What's inside, pol?

What's inside, pol?

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Poptarts and pornography

Is the cube just used to house the original jew and spread jewery throughout the world.

Muhammad's mummy.


>What's inside, pol?

What's left of their oil reserves

that's a restroom in trump hotel


Isn't it supposed to be a hair from Muhammed or something? A nose hair from the dude who hallucinated that an angel told him he should beat his wives, then went off to kill thousands of people who didn't believe hom?

Goats and 9-year old girls.

The secret jewish control chamber sending out orders trough radio waves only muslims can recieve

Some asteroid from Mars or something


A rock (the black stone of the Kaaba). Literally an elaborate building with a rock in it. Supposedly it's the meteor placed there by Ishmael to to seal the Covenant.

The new smart!

I think its where they sit down to pee.

Gummy bears.


Magic meteor.

MFW mudslimes bow down to a rock.

>What's inside, pol?
Ariana Grande Concert

Macron booking his flight as we speak


the black stone isn't inside the structure, it's set into its corner inside a giant silver vagina so muslims can try to kiss it. this isn't even a joke, look it up.

This must be the most precious stone in the world
It would be a shame...if someone stole it and sold it on ebay


Yea or give to the One Guy One Jar dude

Idk but soon enough it'll be a nice like of glass and atomic ash on the ground
Allah willing ;)


Lets blow the damn thing up and start the final crusade. God Wills IT!

I knew it was something like that, only briefly recalled it. I only look at it as a perfect aerial target ripe for bombing (especially when the pilgrimage is going on), but apparently that makes me a bad person. I'm good with it.

The spot where muhammad prayed or some shit like that

3 pillars, a bench, some posters on the wall and a door to the staircase that goes up to the roof. I'm not even shit posting, google it. The really good stuff is on the outside in one of the corners, those be the moon rocks that are set inside of what I believe is a urinal, at least it looks like a urinal. Google it.


It was a prayer site way before Muhammad, even according to Muslims.
Repotedly it was full of pagan idols that Mo threw out.

Nice one

a bearded lady

I thought it was just a solid rock. Is there a door on it or something?


I fucking got it guys.
Its a portal.
Chosen muslims from all over the world make the pilgrimage to mecca, and If they detonateed worthy they travel through the great box to a population center and detonate. It is ultimate Jihad

A Cadbury's Creme Egg. They know when all other Creme Eggs are eaten they will have the world's most precious item.


Funny how American media says it was the other way around.

How many death threats did the cartoonist get?

Let's blow it open and find out.

>Cadbury's Creme Egg
That sounds like some nasty made up sex position from urbandicionary.com

A crafty Jew.


We don't give a fuck about religion anymore ...

all the fucktards were purged to Syria ... Islam is dying in Tunisia , and it feels good.

Has anyone wondered what would happen if someone blew it up? How muslims would react, like would islam cease to exist?

Honestly if i ever wanna kill my self in the future, i'll just blow that shit up.

Why the fuck are they worshipping a fucking cube

not baiting

There is a black rock inside set in a silver thing they try to kiss. People suppose it's a meteorite, just now covered in grime, it's holy for reasons.

Nuking it would'nt change anything. That stone has been stolen before, the cube has been destroyed several times during history. It's the area that is sacred, not the rock.

It's called the Kalabalka or someshit. Very boring.


So do they swap out the 9 year old girls every Ramadamadingdong?

a router

Cause it has the Black Stone in it.


Also, they must pray toward mecca, there logically has to be some single point inside the actual city everyone should face when praying, so the cube is good a place as any.

It'd be kinda silly to pray toward Mecca, then when inside Mecca you just pray in any crazy direction you want cause you face Mecca in every direction. That'd be bonkers. So they aim toward the Kabba, which is really just a huge mosque.


Holy shut, that's great picture it has to trigger nutters

A pig

Good for you. How it stays this way.

Young boy's buttholes. Islam allows sex with young boys. Don't believe me?, google it nigger.

That's nice.
Are the any parts of Tunisia that aren't built to cater to German 60 yos but I won't get jumped by twenty street kids asking for money for looking Western?

thats where they store the current supply of 8 year old wives

a pentium chip

1 - Provide medern Education ( physics , Math , philosophy ...)

2- provide Beer

3- Provide Modern Media




Looks like a U.S invasion is in order...can't have you too stable

A portal to Sweden.

>"jumped by twenty street kids asking for money"
Never happens in here , it's not Congo

>go to Sousse , / Hammamet : vibrant nightlife
highly secured
>nice people everywhere
>hot chicks ,( they'll never bang you unless you're muslim and you marry them , )

haigh quality / cheap hotels , good food , drinks ...

just stick to Sousse or Hammamet , stick to 4/5 Hotels only

lot of these weird cube things all over the world. this one in particular was or held some deity pagan shit. Mo the Nigger told the infidel kaffirs to worship FuckAllAh aka Allah the one 'true' god. the irony is these stupid fucking niggers are circling around it like the pagans once did.

6g wifi


it's not an apple store faggot


...And maybe MuHAMed's loli stash.

the Sup Forums hacker

Isn't that thing actually a meteorite (which is kinda cool desu)

we have no oil , lol , actually work for a living , Mostly IT Businesses , european companies all over hiring cheap labor of Engineers , web developpers ...


Thanks. I've largely ignored Tunisia as a tourist trap so far but I'm becoming interested.

Inside the dark candy coating there's a creamy nougaty center!

Only two countries worth of visiting ( beaches , sun , food , security, prices , people ..) are

don't fucking step any where else in Africa and Middle east region unless you're a brown muslim.

Zanzibar Island I hear is nice, too.

Also, why are you such a bro, Tunisia?

Cus , arabs invades us , killed our ancestors , enslaved us , they're the enemey , we now history now , Revelotion is the only way to Evolution !!

brought down tyranny now bringing down ignorance ... Peace , USA , pls don't invade us bro , oh btw , thank for the drone help to watch libyan bordrs and training our special dorces ; pic related , #hunting