Two American woman guilty appropriating a burrito and forced to close down their shop

Please don’t appropriate my burrito: Menon

>Two American women learned the secrets of tortillas in Mexico — and then a hard lesson.

>Kooks Burritos in Portland closed down amid accusations of cultural appropriation.

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I wonder how long it will be before whites in the US are put into concentration camps. The way things are going, I'd give it maybe 5-10 more years.

If we gave California back to Mexico...wouldn't that solve our illegal immigration problem?

Why aren't people made at Taco Bell?

Burritos aren't even from Mexico, they are Texan

So then why are beaners flipping and making our burgers?

burgers are from germany not murrica

tortillas aren't even mexican to begin with.

They are a chink creation.

How can he cook burrito?

Same with nachos and chimichangas kek

Ironically the "cultural appropriation" people are often white themselves, they've appointed themselves guardians of poor little brown third-worlders in their own minds.

I remember when copying something from a foreign culture was considered paying tribute to it, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." We celebrated how every culture had something of value to learn from.

its still cultural appropriation. Many whites in the US have german ancestry.

why don't the just claim to be transracial and identify as mexicans?

I hope this is not real

>Many whites in the US have german ancestry
I was wondering why burgers are so popular here, now it makes sense.

>How can he cook burrito?
From what I can tell, "cultural appropriation" applies only to whites. The idea's that we are plundering and looting the world of ideas.

Shhhhhhhh. Don't give them any more ideas.


because people are made of more than just rice, beans and cheese

It's okay when brown people do it

food transcends culture and language barriers
the fuck...

dont expect liberals to know things. with them its monkey see monkey do


To actually shut down just because they were called out on this, they themselves must have been SJW too

So I doubt this is 'average Joe screwed by liberal bullshit'

You have to remember that this is Portland so the two women are probably SJW tards too and didn't want to lose their street cred with the other libshits. They probably shut it down willingly once they were made aware of their horrifying transgressions.

welcome to red pill, my friend, enjoy your time in wonderland

how do they draw the distinction between arizona indians vs mexicans? aren't most beaners full amerindian blood? every mexican wants to believe they're a little bit spanish?
Or were the arizona indians a group of indians that were living somewhere else before they got btfo and had to move near mexican border?

Shut down by woman-hating misogynists no doubt.

I think they did it this way:

Indians from north of the border = American indians

Indians from south of the border = Mexican

Burgers aren't from Germany, that's a myth perpetuated by Germans to convince people their food isn't as bad as ours (it is).

The origin of hamburgers is hotly debated, and it is tied to Germany, as evidenced by its name and were probably originally made from Hamburg steaks, but all the claims of invention seem to be from America.

Also, Indians might be part of a tribe and have lived there for thousands of years, while Mexicans (or "Mexicans") have Spanish-origin names and moved there from Mexico only a few generations back.

yea but there must have been tons of mexican looking people living in the southwest states, then a border goes up. do they claim mexican heritage? been in america like 200+ years
Or would they be determiend resident aliens and forced to leave during the wars?

Holy shit. Your nation is doomed.
I can't wait until they stop appropriating American "white" culture though... How would they deal with that?

same as this

>Kooks Burritos
>sounds like gooks burritos

Am I the only one who noticed this?


no, burritos are mexican, it's fajitas that are texan

I thought of kook as in crazy person. Although G is voiced K, they're related sounds.

I bet these SJWs still eat at chipotle

There's a fucking billion of them.

Not even surprising, liberal cities are shitholes.
Burrito is 100% American though, fuck the Mexicans.

I'd love to see the post explaining to an Indian why a celebrity wearing a dress style designed centuries ago in India is harming and/or oppressing them.

no dude u dont get it they are brown :(

calling shitskins POC always makes me think of them as the pockmarks on society
But i gotta assume most of the people harassing the kook girls were mentally ill whites after the encouragment of a few angry niggreses

jesus. ignorant fucks. "What do you mean Georgian? These people dont look like they from atlanta."

A hilarious reminder that it's whites who froth at the mouth over this rubbish, not browns

i thought portland is a city full of white people, more than 70% white??

So even they're bitching about it now...

When I see Asians singing American country style music in their own languages I think it's fucking awesome. Too bad some people have a bad outlook.

The identity of modern liberals is based on being pissed off

When people started to listen to their multicultural insistences, they came up with a reason to get mad about that too

I think user was responding to my post to show that non-whites are getting on the "cultural appropriation" bandwagon, too.

Is collecting welfare appropriating white things? Because welfare sure as shit never existed in nigger or beaner land, not ever.

Taco bell is people!

>No. Just no.

Die. Just die.

