OK burgers. Consider this an intervention

OK burgers. Consider this an intervention.

Eight people are dead in Mississippi today because you love your assault weapons so much.

Eight. People.

Are your guns worth human lives? Think about that.

The rest of the world has realized that guns are dangerous and should be trusted to skilled professionals like the police and military. Not to inbred schizophrenic rednecks.

>inb4 shootings happen in other countries too.
Yes, but nowhere near at the same rates.

The US has firearm related deaths occur for 10.47/100,000 people.

In Canada that is 1.97.

In New Zealand that is 1.07

In Japan that is 0.06.

See for yourself

Face it America. You have a problem. You need to have an honest national conversation about gun control and then do the right thing. If it would save one human life, it's worth it.


Sane, rational, decent human beings.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Are your guns worth human lives?


>Are guns worth human lives?
Yes. We're already over populated, who cares if a few more people die?

US is infested with niggers you dumbass.

You are a horrible person. One day you might be the one to die because some freak was going through a divorce. Think about that.

Are you saying an assault weapon has become sentient and attacked 8 people?!

We have to inform the people!

I HOPE I'm the one to die, the only thing that gets me up in the morning is the chance that today might be the last day I have to slog through.

>The US has firearm related deaths occur for 10.47/100,000 people.

Ok now break that stat down by race.

The only problem i see is your flag, leaf.

I love it when a toddler accidentally kills his dad with a gun that was loaded and left around the house. Any civil discussion on gun control would be shut down by redneck REEEEEEEEEs


>nigga nigga nigga

Guns + No people = No Deaths
No guns + people = No Deaths
Guns + People = Mass Deaths

It's really easy, but seeing how dumb NRA talking points are I'm not surprised we haven't gotten through to you yet. Only a fucking moron could find them convincing.

>Fails to mention that most of the gun-related death incidents are by suicide for the US

>Are your guns worth human lives?

If those 8 people had guns they would be able to fight back. Instead they chose to be pussies and carry no means of defense.

Eight people are dead because of a nigger.

Guns used to be part and parcel of every red blooded American's life and we never had mass shootings.

>fire arm related deaths
So not murders? Meaning suicides, cop shootings, accidental shootings, etc. It's like saying that there's a pool problem because areas near pools have higher rates of drowning. No shit, sherlock.

Also, 10 out of 100,000 is .01%. Not a lot, really. Who gives a fuck.

>if it would save one human life

t. totalitarianism

8 people are dead because a murderer decided to kill them

Why are all canacucks stupid as fuck?

Guns don't kill people, niggers kill people

Switzerland is the most armed nation in the world. Every person must have a weapon. Accidents rarely happen. You know why? They're white.

>Eight. People.
Out of the 2.6 million people who die in the US every year

Worry about yourself. By your logic, we should take cars from everyone every time someone drives illegally or kills someone with one. Cars aren't protected by the Second Amendment either. Worry about your joke country that imprisons you for not calling some mentally ill tranny xir.

>No guns + people = No Deaths

Not so fast, Leaf



>Nigger chimps out
>Leaf blames white people for "muh gun culture"
Did I miss anything?
We don't have a gun problem. We have a nigger problem you FUCKING LEAF!

Eight people are dead in Mississippi today because you love your NIGGERS so much.

Eight. People.

Are your NIGGERS worth human lives? Think about that.

The rest of the world has realized that NIGGERS are dangerous and should be REMOVED

>inb4 NIGGERS CHIMPOUT in other countries too.
Yes, but nowhere near at the same rates.

Face it America. You have a problem. You need to have an honest national conversation about NIGGER REMOVAL and then do the right thing. If it would save one human life, it's worth it.

Sane, rational, decent human beings

>8 people dead in Mississippi
Nothing of value was lost

It takes an unbelievable amount of impotent rage to make things like this. How unbelievably butthurt is Horsey on a moment-to-moment basis?

There's probably about 50+ dead people in the US who died in car accidents because they love their cars so much. Your point?

One guy was literally a Sheriff's deputy. Of course he had a gun!

It didn't help him because when a crazy man with an assault rifle starts shooting at you you don't become Rambo, all to often you're dead right away.

people dead is Mississippi because you love your assault cars so much.
Yea you can go and get kebabd you stupid fucking leaf

no you are, you're the one arguing for more political power and government control

The problem is while this is a sound argument this can also be extended to filthy Muslin terrorists.

Which is the point


>assault weapon
>any different from any other weapon
That's how I know you're retarded and or baiting OP. Either all weapons are okay and guns are an extension of that or none are and you just want a nanny state.

Take away american guns and you're no safer off. Knives, bricks, cars and packs of niggers will do more to harm innocent people than legally owned guns will. Not to mention their trouble stopping drugs from getting smuggled in. It's not like there isn't a similar market for firearms for people who want to do harm anyway.

That's bad parenting, retard.

The gun didn't just get up and fire

>if you criticize us we win

Some day you might have an anuerysm for no particular reason.

>Sane, rational, decent human beings.
Leaf pretending to be human.

Well, at least we don't support babies being murdered wholesale, you fascist leaf fuck. Go suck Ahmed's cock.

>10.47/100,000 people.
>claiming this is statistically significant compared to heart disease when the only other complaint Sup Forums has about USA is that we eat too many hamburgers

Fuck off leaf

give up your guns

the police can protect you

>Treasurer: Norma Goldberg

Every time.
Cute front an center with that shotgun though.

*8 black people
Sounds like a win in my book

This is one of the main reasons we have guns, to protect ourselves from niggers who May or may not have guns.

When only seconds count, the police are only minutes away.


