FBI user just made a Twitter Account

What does this mean


>a larping attention whore just made a twitter account


Can some post transcript of tweets?


Twitter will ban the account. Fucking Jews


Just go to his twitter yourself...he only has 18 tweets

whats his twitter handle?

Bumping for value

I don't know....I cant read or write

I'm optimistic I suppose...but I find it highly unrealistic that an FBI agent could go rogue and start leaking documents...via Twitter.

There is no reason the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet should not be able to find one of their own agents if he was tweeting out confidential documents from a Twitter account he created.

FUCK... what do we do?


i find this hard to believe
everyone should be skeptical
>why publish a fake fbi doc?
>further ((attempt)) to discredit a narrative

if your on the left trying to stop seth rich narravite,
circulate a false doc, let the truth seekers latch on to it.
it perpetuates the notion that the private individuals
and not credible and pursuing a conspiracy theory

It wasnt a fake. Wikileaks is compromised. Hillary had Seth killed.

It means those who want to preserve western democracy, America's place in the world, and the european union are close to snaring the traitors in the white house and the fake russian disinfo agent FBIAnon now feels the need to take their disinfo to twitter.

This. They did the same thing with pedogate. They took all the theories and circumstantial evidence and latched it all on to one pizza shop, then "disproved" that kids were getting tortured daily in the refrigerator, which nobody ever thought was actually the case. This was an effective propaganda tool to stop people from seeing he bigger picture.

We don't know if this doc is real or fake yet so tread lightly

>What does this mean
That he's attention whore.

Graduated from LARPing on Sup Forums to LARPing on Twitter.

Fucking bump. FBI user you are a true patriot.

Where is this thread?

Yeah, leaking top secret government secrets on (((twitter))) is surely something a blabbing FBI agent would do.

Is this the same FBIanon who reassured us that Comey was a good guy?

I don't know. While the FBI doc seems suspicious there are a LOT of shills calling it fake. I'm inclined to believe this may be legit

Wikileaks said it's fake.

Can we get any investigative anons to give us anything solid on this Taylor or nay?

And give his info out, like how they outed people at the behest of (((((KURT EICHENWALD)))))))

he just posted this

And wikileaks could be compromised. No julian assange for 6 months then all of a sudden he pops up out of nowhere? Get real


fuck off shill

Thats....that's a somethin

>FBI would only block out the H and R of Seth Rich.

We need to find an independent special prosecutor to investigate, that is not tainted by politics. A literal unicorn.

This doesn't prove anything. At best it means he knows how photoshop works.

and whats the point of redacting only two letters in a name in a fbi document, thats some pretty effective redacting right there

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