>large population
>world's most populous democracy (having seen their electoral process its a wonder it even functions)
>world's 7th largest economy
>nuclear armed military
>migrants to other countries typically in high income brackets
>But oh fuck they are brown
So close to doing just fine for themselves. Oh well, I guess they'll just have to be marginalised by their lack of whiteness instead of buoyed by their own success where numerous other post-colonial states have failed.

>Iowa is all german except that one white county

Sioux county and the fucking DUTCH NIGGERS.

i often wonder what those people eat or do for fun. 95% of things are culturally appropriated.

Burritos aren't Mexican food. They were created in America. Lets just go ahead and nuke portland already. Biggest mental institution in America

Until you also have to give back Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, 3/4 of Colorado...

Two jewesses, don't leave that out you dirty kike.

wow dude. are you even allowed to type out such hate speech in your country like that? think of the poor oppressed indians you are marginilizing by acknowledging their success. dont you know you cant appreciate and compare your society or culture to theirs at all? racist....

>>>Kooks Burritos in Portland closed down amid accusations of cultural appropriation.

>This is not okay because it offends Indians
>Indian tells you it is okay, they are not offended

da democrats are da real racists.

Mexican food is good but white people make it better

No, because there will always be a buffer zone. You would just lose more territory.

While USA would be at it, could it also give back Louisiana to France? Asking for a friend.

what the fuck is this image

This is how race wars start
But then again it's not like the media hasn't been prompting races against each other for the last 2-3 years

If we took over and claimed Mexico a part of the US, wouldn't that solve our illegal immigration problem?

Fuck off faggot portland is in oregon. Can't we just give whatever flyover you're from back to France.

>t. Sudaca

>Students of history
If they were ideologically consistent they would be arguing for some kind of forced/compensated breeding program by the government of what little (((pure Aztec))) rainforestniggers to retake Mexico and Central America from the white oppressor of modern Hispanics.

Liberal herstory begins at 1860 with slavery and ends with 1960 with (((racism)))

Explaining the idea of race mixing/the one drop rule to turned castelian Spanish into modern spics with 70-99% European ancestry goes against the narrative that Hispanics are just poor downtrodden brown people the white man has opressed.

This is basically Antifa racism. Apparently only Mexicans can cook burritos, so find me a Mexican! The left should probably look in their kitchen. They'll probably find it's a Mexican working in there making tortillas anyways.

Question: Is it cultural appropriation because the OWNER is white or the employee isn't Mexican?

>Two American women learned the secrets of tortillas in Mexico — and then a hard lesson.

Lungenpresse is a joke.


Even our niggers are lighter than everyone else's.

stewart the sock

best youtuber

Hamburgers and Hotdogs are from Germany, accept it.

Also stop saying that British food was bad, it is not.

Hans is right. We need lebensraum.

I actually want to know. When you see "Georgia" is your first thought the country or the US state?

how is it a race war if its only whites who actually care for "cultural appropriation" ? no one hispanic or mexican gives a fuck about people making tortillas. there is literally nothing to it.

1. buy nixtamal
2. get water.
3. mix
4. make little balls then compress them
5. bake

enjoy your ancient tortilla recipe

Tell me more about the lung press, is it some weird torture method from medieval times?

That's true, it is in portland OR, the armpit of the west coast.

It is a race war by non whites increasing in numbers.
While whites are brainwashed by jewish media and kept in check by jew programmed cultural marxists like the people who bitch about burritos.

On the small scare it is a non issue but it is a symptom of our decay and degeneracy

It's her fault cuz of what she was wearing.

Meanwhile in the same state:

Students barricade themselves in the library because their "Day of Absence" (a day where white people aren't allowed on campus) is ignored. Anybody who has a differing opinion gets shouted/screeched over until they leave

I hope you all own a weapon of some type and are proficient with it.

I thought diversity was our strength


Is this real?
Because it's fucking retarded, it's a huge dump in freedom.
Recipes are literally public domain, nobody can claim property on them.
It's like Italy start taking down businesses because it's culture appropriation.

So when are we going to ban Mexicans from wearing clothes? Stop appropriating muh culture.

You don't really want to know what's in the other 15% of their "beef" slurry.

old as fuck, that's what it is

pizza businesses*

Honestly fuck em

They probably contributed to that toxic environment

Cultural appropriation is probably the most insane thing the left has come up with.

The crash is inevitable and I am actually looking forward to it

>space program by 2020

Stop appropriating my county, you filthy spics!

>literally muh jerbs

lol, these people have no idea how deep they are in to it

Hamburger was made by Germans in America. Maybe the meat grinding came from Germany, but what we call a hamburger is American.

If you think Germany invented sausage you are delusional.

Hamburger meat was popular in Germany, forming it into patties for sandwiches likely came from the US.

uh, their shop closed down because the food blows and their business acumen sucks. Stop believing this sneaky jew mind trick

He's viewed as a superior being by the people who shout cultural appropriation.