Why is no one here talking about this?

Why is no one here talking about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


A single white guy stabs 2 people and we are supposed to drop everything.

Bring up the immeasurable body count of the muslim plague and you are islamaphobic.


>Portland has crazy homeless people who scream obscenities at people on the city's filthy public transport
>homeless crazy people are apparently dangerous

This is apparently news to some people.

amen motherfucker

That's still more than the number of people refugees in the US have killed. Apparently refugees are more peaceful and civilized than whites are

Sup Forums is hypocritical as fuck. This happens every single time here.

>turns out guy is white

>1 black guy beats up white guy thread
>gofundme for the white guy

>1 white guy beats up black guy thread
>hehe le based omfg he is so strong
>yeah im not gay for this guy but id suck his dick
>beating up people isn't degenerate imo

i only respect the posters who condemn this piece of shit like the rest of them. Terrorists, Murderers etc.

Kill them all. Degenerate FILTH.

>fake news

He was mentally unstable bernout.

He killed two traitors.

A known Berniebro stabs a couple of whiteys. Nothing to see here.

3v1 you mean - and this guy being attacked by 3 males is justification to use a knife to defend your life. He'll have the charges dropped.


Considering he's insane, I'm going to call the Dems here as being bigots for trying put this off as "white terrorism"

They could be the most peaceful people in the universe, and I still dont my tax dollars paying to resettle them.


Your tax dollars unsettled them, it's only fair

Murders don't equal terrorism.

It also doesn't break down population demographics into percentages.

Using the same logic, "black terrorists" killed more than refugees.

>attacked by 3 males

Nobody was attacking him lmao, the lengths you people will go to defend white supremacist terrorism is astounding

Because getting killed by a Bernout in Clapistan is boring.

I think this proves that Portland needs more diversity. Let's increase the percentage of blacks until they're doing all the murders. That'll end white hatred for sure.

like pottery

>3 vs 1
Whiteknights: 0
Altright: 0

But by all means, punch away guys.

That week alone muslims killed 11x more people in white countries than any "right wing" entity did, most of their victims that week were white children.

The man belongs in jail. Acting as if this is on par with Islam is akin to calling minimum wage on par with 200k salary.


> turns out the guy was a commie


He got in a fight and stabbed two guys. He was outnumbered except for his knife. He wins.

And on one here is talking about it because it all seems perfectly natural to us.

This is fucking rich. Watch this story go away very quickly.

It's the ideological motivation that defines it as terrorism. This man was brainwashed into adopting an extremist ideology, and he murdered people in order to further that ideology.

That is unequivocally terrorism.

If you defend it, you are a terrorist sympathiser. Plain and simple.

>white terrorists kill more this week than refugees
>this week
>t h i s
>w e e k
Well you've really got me stumped this time rabbi Goldstein.


>More than the number of people Muslims...oh wait

>More than the number of people Arabs...oh wait

>More than the number of people immigrants...oh wait

>More than the number of people...uh...refugees! Yeah, that's right, refugees!

(let's ignore 2nd generation "refugees" *cough*Tsarnaev*cough* of course)

90% of US/pol/ were Bernie supporters before they bought the Trump meme lmao

every Klompf Tard is a commie and so are NatSocs

A terrible incident. All Muslims should go to the Ummah where they can be safe.

More like Ron Paul libertarians, from what I remember

Real try-hard posting today, Kiwi.


>Occupy Demotards

Known for their incredibly accurate meymeys. The day of the rope is inevitable.

>Portland has crazy homeless people who scream obscenities at people on the city's filthy public transport
The trams and trains were well maintained when I was there. Busses were like busses in any other city.

Social media was a mistake.

>Non-European kills European in Europe
>European kills Non-European in Europe
1. It's not the same, the Non-European shouldn't be in Europe in the first place. He/she is taking part in a genocide, and is by being here a criminal of the worst sort.
2. There is no need to talk about white crime, because MSM is quick to cover it. For months, and they are especially fond of talking about the victims if they are not white/European.

Because he only stabbed two Portland brainwashed faggots?

He'd have to stab the muslims to get hero status.

>It's the ideological motivation that defines it as terrorism. This man was brainwashed into adopting an extremist ideology, and he murdered people in order to further that ideology.

So, left wing social liberalism is terrorism? Because that's what he was.

In reality, he was insane, and people shouldn't have confronted him.

lmao this is fucking great

what is wrong with people nowadays

You should go out right now and set the example for the UK then, right?


doesn't matter. the propaganda has already been spread. people will consider him being a white supremacist as fact

>i only respect the posters who condemn this piece of shit like the rest of them. Terrorists, Murderers etc.

He was insane. No premeditation.

It's like blaming a dog for murder.

I look him up earlier today and found some arrests in 2013 but they were all USM hold, except for this one had some stuff.

the mugshot you see in the news today is what he look like after the arrest. As far as I can tell it is brand new. So where is his hair in the April video? Is he hiding it in a different timeline?

Kill yourself

because there's nothing to talk about

the libshits are trying to paint him as some kind of monster by pointing out that he was "harassing two muslims" but that harassment part isn't relevant, it's that those two other guys approached him aggressively, he felt threatened, and he retaliated. It doesn't matter if you're bullying someone, if someone approaches you to try and force you to stop bullying, they're putting themselves at risk and into a conflict they didn't have any business being in.

