Brit/pol/ - Muh Pensioners Edition

>BA flights cancelled due to IT crash - now flying again

>UK terror threat level reduced to severe

>More than half of voters do not know who Tim Farron is

>Katie Hopkins to leave LBC immediately after "Final Solution" tweet

>Corbyn gets NEILED

>Corbyn Speech: UK foreign policy boosted terrorism and "Austerity has to stop at the A&E ward and at the police station door"

>RAF write "Love from Manchester" on ordinance

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

>making the thread this early

mummy is most beautiful

According to the ONS white British births are 62% of total, white total is 72%. They have caveated that as "births where the ethnicity has been reported". I don't believe those stats either, IMO ethnic minority births are being underreported, especially black births.

Otherwise we get a tripfag with a shitty OP that gets deleted.


Only you are autistic enough to care about that, you faggot.

Yeah thread splitting is fine.

When the beautiful Theresa May wins the election

Okay so you won't mind if a tripfag makes early threads then to beat you to it and prevent thread-splitting.

We want Corbyn!

Tripfags cause thread splitting, last thread someone said they were making one and some cunt tripfag comes along 5 minutes later making a thread that ends up getting deleted because it had teenage girls dancing as the OP.

what are you, gay?

Back from Mass lads, having a quick glance over the Sunday papers before I go fishing for the day.
Hope you all are safe and well.

I side with tripfags over cunts who make early threads.

Miliband in drag on BBC1 again


And now I've seen enough.

>gender fluid

Triplords have proven time and time again that they're the superior thread craftsmen.

"We have to counter the Islamist narrative"

Sick of this phrase


The tripfags from 3/4 years ago maybe.

Reminder that gubment wants police officers to be required to have a degree to get the job so that the force becomes filled with SJW cunts who will protect the SJW elites and stamp on the non-SJW working class.

Had an argument with a single mother the other day about voting. Of course she was Labour. She started touting out policies which Labour hadn't even proposed but one thing which really threw me off was when she quite proudly and confidently exclaimed old people shouldn't vote because 1) They're stupid and 2) They don't have to live in the world they voted for...

Now I don't particularly see eye to eye with the baby booming generation but the fact someone so utterly stupid and ill informed on politics and policy while being completely self centered in her approach to voting, so confidently stands by depriving certain individuals the right to vote.... I do try to like our society.

Police should be 75% ex-military.

There's always been notes like this left in the treasury when one party is departing and another arriving, only David Cameron was autistic enough to decide to capitalise on it politically

First of all should've told her she's going to get fucked by Labour anyway if she relies on any benefits.

Second of all that's exactly what leddit were saying, yet when that poll bounce came they were all like "you don't mess with pensioners hehe."

Saying people who have paid into the system and have lived a long life and most likely have children / grandchildren of their own should not be allowed to vote is beyond stupid.

Can we say that people whose grandparents were not born here should not be able to vote because they haven't invested as much? It's the same exact argument.

nth for Scottish Labia


That annoys me the most of all. He can only be one person at a time and he's still got bollocks.

Yeah the Nursing requiring a degree paid off really well as well. So many cunt pretentious Nurses who don't think they have to do the job they're supposed to do and a shallow pool of British nurses to choose from while hardworking healthcare assistants who are tied to responsibilities outside of work so can't go to university unpaid for 3 years are now deprived the ability to improve their own lives and serve the countries NHS better.

Pretty sure the Tories did the exact same thing when Wilson won in '64

On the big questions today Nicky Campbell said "paki (1 second pause) stani" hope someone has that on twitter.

I'd take a much lower percent, and only officers or men who achieved a certain rank.

With pay incentives, so if you're ex military, you're getting maybe 5k+ extra and automatic promotion

How much you want to bet none of the other letters were snarky bullshit comments about there not being any money left?

What happened to those mudslimes who were doign the 'take back paki' movement thing?

Did they give up when they realised there's no saving that word, and its never going to be 'their nigger'

I know who I'm voting for

No idea never heard of it, Paki is different because even Indians and Bangladeshis use it.

YKTD and rightly so at least format it correctly, unlike you copy paste anonymongs

This mystery format no one gives a toss about but you, take your meds.

>Dr. Who

neck yourself


Smash that muhfucking RT button

Why the fuck should under 21's get housing benefit? They should live with their parents.

>implying Doctor Who wasn't an important part of British culture up until it got Americanized for your cringey tumblr fags and got riddled with marxism and shitty writing
it's your fault it's shit now, neck yourself

Mark my words, PM Corbyn



>FBI 'warned MI5 in January that the Manchester bomber was planning an attack on Britain'

Start buying guns.

If you Google for first cousin marriages or birth defects amongst Pakistanis in the UK you'll find plenty more results.

