Am I the only one who thinks they should be banning these "green" energy con schemes?

Am I the only one who thinks they should be banning these "green" energy con schemes?

I mean, ban solar power, wind, etc due to it being inefficient...and also ban electric cars due to them being incredibly dangerous compared to regular cars. Hybrids too.

How about banning corn gas because even 10% damages engines.

Coal and Oil seem to be the best power sources we have and will ever have. But socialists want solar energy which just doesn't work. Nuclear energy is too dangerous and it kills people (remember Fukushima?), so Drill here, Drill now.

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Literally a big oil shill, how does Gulf Arab cock taste?

How does Obama's cock taste, Commie?

WTF? Did the Japs rip this off in Berserk?!

yes all anime is gay garbage and since all chinks (including) japs lack a creative soul, or even a soul, they have to resort to ripping off superior western culture and cartoons

How about you get the fuck out of my free country right now you faggot authoritarian?

Would hate to limit innovation because the government thinks solar or wind is the way to go. And neither are close to being ready for massive energy replacement.

It's not authoritarian when what is being banned is degenerate. Socialist Ideas like "green" energy are bad for the American economy, it's workforce, and should not be tolerated.

>Using the power of the state to coerce citizens and interfere in the free market isn't authoritarian.
Yes it is, you don't belong here, try more authoritarian countries like Germany.

Fucking oil shills are pathetic. You think you get Sup Forums Eat shit oil nigger

>I only care about me and my kids
>I don't care about my grand kids.
>I don't care about my grand kid's kids.
>I don't care about my grand kid's kid's kid's.
How much further down do you need to go before you realize the actions we take today effects the world "humans" live by when we are long gone?

Nuclear is the absolute zenith of energy efficiency, and forever will be, and hybrid cars are a great innovation. Get fucked.

Honestly its not even about the gulf, its about russia and european dependence on gas

and iranian control of the straight of hormuz and bab al mandab, which is alligned with russia

Green energy is not part of the free market. The government has been manipulating the market in favor of green energy for the past decade as well as fucking with real energy production.

Solar "Freaking" Roadways
the list goes on

All government sponsored and failures. There is nothing free market about "green" energy. Just environut bullshit, and global warming alarmist crud.

Breaking free of the arab cock, bad
ok then

Except for nuclear meltdowns. Toxic waste disposal issues, the fact it costs more to produce 1kw than coal. Hell irradiating the local area and making it unusable for centuries makes me wonder why people shill for nuclear.

Dump the waste in africa

You don't realize that we have enough oil within the US borders, IN THE GROUND that could sustain current energy growth trends for 2 centuries. If we drilled here, and drilled now...we could be energy independent. But nooo, Barry had to ban drilling here, and give billions to Solar Companies only for them to declare bankruptcy and run off with our money.

Do you want super mutant niggers, because that's how you get super mutant niggers.

Whilst your post seems at least 90% right

>Coal and oil seem to be the best
The most efficient, not necessarily the best. Power is caused by heat, we heat water to create kinetic energy to create electromagnetic energy which is what we really want. Besides some extremely futuristic cold fusion ideas, there is no way to go directly from heat to electromagnetic energy.

Coal and oil produce carbon, especially with coal some of these particles contain uranium and other radioactive compounds, this is why coal dust is especially carcinogenic. You can create clean coal plants, but the coal will leak out and just like nuclear you'll have to do something with all the carbon.

Nuclear is only an option because it's "autistically" simple, as in simple if you only view the cold logic of it. We have X amounts of nuclear fuels which would last for Y years therefore we have both a goal, to replace this fuel source, and a deadline, to do it within Y years. The fact it's so mathematical would inevitably mean capitalist trolling, which only adds another problem about privatisation vs nationalisation that even an ancap might agree to nationalisation.

But yeah, solar is a cruel joke. You create more carbon emissions to create these things and they rarely last longer than a decade. Why do this?

What is wrong with carbon? It and water is the basis of all life. Carbon Dioxide feeds more CO2 means better plant growth.

Except Fukushima didn't kill anyone.

This, just eliminate subsidies. Have some regulations so that we don't breath poison, voila.

>Carbon Dioxide feeds more CO2 means better plant growth
Oh boy so you're one of those retards. Are you a fucking kid? Can you not grasp the concept of something being good AND bad depending on the context?

Hi! What's it like still living in 1974?

>ban this
>ban that
>ban the other

>Except for nuclear meltdowns. Toxic waste disposal issues, the fact it costs more to produce
Now who sounds like an environut, hippie?

>Do you want super mutant niggers, because that's how you get super mutant niggers.
AHHAHAHAHAHA never mind, had me going, 10/10.

if they use thorium for nuclear power no meltdowns but they don't use it because they cant make bombs with it

more thorium than there is uranium by far