400 Pound hacker challenges FBI to confirm the authenticity of new Seth Rich Document. Happening!

400 Pound hacker challenges FBI to confirm the authenticity of new Seth Rich Document. Happening!

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Looks fake to me but I don't know enough about FBI docs to say one way or another. If true, holy shit they're done and my Sunday will be spent shit posting.

bump for pandas and seth rich

lol just look at that, it's an artificially jumbled word document typed in Courier New

kimpossible is really pathetic

I wondered why I couldn't find a thread about this when I woke up. Seems like more people would be talking about it.

fake as fuck. I mean they put it in a typewriter font for fucks sake.

Why is Wikileaks not capitalized on that document? You'd think the FBI would have some standards.

Kim Dotcom confirmed fat fuck.

because people still use typewriters


Most released fbi memos are in that font

Do they also wipe with their hands or is that an isolated event occuring in your family?

Need to see more of the document, it could be a random memo written about the stuff that was spreading as theories around Seth Rich right as he was murdered. Perhaps some FBI agent that wrote it down and presented it to the murder investigation as things to look into, we can't tell from a 90% blacked out doc.

Could be huge bjt could also be nothing.

Self bump

no one knows what the fuck is going on
Ive been following these threads for a couple of days now, hadnt really paid attention earlier, still no clue as to whats happening

In fact many intelligence agencies around the world still use typewriters or similar mechanisms to write up classified documents.

Although in the case of OP's image and the document in question, the name would have almost certainly been redacted completely.

Assange is quiet..

A quick google check shows that most modern FBI memos are in times new roman. Not only that, but the rest of the formatting is suspicious as fuck.

That document has already been proven fake. Stop this shit. You look like lunatics

el bumpo


I've been out of the loop for a bit, when/how the fuck did kim get involved?

the original document is from Petraeus FBI memo.

Also the SCRDC-408 has been badly cut and placed togeather - it is not in line

someone is trolling Joe biggs again, the doc is too suspect. they really just decided to block out two letters of a name while redacting lul

Media is desperately trying to refute the growing Seth rich story. Joe Biggs just dumped FBI documents that tie his computer, the dnc, and Wikileaks all together and now Kim is Adkin the FBI to confirm or deny. We have finally found the ace that can bring down our corrupt government and it's because of Seth rich.

he's an attention whore that has absolutely nothing on anything
he posts cryptic tweets and then proceeds to do nothing at all


>troll gives idiot a fake memo
>user idiots eat the shit up with a shovel
>they go batshit over this fake bullshit to the point they look for any reason to "prove" its not fake
>despite looking completely fucking retarded, spread the tardvirus to leddit trash
>entire Seth Rich narrative derailed and made a mockery of by one bored faggot with ms paint

Its fun to watch you crash and burn your own shit in pursuit of memes

This is a good point, definitely seems like someone easily could have fabricated it from the Petraeus docs

Sup Forums here
OCR is a thing they try to counter. It makes perfect sense.

Ctrl+F "Seth Rich"
0 entries found



>Its fun to watch you crash and burn your own shit in pursuit of memes


learn to greentext faggit


Only a fucking retard would believe this

Based Finland saves the world once again


obviously that's a scan of a file that's been printed out. Is it the same when it's in pdf format?

Isn't this the guy that misled Hannity and is probably the cause for his inevitable firing?

no, that would be brock from media "matters"

>Two voices will cry out in a silence all will hear

Yes Deffinitely


?? Most FBI memos are on papyrus written in Sütterlin script, fucktard.

That fat fuck should end himself.
We're glad they've thrown him out of CCC.
He's nothing more than a false flag larping shill.
He is a 4Giga tons fat bomb who fucks asians.
I hope one day his fat ass refuses to work and explodes and blows his fat butter ass head into the sun.

This guy is 100% a sadistic pedophile


debunked bullshit

It's nothing substantial. Just go back to sleep.

How many people do you have to kill and eat to get some internet over there?

The debunk was debunked a long time ago


appears to be bullshit to discredit investigation

>makes one think
the public is totally not getting close to the lynch pin(s)

probably best grab some shuteye lads


Tbh thats also a font you'd see from a lot of older printers, or ones printing out text, not an image
It isn't to weird for that type of printing to still be in use
I mean look at receipts

real assassins do not scuffle with the target and then leave them alive after shooting twice. people like the DNC wouldnt use small time fuckos either, they know how to kill someone clean and make it look like suicide.

dont just see what you wish was true, use your fucking heads

It's so easy to trick Sup Forums. The board is full of sub 90-IQ retards.

Possible psyop fake doc to poison the well

You forgot the words "suburban" and "rural"

give me the hooktube link faggot




fuck off shill, noone's falling for your shit anymore

>a literal 400 pound hacker


Just fucking spit the info..... Stop being a goofy retard... or just go away.

Thank You

This document is too fake looking to be real. My guess it's Shareblue/DNC fabrication to lead people into the wrong direction.

Everything is redacted except for the actually relevant data like 'Wikileaks' and 'Set..ich'. That's just stupid. If anything they'd redact it the other way round.