Being on Brit/pol is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. You ignore the anime posters as they are underage. You waltz past the mummy may posters as they have mental problems. You side-step the tripfags to pick a worthwhile post. You admire the beauty from afar, and gently begin a dicourse and fire away. Then you come down on her hard, pin her down, walk all over her, and then pull-out hard leaving her breathless and begging for more.


>No sources sited

I want to believe, but you need to give me evidence.

>not moving out when you're 18
>not being kicked out by your parents anyway

Just because you're stuck at home till you're 40 mate doesn't mean we all are

IMO Parents should kick kids out at 18, but be supporting them financially. This eleviates the burden a bit.

>No sources
I'll make better pictures, but see

You guys watch Douglas Murray on Sunday Politics? The host had no counter points to literally anything he said. Which is almost sad because it means that there's a general recognition from virtually everyone that the country has fucked up massively in the last couple decades in regards to immigration and Islam. It can't really be undone.

Where did I say anything about working people? People who need housing benefit under 21 should live with their parents, we can't afford to fund all of this garbage when people are in their 30s unable to move out.

Want to do it? Pay for it yourself don't rely on the state.

>literally buying votes

The last thing we need is more unemployable mongs with useless degrees.

>even with the most generous manifesto for decades the Tories will still get 46%+

Can't wait for the butthurt.

I can't wait for the internet and social care to be destroyed either. Thanks mummy.

At least around me there are plenty of BLACKED single mothers under 21
>tfw these women are called brave
>tfw I have no feels

I'm actually a little surprised at how much attention this terrorist incident got.
To me it just felt like "bleh"

Douglas Murray has been terrific on terrorism lately, much better than drug-obsessed Hitchens, who has said nothing remotely interesting on Islam or migration for years

I'm looking forward to reading Murray's new book when it comes out here




Douglas Murray talks more sense on this subject than anyone in the media

>tfw gender dysphoric closet tranny

>tfw its shit like this that makes we want to stay in the closet forever.

I am mentally ill, I have a problem, it is not 'diversity' to be celebrated, it is a personal problem to be dealt with in private without forcing my issues on the world. Some like me transition, the reason for this is that they have a currently incurable mental disorder that is managed through hormone and surgical treatment...gender fluid is just made up special snowflake bullshi

There are two genders. Two, you can be one or the other.

Should I apply to be a traffic warden?

>normies hate me
>like usual
>I absolutely destroy normies and make them mad as fuck
>get to ride my motorcycle and walk around all day by myself
>I work best independently on my own like a true autist
>little motional empathy or understanding, no sympathy, I don't care why you stopped, if its illegal I will fine you
>its quite well paid
>if someone gets angry and abusive at me I just keep a stony straight face and wait for them to stop

Only thing that might be hard is patrolling on foot in the winter months.

That implies it's a bad thing overall, don't you realise this is cultural enrichment?


Not my fault you're a retarded newfag anonymong

Happy Ramadan!

No we dont.

Used to work for a council dealing with parking fines. Answered calls mainly but also sometimes replied to appeal letters. Was a pretty enjoyable job. I actually enjoyed people screaming at me on the phone because I knew they were fucked and would have to pay and I could tell them that.


when did she get THICC?

>tripfag calling others retarded–Kruger_effect

>implying Labour would do any different
>implying this isn't to improve social care

You haven't understood what they are going to do at all.

You're not mentally ill, there is nothing that annoys me more than trannies getting expensive treatment and medication on the NHS because of a lifestyle choice, sort yourself out mate.

>Germany invades Poland in 1939
>UK: This is an outrage, we declare war!

>USSR invades Poland in 1939
>UK: ...

What was the difference?

Have you tried lifting for that masculine feeling?


Just because I don't choose to believe that my views are so important that everyone in the thread should know that I am the one posting them does not mean I have not been on Sup Forums for a decade +.


Bombing Germans is more satisfying

Gyms Suck. So Cheat…..

The utter state of anonymongs, I bet you vote as well.

Both PCSOs look like downies and the policeman looks like he has FAS.

>Have a chuckle
>Search for article to find real title
>Title wasn't edited


What should I write my PhD on lads

I have been browsing here for the past few days after a friend recommended I go here "for a laugh".

I have a few questions:

1) Do you all actually, unironically believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Britain?

2) If so, how do you reconcile that with the fact that Jews were one of the groups that voted most to leave in the EU referendum?

3) Why do you care so much about Britain being white? If you don't want to have kids with a black woman then don't, it's not like it affects you if you don't want it to.

Is your MP based lads?

Mine is.



It's covered in the secret protocol.



g-good afternoon anonsenpais...

>Wiggin, Bill

my nigga

>3) Why do you care so much about Britain being white? If you don't want to have kids with a black woman then don't, it's not like it affects you if you don't want it to.
is this bait or are you actually this stupid?