>Berlin Wall



new mugshot. His hair reappears from the alternate timeline

>The U.S. is responsible for between 1 and 1.8 million deaths during the war between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan, by luring the Soviet Union into invading that nation.

It's probably an edit.

Because we've already deduced he's an insane Bernie supporter who's been warped and twisted to suit the lefts agenda despite the atrocity he's commited. What's so hard to undsrstand?

Are you stupid on purpose?
You're essentially saying that it's perfectly fine to harass anyone, and anyone that tries to intervene is 'getting in the way' of you harassing the person, and unwarranted.

There's a reason faggots like you sit on your own on your lunchbreaks at work/school.


it's so true. It's so crazy to me when I hear americans talking about terrorism and "we din du nuffin"

America has been decimating the middle east for 20 years now it's amazing that the middle east isnt much angrier. Thankfully there is an ocean inbeteen & they are largely too poor to fly here

>implying you didn't supply the Mujahideen with weapons

Mentally unstable bernie supporter goes off on a muslim in public.

2 Men try to stop mentally unstable man from ranting get stabbed and killed in the process.

Also how dare you use these deaths for your political means.

Because it makes Sup Forums look bad. The guy believed what a lot of Sup Forums also likes to post. Turns out he's a retarded asshole. Oops. Better ignore it!

Another democrat kills people.
>same shit different day

This is basically the result of US/UK intervention in Libya and Afghanistan.

bless that man. hundreds of years ago he would be regarded as a savior and a warrior. fuck islam and fuck the pussies of the modern age. deus vult.

Way to /thread yourself you fucking newfag


so I see no one wants to discuss the hair. How about the geodomes?

>White guy appropriating Muslim culture

But he's a commie bernout. So no, he doesn't believe what the majority of Sup Forums likes to post.

Why are whites the only ones who are compelled to abide by universal standards?

The race war is already here and whites are the only noncombatants. America belongs to the group that is willing to fight for it, and the only kind of fighting shitskins understand doesn't involve words. The time for arguments has passed.

White people commit less violent crime on average, and much of the violence in the world is because of, or in reaction to, Islam.

That man was obviously mentally ill and defending himself. I guess you don't think retarded people deserve to defend themselves when outnumbered by Muslim men, who commit a pretty sizable amount of worldwide terror attacks.

t. English teacher who abandoned his home country to chase nips

It's pretty great. Guy looks kind fucked up though, like half of his face is wrong.

This. Acting like an uncivilised caveman is never ok and should never be tolerated regardless of race.

>Commie Bernie supporter who also happens to be a BLM supporter
>Mentally unstable, as if though the above statement doesn't already make this redundant
>Kills two people while harassing shitskins

>implying the Chinese and Soviets didn't supply the Koreans and Vietnamese with weapons
I guess we are no longer responsible for any of the death in those wars. I can play this game too.

sure thing, sheepfucker

He was a Berniebro

There's not fatties and mudslimes here, its great desu senpai.


he may have had it tied back in a ponytail, who knows.

how do you not understand?

If I see some fat muslim retard and I say "hey you fat muslim retard, go back to Afghanistan you stinky fucker" and then some guy walks up flexing on me, he has a knife out, and says "you stop insulting that fat muslim right now or im going to hurt you!" that guy is asking to get beat/killed by me for that.

Yea you can intervene if it's verbal and peaceful, you can say "hey dude knock that shit off" but if you walk up on someone acting hostile like you're going to physically attack them (as is what happened in this case) then you're risking your life in the process.

Leftists tried to silence his free speech. They got what they deserve

He was a Bernout who joined the Trump train and became "redpilled". He was one of you

Tallesin Myrddin Namkal Meche?

The MSM are trying really really hard to paint this man as a Trump supporter instead of the Bernout he really was.

His pro-Bernie stance will never see the light of day.

He didn't vote for Trump, he even admitted it on his Facebook page.

We'll if that's the case why are you shirting on what pol has to say? Don't we all basically want the same thing. Although I agree the guy in question chimping out was nigger tier.

I'm sure they feel the same way when they enslave you. All the good Germans died in ww2.


yea his real name is Matt Adams. I'm not even sure that his real mom. That some crazy cult lady

Look at this video he was so welcomed by that group of trump supporters.

That slur should be preserved for us Welsh fags

whites are the real victims of White supremacy

He was shouting racially charged slurs and stabbed 3 people, 2 to death, and was trying to get suicide by cop.

Sounds like /pol without their meds

Derp here is the video youtube.com/watch?v=JZL5-_y9jIY

Parents were hippies. His sister also has a far-out name.

I don't support retards who chimp out. I'm no fan of immigrants but you don't get to assault people like that. Besides, he killed two decent dudes. Not acceptable, fuck that guy.

He faked being a Trump supporter right before he false flagged. He was a died in the wool leftist.

Because it's fake news.

He was a Bernie Bro who stabbed two hippies over an argument about taxation.

He wasn't a small guy either.

Which makes it even more hilarious that people thought about confronting him.

Or a recent red pill taker who was forced outside while in early stages

I do condemn the guy.

He was a communist.

Communists should be shot.