Sup Forums approves of this

>Sup Forums approves of this

looks like efficient stacking of kikes to me

shame it's an edited photo

I don't approve of your whining.

inb4 Sup Forums claims that holocaust was the greatest thing that ever happened while simultaneously claiming that the holocaust never happened

It's not about what happened.

It's about the message.

The holocaust never happened, but it should have.

It doesn't actually

you can't approve of something that didn't happen

Hahaha everybody knows Hitler flew in a submarine and used a double so people would think he killed himself.

Bullshit. Nazifags on Sup Forums are in fact lib shills larping to make it look like being right-wing or calling jews out on shit they're doing automatically means being a murderous barbarian. Sup Forums in general hates jews, but does not advocate murder. Muslims do.

Post the non edited photo

I advocate murder of insects.

I do too advocate the murder of some insects. Like mosquitoes. But I don't advocate murder of jews, because they're shitty humans, not insects.

Look at all these poor jewish bolcheviks...they cant open borders and let rapist into your country.So sad !

too bad it didn't happen

Is that so ? These nice people advocating right now the flooding of Poland.If that happens polish girls will die.Poles have already died in terror attacks because these people opened the borders of Europe.Forgot Berlin ? So and now explain me again.Is it either them or is it little polish girls ?

That's why reasonable, right wing people advocate keeping them out of our civilized societies ans letting them rot in their own shitholes. No need to commit genocide to keep your country safe and glorious. Bolan is the proof of that.

You may not understand this, because your nation is known for doing everything wrong. But we figured out the right way to manage the issues of culture preservation and homogenousness long time ago.

Prisoners often didn't receive enough food in wartime when supply lines were bombed.
Hmm, strange one I admit.

i have nothing against hollywood photoshoots

Nobody should approve of this badly made forgery.


based skelly jews here to help do your accounting

No, nobody likes Typhus epidemics or starvation caused by Allied bombing.

look at the arm blending with the back for the dude standing. gee that doesnt look fake at all

Kosher whine rack

Why does that one guy have a muzzie hat?

Typhis filled jews on shelfs?