Dear Trump Supporters

You Lost Too

Why haven't you realized it yet?

That's right, if you win you lose

We losing tons of illegals by the minute

The US isn't canada, boong

Hillary lost- I won. Please have her run again 2020.It's almost as if humiliation is her fetish or sum thing

come on goy

We won the general election, but it's fucking disappointing that the DNC and Hillary had any power before this. Purge leftists when?



>dear democrats, you won too. It just hasn't hit yet.

>When you win the elections, you lose

Because you're the ones crying? A lot.

Please just kill yourself

this is big if true.

fyuk u jew

well they are australia's canada

*blocks your path*
*checks to see whether left is still screeching like hysterical maniacs 24/7*
*confirmed still winning*

Keep crying bitchtits

what qualifies you as a "trump supporter"? if i am not constantly crying about how bad trump is, am i a trump supporter?

>1 post by this ID


Is the file name called that on purpose?

Why don't you anti-Trump shills get a big pile of sand and a hammer......then pound all that sand up your heavy-traffic assholes? The existence of an American alpha male makes your little foreign dicks go limp, I already know that.

kill yourself shill rat