Germany is the shittiest country

Wtf is your problem Germany? This cunt throws wanton threats at Britain, Poland, and Hungary because their leaders aren't progressive faggots, and now does this shit? And you fucking retards are going to elect her for a FOURTH term? Fuck I hate Germany

It's weird that Germany is so tolerant of non-white cultures, and actively seeks them as allies, but is so intolerant of white cultures. It's like they have self-destruction wired into their DNA. Germany is the biggest threat to Europe by far, and has been for the past 120 years.

But she is right.

I did not vote for that hag.
I've been voting AfD for years.


socialist lunatics and their kike overlords in control of the wheel of a nation

such are results

you got em too murka

Merkel the lunatic

oh and fuck goymoney

I'm going to knife the next german cocksucker I run into

Don't talk shit about dad merkel! Just take the divorce like an adult and realize you're getting nothing out of it. Fucking gold digger.

Germany is fucking gone, m8. It's been gone.

Hoope that muslim nigger lovin really pays off.

German men are little effiminate weirdos anyway, which is fine because it matches the malnourished, weak refugees.

Lol u mad

and you cant do anything because Germany has the best economy system and educational system in the world.

And nothing of value will be lost, these fuckers ruined the Europe for their entire history.
Don't you have your wife's bull to prep, Hans?

Fuck off. Go sit in your cuck tent hans

Point taken. I should have said "historically-white" cultures, or perhaps cultures "built by white people."

But my point stands. Germany shows such utter and open contempt for these cultures. But meanwhile they are willing to makes all kinds of excuses as to why non-whites are constantly chimping out.

it's true. only sand niggers are to be trusted


When we inevitably march on Berlin for the second time, please no conquerino and leave us to our own devices after we're done, okay?


third time*

it's like these people need to be killed for their stupidity

Asspained Achmed detected

>best educational system

you will go to jail for homeschooling and your kids will be taken away from you

The United States is the most powerful nation many times over. Germany has fucking destroyed Europe many times over in the past and continues to do so today with their progressive sympathy towards turd-world degenerates. I hope Germany loses so hard against the United States, that Germans will gas themselves because they realized they are indeed, scum of the earth.

Fuck Germany, and fuck Merkel

What the fuck is your problem, american?
>EU depends of USA: bad idea
>EU not depends of USA: bad idea

>said Germany for the 3rd time this century.

Ya, this always ends well for you.



>best economy

No. Also, give it a few years, when the full economic effect of all the rapefugees sinks your economy


>you will go to jail for homeschooling and your kids will be taken away from you
what is wrong with that?

Americans and Brits are so delusional and insane, I think it has something to do with their food.
>call other nations cucked
>cucked beyond space and time themselves
>actually the reason for all the cuckoldry in the west
>producer of every single kind of filth culture existing
>good goys for centuries

Honestly you are like animals for me. But the funny kind of animal, like a little dog with a hat.

You're so fucking stupid that it hurts. NEVER breed.

Eh, we skipped the first round and you never reached Berlin in the second. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, all I want is to live my life in peace without the German menace.

>G*rmans setting up for a third dicking

And how precisely is opening your borders to millions of third-world scum NOT cucked? You are sowing the seeds of your own destruction. Demographic replacement is a mathematical certainty for Germany. But your hubris and guilt blinds you to this reality.

when Merkel commands, you obey. It is the natural order.

>eu depends of usa
Learn to speak English before you post on an English speaking board, you fucking nigger

>implying you won't be better off once the hordes of migrants copulate and take over Germany

prepare your end, you can life your peace in heaven after we bombed warsaw back into the stoneage the second time.

>best economy system and educational system in the world
> Need 3 year job training to flip burgers in mcdonalds, empty trash bins or be a fucking postman
> Importing millions of people who will never achieve more than hartz 4

This place is beyond ridiculous.

Keep posting while you still can. Amazing you can't see the writing on the wall. Its practically glowing at this point.


Its easy. If you need a shitload of money from german tax payers to make sure your country does not look like detroit you better do as the alpha-country says.

kys yourself to death amariclap

You do realize that our air defence system is going to cover most of your airspace once it becomes operational, right?

Fuck me, at this point I'm really all like "let's get this over with and move on". Fucking krauts.

>And how precisely is opening your borders to millions of third-world scum NOT cucked?
says the one who life in the country with the most illegal immigrants on earth.

Your country is a sinking ship, and your bastard leader is trying to drag others down with it.

How many niggers rape and kill whites? Hiw many niggers sell drugs and neet foodstamps to feed their crackbabies? Bit yeah...please tell me how fucked up europe is. Inb4 you will be there soon.

>Trump shows up

>Literally gibs shekelz plox

Is the joke that we're clapping as you all commit suicide?

I never said that mass emigration isnt cucked; I actively oppose leftist and liberalist politics for over 15 years now. I know that this gov is (((cucked))). Do you realize that your once proud nation is a pile of garbage today though? And dont fucking start talking about this MAGA zionist shitfest, the meme is over, Trump is over, you have been fucked by AIPAC big time. And Brits? Holy shit dont make me start talking about how Brits are cucked by Pakis, just fucking google London night life and you want to kill yourself.

