Well she does have a point

Well she does have a point.


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I hope she runs again in 2020. She might be the final nail in the Democratic Party.

I didn't get enough, I really want to see her try again in 2020.

If nothing else, the Democrat primary would be a guaranteed shitshow.

>insults potential voters
>wonders why she lost

She's on a roll

Demographic decline will put the Democrat party in perpetual power, don't worry.

She needs to insult black voters too. that would be awesome.

True, but all the third party was going for libertarian. If they had stuck behind Trump she would have lost a few more states.

The only person who had third party voters potentially hurt their chance of winning was Trump in Utah because of McMullin. Is she serious?

I hope she can run again in 2020.

yeeyee na sheeyit ma nigger, dem crakas brat dis sheeeyit on dem sels shheeeeyiiittt niggerrrrr


She's a bitter cunt but third party idiots really are delusional. The mechanics of America's electoral system plus the massive wealth and power of the existing parties guarantee there will never, eeeeever be a major third party.

If the democratic party actually stayed where they were 8 years ago they would never lose an election again. But they just continue to move further left so everyone that was center or center left are suddenly considered far right.

When "Fuck all men and white people" is their new party slogan they just keep digging their hole deeper.

>Aw shucks, we lost. Wanna know what we should do? Scare off all the independents with threatening ultimatums, identity politics, conspiracy theories, temper tantrums, and trying and failing every available avenue to nullify the results of a legitimate election.

>yfw when she will never EVER be President

>not voting for the sensible choice

The way she continues to blame everything but herself, especially given how flawed of a candidate she was, leads me to believe she has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder. Not a surprise, I suspect a lot of people at the top do (probably Trump as well).

My Mom has been a Democrat her entire life and she voted for Trump. The Democrats are already done.

She's probably a full on sociopath.


This is quite an interesting graphic. I think it's fair to say this tracks part approval. One thing I noted is that Obama peaked before he was president (in 08). He was a massive failure in terms of what we thought we were getting and what we got. Also interesting is after 2010, the repubs stopped gaining any ground despite democrats continuing to lose. People didn't like the tactics that basically seemed obstructionist (although I blame obama for never trying to focus on commonalities rather than his on priorities)

What a delusional bitch

Possibly, but I think you are failing to appreciate that this kind of thing is much more common place for a lawyer.

Most of us here on Sup Forums would probably be accused of being sociopaths given our reaction to any given gore video. It's not that were sociopaths, it's that its familiar and we no longer act in the way that people do who are unfamiliar with it.

Niggers and spics can't even be bothered to get IDs let alone actually vote

Voting Republican or Democrat is crazy.

Republicans care only about the investor class and corporate management class.

Democrats care about race and gender identities, but disregard the white working class. No, Democrats disregard the entire working class as such, but will suck up to women and racial minorities, not as working people, but as their racial and gender identities. Oh, and "fuck white men."

No one represents people who labor for wages.

Is she talking about the ross perot voters that got her POS husband elected?

This happens every election cycle. The losers always blame third party voters.

>"If you had all just voted for me, I could've won!"

In 2012, republicans blamed libertarians and greens for helping Obama get re-elected. Now in 2016, democrats are blaming the same libertarians and greens for allowing Trump to win.

Blaming Jill Stein.

>tfw hillary

fair point