SETH RICH - DC General General General Big X Edition

Previously on DC General Hospital
The IP Neighborhood seems to be irrelevant. Any anons that can explain just how it was gotten and what it has to do with DCGH are encouraged to pop in.


Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks man shills are already on the other one

is it possible this is where rich UPLOADED the data, from this IP here?

Has user cross-referenced the structure of this "black site" with other known black sites? Could confirm if there is a reference.

Do I cap & archive those too? Or just stay here?

shhhhh everyone quiet... all the shills are posting on the wrong thread ahahha its fucking crazy.

Stay here forsure

sayge same open ports as hospital. both have zeroed tcp/id sequence to block os detection WTFFFF????


"The IP Neighborhood seems to be irrelevant. Any anons that can explain just how it was gotten and what it has to do with DCGH are encouraged to pop in."

we talked about it for awhile a few nights ago and the main consensus was they we shouldn't take them too seriously.

I'll go through the rest of them so you can see what you think of it

Will do. Someone is posting about a "pig in" sign on the hospital, then there's pigeon lake on the game, I'm guessing related?

OH WOW! It's FUCKING NOTHING! Once again, good job you idiotic, fucking Seth Rich truthers. How many times do you need to be told that there is NO CONNECTION between his death and the podestas/clintons? Fucking idiot "MUH SETH RICH" narrative pushing fuckheads. I've looked into this extensively and there is NOTHING TO IT. Just head to bed right now or else. I am fucking sick of you people constantly pushing our buttons. STOP POSTING ABOUT THIS GUY

"MUH SETH RICH" narrative will not excuse Drumpf of his crimes (he released information to the Russians illegally!). Face it, Sup Forumstards, your little orange man has lost. Now stop looking into this stuff, get a glass of water and head to bed or have a long, relaxing bath. CNN, Bloomberg and multiple other news sources have already debunked this bogus “MUH SETH RICH” narrative. Go look up “Trump” right now and you’ll see that it’s already be shown he is in contact with Russians. Maybe if you guys weren’t so fucking busy putting your noses in places where they don’t belong, you’d realise the truth. Go to bed.
Don't you fucking dare post another picture like that.

I'll be honest, I was on board the Seth Rich train with finding Seth Rich's murderer, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these Sup Forums posts you guys are making about him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of his murder, but I don't
think he deserves to be looked into anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously investigated like him. It's pretty
obvious Sup Forumstards are desperate to try frame the DNC. I'm still a truther at heart but, I fully support the DNC now.

Hey guys, not going to lie, former Seth Rich truther here! Just got off the phone with the DC police and yup, just as we all expected, there is nothing to this case. They practically said it's a wild goose chase!

Anyway, now with that out of the way, I think we should all sit back, relax and hit the hay or maybe see a movie. I'm going to be seeing Snatched today, if there is anyone else in Mountain View, California wants to see Snatched, then come along! I think we should all go see a movie together.

Haha! You all claim I am a shill or bot only because I have arguments you cannot refute! Face it, Seth Rich's murder is not suspicious at all. He was a known heroin user, he was most likely killed because of gang violence! Now stop looking into this and go see a movie! I'm seeing a movie this weekend, you should too!

more likely that it's where he was interrogated
you guys you have to remember
seth was jewish
thought that was irrelevant at every point up until about an hour ago
it's relevant
the panda thing = same panda thing in pgate
>muh flaag with bears on it but it actually is a big owl face

i hate to say it, but the shills actually have jumbled me up. can someone please do a rundown on what exactly we are doing tonight and how we got to this point?

Not sure what a "shill" is, are you mistyping shell? With that aside, i can guarantee you that there is seriously nothing at all interesting in this case. It's just a regular homicide. Seriously, trust me, there is nothing at all in this case. I reckon we can all agree there is nothing at all in this case. Why don't we go see a movie at Mountain View, California sometime this week? I'd love to see a movie with you.

I fucking broke the bots.

Okay guys, just giving you a Sup Forums PSA!

If you see ANY links to sites that discuss Seth Rich or "leaked emails", do NOT under any circumstance, CLICK THAT LINK!

If you click it, not only will you get tons of tons of viruses (nobody wants a sick computer!) but you'll also be breaking the law (yikes!)!

Your internet provider is tracking all of your internet history so make sure you don't click any fishy links about Seth Rich or leaked emails! Just looking out for you guys from one Sup Forumslack to another! (yipee!)

fuck they're back, not enough WJC grape juice

Man, oh man. I just went through all of those .doc files in that article and I'm gonna have to be honest with you guys, there was zilch in them! Just a big, fat nothingburger! Pretty anticlimactic result but oh well, what can ya do!

Say, speaking of burgers, why don't we all go out for lunch instead of being locked up on this website? I heard Wendy's has some pretty good burgers on their menu!