>Believing the overpopulation myth
Whites have the lowest birth rate of all races, and you're just helping it. Gas yourself.

Switzerland has 3.01/100,000 guns deaths. Not US level, but still above the European average.


You utter morons.

Eight people are dead in Mississippi today because you love your men so much.

Eight. People.

Are your men worth human lives? Think about that.

The rest of the world has realized that men are dangerous and should be removed

>inb4 men commit murder in other countries too.

Yes, but nowhere near at the same rates.

Face it America. You have a problem. You need to have an honest national conversation about killing all men and then do the right thing. If it would save one human life, it's worth it.


Sane, rational, decent human beings

I like this meme

In short
Yes, guns are worth it
So worth it
Its like a lawn mower but instead of lawn or a lawn mower its people and assualt rifles

err, most people were killed by other people before ballistic weapons were invented. the homicide rate has dropped infinitely, even though the population has grown exponentially.

I know it's bait but we have a lot of newfriends

and its worth it

im tired of leafs telling us how to do things

fuck off and worry about your own country

The Brits won the battle of Agincourt without guns. How did they kill all of those Frenchies then? How did the Romans slaughter people?

America is already in deep shit.
Everybody owns guns and by now it's virtually impossible to return to status quo.


because it prevents


> a rifle behind every blade of grass

Almost forgot, see you hell leaf

8 people are dead because of a nigger

Don't buy one then, lol. Surely your police will protect you.

Canada is only slightly less than Switzerland at 1.97

There is NO CORRELATION between lawful firearm ownership and violent crime rates. Hell, many studies on the matter have found a negative correlation (more guns, fewer crimes), so at worst it does nothing and at best it reduces crime rates.

Guatemala has one of the world's highest murder rates despite guns being banned.

Break that American stat down by race and you will see the vast majority is blacks killing other blacks.

Switzerland has a gun ownership of over 50%, but also one of the lowest homicide per 100k rates in the world.

But all of that is irrelevant. Sage this inane trolling. Faggot leaf.

Do criminals respect laws? Will they hand over and not use guns? Will people find other ways to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time? Do Leftists ever think past muh feels about the logical complications and consequences of thier decisions that they want to enforce on everyone else?

The guns would not have killed anybody if nobody picked it up and started firing at people.
It was the nigger that pulled the trigger that is the problem.
In other News..

Cory GODBOLT layin down gods will on da sinna's.


Its called natural selection.



Explain how with proper gun control France is in line with the Swiss at 2.98/100k

Surely if GUNS were the problem then France's death by gun rate would be MUCH lower?

>because you love your assault weapons so much
>because you love your minorities so much

>50 round clip


Absolutely yes. No one reports them being used to save lives, just to push their agenda to take them away.

That's why you ban muslims. They cannot integrate into the West anyway. Why do foreign faggots think they are qualified to discuss American domestic politics? It has zero effect on you. Most of the world can't even comprehend the concept of freedom of speech or owning guns to prevent tyrannical governments from going too far. Most prominent European countries will arrest people for thought crimes these days.

Actually the only reason we have a "Nigger" problem is because we have a...

Drug Problem

Thats what their culture is built around. Get rid of the street market and that fades too. It takes a couple generations methinks though.

>50 round clip

These are the morons you are getting your information about guns from


But blacks are the ones shooting each other in mass.

Oh damn Estonia know wassup

Seriously though isn't Russia's murder rate nigger tier? Are the Russians in Estonia a violent minority?

HA HA, liberal cucks mad they will never be able to fully take over the USA as long as citizens are armed.

Go pretend you care about people some where else faggot

Im pretty sure darwin will have to re-evaluate his theory of natural selection

Its not the strongest that will survive anymore, its the board with weaponised autism



Saged, faggot

>Are your guns worth human lives?

You have to have at least one handgun and a shotgun to protect yourself from niggers and now mudslimes.
I had a nigger try to rob me but the dumb fucker jamed the bullet in the slide.
Guns are the only thing keeping a few of us safe from the nonstop attacks on the street from niggers.


Eight people are dead in Mississippi today because you love your jidfs so much.

Eight. People.

Are your bagels worth human lives? Think about that.

The rest of the world has realized that kikes are dangerous and should be removed


Yes, but nowhere near at the same rates.

Face it, the western world. You have a problem. You need to have an honest international conversation about creating a final solution and then doing the right thing. If it would save one human life, it's worth it.


Sane, rational, decent human beings.





Okay britbongs, consider this an intercession.

Last week, 20 people died because of a jihadi bomber.

Twenty. People.

Are nails and flammable materials worth human lives? Think about that.

The rest of the world has realized that nails and any material that can conceivably ignite should only be in the hands of those trained to use them.

>inb4 bombings happen in America too
Yes, but nowhere near the same rates.

Face it Britain, you have a problem. You think things like building materials and clothes are worth more than human life.

Sincerely, a sane, rational, (((1 post by this ID)))

>Muh gun will protect me from the guvmint and terrerrists!
>Gets killed by a drone and/or rocket launcher.

All your guns are good for are getting little kids killed.

>Eight people are dead in Mississippi today because you love your assault weapons so much.
No, eight people are dead in Mississippi because some guy decided to shoot people. My hobby and I have absolutely nothing to do with it.


Can a drone or a rocket launcher arrest you discreetly at 3am?

I see the problem you assume life has value. Is that supported by historical evidence Mr smart guy?


Yes, that's how you keep a country civil, by bombing anyone who disagrees with you. Nobody'd have a problem with that.

Why is it always a leaf?







Guns up Mississippi

Dylan Roof shot up a non-denominational black church.