>doesnt know about based Finkelstein


They culturally enrich you.

He's against discrimnation of anyone. He's crealy defending human rights here.

what the hell are we gona do about white women how is guilt so effective on them

>Lets see how you guys mentally gymnasticize this one.
Best cheistry proffesor and best proffesor, I ever had was a jew.
He always told us to study to have a good job, not to study muh feelings careers but to study good carrers and if we didn't wan't to study a carrer, we should study a profesion but to never let people to pass over us.
Study, be a good person, work hard, marry have a family. Coolest profesor I ever have, one time a friend of mine (retard) drawed a swastica on the board, he said to delet that, after that he just shaked his head and started to laugh.
He didn't married a jew but a hue hue mulato brasilian.
I think the bad ones are the ones from Israel, the ones in charge of news and the ones in power and the lefty ones.

Jews are literally a spook.

It's cultural marxists that have to go.


>Being against literal racial exclusion of whites is Sup Forums's view

Sup Forums's view would roughly be that negroes would be excluded, which I can assure you is not the opinion of mr. Weinstein

blaming society for my failures - the post

Jews won't have anyone to hide amongst once the whites are no longer allowed. How will they conduct their business when they will appear to be the only white person in the room and they frequently occupy positions of power and authority? Niggers can't tell the difference between Jews and whites.

How is this even fucking legal?

How can people be so fucking cucked?

We live in truly insane times.

Willingly segregating themselves is one thing. Forcing other people to segregate is what they are trying to do here.

>Traditionally, the annual event is characterized by people of color leaving the campus
Everyone enjoyed it too much because they finally could breathe without the smell of curry, sweat and unwashed asses so they changed the formula?

I don't know a single intelligent person that went to this school.

Another moderate professor gets redpilled. You can't reason with these people.

God why are colleges so shitty? I'm glad I never went.

Lots of local context:

They have been in a real World the last hundred years which explains the political climate that we're currently suffering through.

>Liberal arts college

This is what these pieces of shit deserve. These propagandists filled the minds of impressionable teenagers with militant social justice ideas and now they have lost control of them. They created this hostile environment and they now have to live with it.

the communist jews want you to hate jews who want the fuck out of jewery. The serpent eating its own tail the symbol of chaos.. They are being eaten by the very chaos they fascilitated.. Can't handle your own negative creation when it turns on you instead of on just those who you don't like? get on our team then. Hahaha..

The kikes' plans always backfire.
They never learn.

A day without white people would be a very unproductive day indeed

Maybe hes like me and has a distant ancestor who was a jew

>This.. so much this.. vid related.
>tl;dr if you don't know the vidya, the ai robots develop a self destructive ideology that if they kill everything all will become etheral and everything will become as gods and everything will by that assesment become a perfect harmony.. death is the only thing in the way.. another case of ouroborus.. some people see it as balance when the serpent eating its own tail represents chaos because the monsters you create come back to haunt you.

Traditionally, the annual event is characterized by people of color leaving the campus to show their contribution to the campus, while white students and faculty members are attending anti-racism workshops.

This is a legit college? It honestly looks like special ed.

>when you need to shut it down, but it's already too late

Pretty sure this shit is illegal, I'm sure a judge will take care of it...

I'm really getting sick of this shit in my state.

>when you need to shut it down, but it's already too late

I was expecting to rage, but then
>liberal arts college
and i am calm again.

Cant belive im saying this but

you degenerate cock sucker. my failures are not measured monetarily. my failures are that of my own. what i did do in this time is study and better my shitty personality. you fucking weeb

Why the hell is this behavior tolerated from college brats? Kick them all out for disrupting the academic environment for students who are paying to be there to learn and earn a useful degree.

Some Jews believe we are best goyim. Some half jude never were involved in (((that))) culture. It's always more complicated but there are exceptions. Rare exceptions.

>only a Sith believes in absolutes huehuehue

They expect one of them in the wreckage

Because it's a business and there's money to be made. Kicking out customers is bad for business.

There a good people from every race even if the majority of that race are savages.

Black people are different than niggers.
Hispanic people are different than beaners.
Indian people are different than pajeets.

Jews are not exception. Some just don't want to be jews or see the truth and refuse to cooperate with the rest of them.

>"no whites on campus" day
You are so fucked America.

Fucking this.

What the fuck I guarantee you that school is majority white if they actually do this itll be a couple of nogs and some shitskins on campus and that's it

I think we found the God Mode "You rage you lose" video. There will never be a more effective tool delivered by man to enrage the enlightened.

Don't you have to be apologizing to some Muslims Nigel

Kek they have to force the whites to attend workshops to avoid the realization that blacks don't contribute anything of worth.

>implying I'm not for racial discrimination of whites

Fuck off reddit

SHIIIIEEEEETTTTTT that is a pretty good point.

If you read the article, he supports all the rest of the social justice insanity, he just draws the line at literally kicking Whites off campus. Not that impressive really.


>SJWs think they can win against the jew
He, cute.

THIS is what people seriosly pay for and pretend to be the best education in the world?

>Would you like to hear the answer?
They are beyond repair.


> We are not speaking on terms of white privilege.


Why don't white people just go and kill themselves already?

>Police allegedly had an order to stand down and told science professor Bret Weinstein that he was unsafe on campus, after students alleged the professor made racist remarks and demanded he resign.

Ashkenazis are gonna move to Israel and Israelis are gonna move here, and brown America will then be ruled by the brown jew

i go to this school

it is 100% hilarious every single day

the school president is a hilarious 'SO SORRY' apologist and pretty much sided with the students already.

>white kids angry that he doesn't want them kicked off campus
These people need to be marked and watched, if you know someone like this and you are white, they are your mortal enemy. They will gladly offer themselves and you up to a Marxist firing squad in order to be cleansed of their white original sin.
Suicidal insanity like this has to be confronted and called out.

>all jews are evil
I don't think so goy

"maybe i misunderstand what you mean by 'targeted'"


jesus, these kids are insufferable

i dont even understand the school system anymore, they're all white skin and yet they want a none white on campus day. is it for a day off or are they really that stupid they want to kick themselves in the balls?

These "educated" faggots are going to bring us into another dark ages.

is Top Foods and the Capital Mall still there? my parents owned the dry cleaners next to the mens warehouse in that strip mall

no no no, this is what OTHER people pay for and pretend to be the best education in the world

It's a good day to smash up all the cars on campus though

out on the west coast

jews = white

and the PoC out there regard them as the same

matt groening

You mean, this braindamaged people are studying for taxpayers money?

"shrieks" ....

so ( surprice, surprise ), it's the DEGENERATED GENDER ( the #PARASITEGENDER ) again ...

whoooo would have thought .....

time to stomp down women and enslave them / make them property of men, so that society can have sense again, be ciivic, intelligent, honest and upright,

and not ...well, female