We know you plans, Hans. Jihad is commanded in your holy book

Yes, but you miss one important distinction: America was the first country to try the multi-cultural experiment.

And after seeing this multicultural experiment fail in America, Germany decided to try it for themselves. After seeing all the damage it has done to America, Germany still thought that it was a good idea. They refused to learn from our mistake.

We may have been naive, but Germany is just plain stupid.

The English translation is misleading. The way she phrased it in German, it doesn't sound absolute. She said something like "we can't rely completely on ..." instead of just "we can't rely on ...", and then she additionally didn't say that things have changed, she said something like "it's changing a bit".

are you realy that unsecure that you post your fucking hand on pol to show me that you are white?

no your to jumpy and your goal is to cuck Europe so you can profit from it. We are not your future battlefield and we are not your market dump for shit products. GTFO my continent!

>Wtf is your problem Germany?
I dunno, could be the fact that the eternal anglos were compliant in and the main reason Germany had half it's population wiped out, almost all of their historical buildings raised to the ground, their government, military, and economy torn asunder, the vast majority of their women raped, their entire ethnic identity torn to shreds, and their people turned into disgusting mudbloods. Twice

was for you

Ey, would you rather spend 20 years in school, college etc. while gaining the the minimum knowledge possible and flip burgers or do you want to flip burgers earlier with 10 times the knowledge?


Fuck off Anglo and get off that proxy

>your child does not belong to you, peasant. They will be taught the approved curriculum and use only the approved references.
yup, nothing wrong with that.

>not destroying Europe

Please burgers, bomb germany

So can i stop giving you my money if you dont like me?

That's too bad. An independent europe would benefit everyone.

Trump is an unstable asshole, anyone that still stands behind him is legitimately in double digit IQ

Still better than being 100% cucked like your "country"

>And after seeing this multicultural experiment fail in America
where did it fail? you are the most succesfull and powerfull nation on earth.

shes a reverse adolf kek

We will better off you out of Europe not fucking around our borders for you own gain.

GTFO my Kontinent!



It's become so easy to bait Sup Forums. Here's another (you).

I bet it is nothing compared to your butthurt after ahemd and his friends are done with you

>Trump actively says, Europe should take care of its own Business
>Merkel says "Well Europe now needs to take care of its own business"
So, what are you angry about now?

What are you talking about fellow burger. America has been multi-ethnic for awhile, at least the 60s, but we only very recently have become multi-cultural. Integration use to be required, only in the last 20 years has that shifted.

germans are shitskins, only 3 bundesländers have white poeple. they came from india long time aGO and mixed witth celts and slavs

Germanbros, time to get the burger imperialist occupiers out of your country.


Special relationship with the US is back on, baby!

Let them flow, it would be too bad if they were used to settle another Habibi
We will make a better use of them

>My continent
M8 you give free pasports to somali's pretending to be refugee's. Even americans/rusky's have more valid claim at this point

> A German calling another country cucked.
Nice try dude.

Your retards still think this is about multi kulti, ahahahaha.

Nigger you swarmed Europe with refugees to draw us in to a war in syria so your saudi overlords can built there pipeline and fuck europe for ever. not gona happen.

You placed nazi and racist governments in east Europe, the same subhumans that follow you in to illegal war in iraq looking for imaginary WMDs while stealing iraqi oila nd giving it to the saudis that never where found, to cut of west Europe from Russia that made mad bux and you non.

She has called the out the JEw in room and thats you! America.

Well leave you alone when you stop ruining Europe

Rich coming from a murican, the nation with the most kikecocks up their ass

Majority of your population supports Democrats so..

here, if I could hand out intelligence I would give you all I have as you got non, read, understand.
You kids today are worse then women on period.

Remind me again how many times your country elected a woman to run it

There are plenty of examples for multiculturalism in history, like Rome. Everything that happens in the western world already happened on a smaller scale in the Roman Empire which can be seen as a blueprint of western civilization. There isnt such a thing as l"earning from history", there are only leaders who decide things as they please. "progress" is retarded propaganda for Kevins like you.

They have been beaten into cuckdom because of the holahoax

all the assmad "germans" in this thread

Lol your country brainwashing under the guise of "de-nazification" is why Germans are so cucked. If your retarded obese country could learn to mind it's own fucking business we wouldn't be here right now.

Petrol dollar, now you should shut teh fuck up son as you got no right to speak.

Uber cuck!

If I ever need a proof again, that on Sup Forums you will find the most vile scum of all countries united in Untermenschentum, I will remember this thread.

whatcha watchin

all that blown away english in manchster.

If we become islamic shithole we win?
That' your wisdom Abdul seriously?

Oh look he's back. Wave hello to Abdul for me.

You think a country that went as full retard as germany did last century would have figured out why term limits are a good thing by now
