Well Sup Forums? Explain your hatred of refugees. Whites are clearly far more violent than innocent Muslims. Checkmate

Well Sup Forums? Explain your hatred of refugees. Whites are clearly far more violent than innocent Muslims. Checkmate.

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I love how USA thinks it is the only country in the world

refugees yeah. but what about terrorists

It's not what they have done this week you insufferable moron. It's the impact on wages, and the fact that none of them have any appreciation for the greek democratic theory and modern social contract.


who did white people kill this week?

Sources or gtfo

Only counting US statistics is cancer tier.

Reading comprehension must be hard for you

This is an honest question: do you think I'm serious?

I try to make my b8 threads obvious so we can have discussions over why articles like in the OP are so stupid but I can never tell if people genuinely think I'm shilling.

These incidents are what the article was quoting:

>After the latest hate crime in Portland, Oregon — in which white supremacist Jeremy Christian killedRicky Best and Taliesin Namkai-Mecheon a train after they attempted to stop him from berating two Muslim women — three people have been killed by white terrorists in the last week. The other hate crime-related murder happened at the University of Maryland, when 23-year-old Richard Collins III was stabbed to death by Sean Urbanski.

who are these white terrorists they are talking about?

Didn't refugees commit the attack in france that killed 100?

>Thank you homeland-chan

Tom Cahill is under investigation for a double homicide in 2012

>Comparing a race to a legal status.

How about white refugees vs middle eastern niggers refugees? Or white people vs shitskins


Black terrorists have killed more Americans this week than refugees have in 40 years.

>I want to include the deaths from colonial times
You sure?

Not enough, gotta get em all.
Save the white, save the planet.

White terrorists aren't the ones targeting public concerts and art museums. Y'know, REAL culture.

The funniest thing is there is no proof there were any Muslim girls (one wearing a hijab!)

the richard collins III story is the same thing.

>Police said they found a short 3 to 4 inch silver blade in Urbanski’s front right pocket.

>UMPD Chief David Mitchell said a folding knife was found at the scene and is believed to be the weapon used by Urbanski.

But nope. He liked some facebook group called "alt-reich" which was deleted really really fast. so he is guilty.

>random murders

As always, three seconds in fact checking proves this fake news.


Tsarniev brothers were refugees.

That mud who stabbed those people in Ohio was a refugee.

This is just splitting hairs. Any mud who isn't a nog descended from farm equipment or a beaner is a refugee as far as I am concerned.

They all have to go back.

But you see user, TECHNICALLY those weren't refugees from countries in Drumpf's travel ban, and TECHNICALLY the ones that were from those places never killed anyone, so basically Muslims are more peaceful than whites.

American Caliphate when?

Interesting, and for reference how many people did blacks kill in America this week?

I love black people fuck violent snow niggers

but the refugees will have "white terrorist" children

No they were terrorists and you are a bigot
Fugees Dindu nuffin

>they have to condense it to a SINGLE WEEK
it's horrifying to think there are people actually falling for this shit.

Weren't the San Bernadino mudslimes "refugees"?
Even if not, the problem isn't "refugees", it's Muslims. White Afrikaner refugees wouldn't be a problem, nor would Christians from the regions where they're being murdered by Muslims.

Technically the second article is about a Syrian refuge who stabbed people after running them over with a car. And yes, people died.
Technically Syria is on Trump's list.


I would like to see the statistic, what they classified as "terrorist attack" and "white" and multiple examples of both randomly chosen of the statistik to see if they hold up to those definition. Otherwise i call bullshit

>i was only pretending to be retarded

Refugees in America? Hardly.
Refugees in Germany? Look how that turned out.
You dumb fuck.
The majority of all crime SHOULD be done by whites in America. They're the dominant race. That's why it's so funny that minorities make up the majority of criminals.

When they lie so badly it makes their arguments instantly discarded. Even normies have stopped falling for this shit.

The headline doesn't say refugees in America it just says refugees killed Americans, therefore it's absurdly incorrect.

Board of Peace!

That is, in fact, what the premise of b8 is. Good job Hans.
I can assure you I did not change my political views from liberal kikery to natsoc over the course of 5 minutes and one thread.

This has been a good discussion with though on the lengths the media is going to misrepresent things in favor of Islamists.

Okay even we assume these people were all white.
> 3 people murder in one week is worse then Mudslimes, rapeing, murdering and bombing and beheads done in 40 fucking years include taking recent U.K. Bombing killing 20 young girls that happen 3 nights ago.
I would ask if the left has any pride, dingity or a soul for that matter but we already all know the awnser

That's a lie, refugees from Mexico and South America have killed more people than "white terrorists" ever will,

^Citation Needed (because it's bullshit)