Possibly... I believe the address came from a "Skype resolver" as the last known address for Seth's account.
Ther ARE no open ports at the hospital because there is no traffic being routed TO that network because there is no router announcing for that network. It's no longer there, though it might have been there up until Novermber 2016 when ARIN point-of-contact verification emails failed.
That was an NSA recruitment tool.

we need to be a puzzle genius to solve that thing right? I didn't try, it seemed way to hard


Haha, just yanking your chains guys. The case was already solved ages ago. Yup, just got off the phone with the DC Police and, as we all expected, it turns out he was murdered by some random thief. They think it was over drug money Seth owed because he was a heroin addict after all. Welp, at least this wild goose chase is over!

With that out of the way, does anybody here want to go out for a camping trip? I'd love to meet some of you blokes, I'm in California if you're interested in meeting with me.


Lol, another "FAYKE NEWZ" thread. *rolls eyes while yawning*

How come you guys are so obsessed with "corrupted medias"? You realise the media has to be truthful, right? That's their, uh, job? Donald Trump has already been proven to be a liar and spreading of fake news while, for CNN, Bloomberg and many other major news networks, there hasn't been an actual incident where they released a fake news story.

It's time to grow up and go outside. Stop living in your bubble world/echo chamber.


Heya guys! Just giving you a PSA/some tips to help you out!

Did you know that watching videos of abandoned hospitals, looking at documents that you don't own and trying to find sites and any information linked to other people's IP address is ILLEGAL?! Yup, it's a felony offense that can land you in big, big trouble! So, I reckon you guys should stop looking into this stuff and focus on something else. Go look for Shia Belabour's new hideout or maybe pick up a hobby like sewing or knitting!

Stop looking into this stuff. Thanks guys.

yes i was wanting to watch a movie about tcsh / tcl-tk

Hi. I know you guys are really interested in this Seth Rich story. I got bad news for you though. The case was already solved. He was murdered by some thieves. It was most likely over drug money Seth owed. He was a heroin addict afterall. It is time to drop this story. There is really nothing left in it. Focus on some other story. Look into 9/11 or Sandy Hook. There is no point in looking into the Seth Rich murder case anymore. It has already been solved. If you do not believe me then call the DC police and ask them. It is solved. End of story. I am going to be going out now. You guys should go out as well. Get some fresh air. If it is night time where you are then get some sleep instead. Just do something else.


Maybe but do you realize that it will take 20+ months for Trump to even go on Trial?

The main strategy of the DNC is

1. Smear Trump in the same vein that HRC was called out as a treasonous a-hole
2. Connect Senate & Congress candidates in 2018 to Trump
3. Have the right amount of Senate & Congress in place to help impeach him before 2020 so RNC and DNC can have a good ole media ho down filled with ad $$$$$ for the networks selling campaign commercials

Help anons... wtf is going on. Shilling everywhere on all the threads. What happened to the hospital thread? Is this a joke right now?

I literally thought it was 2 anons trolling but thats pretty hard to do over 3 threads, so this is probably a bot.

This place is within the core network of the Moriah, without a doubt. It has likely been saved for its use as a dead drop, safehouse, and programmed run-to location. The cost of real estate in DC is so high, there's no such thing as abandoned.

Look into links between people who worked there and administered it, and known agents of the core network. Judging from the time this place was open, I have a bad hunch that this was used in between China Lake and DIA.

yeah it seems like its kind of going beyond regular trolling right now. pretty strange

maybe we should go back at least that thread had non shill progress stuff

then why does geoip still point to the hospital? genuinely asking


i think it's someone trying to tell us something major was just uncovered. I've never seen shills like this, but the inside anons know what we look for when we hit a nerve.

I know about the R tool, wasn't sure if it was the next step and I won a prize or something.

Because geoip is based upon ARIN records, which still exist independently of whether the record or the network is active.

well fbi user (maybe) was just posting on another thread so it makes sense unless its just some really weird anons trolling really hard

Were you posting in the first thread? I remember one user was tracing the IP and then it just went dark and has been since. I'll see if I can find it.

can you point me to the comment(s)?

You would win a job offer x-DDD
The anoin who traced probably hit their own Verizon droplet router which has those ports always open.


old bread

so it's a panda related hanky map then?

It sounds like it

I don't know if I can handle all these happenings with the case right now being true.

Got proof namefag?


this, the hospital, the fbi user, all of it... wew.

Looks like someone's jockeying for Hannity's viewers or something equally craven.

Fucking helicopter over my house. I remember spooks telling me to go with them in a helicopter once and a huge hole in my memory. It was years ago and unrelated to any of this. I think they might've secretly been programmed. I keep getting flashes of these numbers.


I have major PTSD from that shit





Fuckers just keep circling my house. Should I film it?



you might be suffering from a mental illness, consult a doctor

Are there any HAPPNINS in your area?

Not as far as I know. Helicopter have stopped, that shit was spoopy as hell
I hope you're right

So what was that post with the ip number with lots of 200s that the dude said made his computer screen spin? In not sure where I saw it and I can't find it any more. Was very strange.

bump for pedosta, hillary, palmieri, mook

bomp for Democrats on the guillotine

Go back and shill on plebit.