This is getting silly

This is getting silly

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Fuck him
He knows how to fix it
And if he wants to fix it all he need do is call out the jews and cancel their gibs
Will he?
Until then, fuck him

"Plumbers" to fix the leaks was already taken tbqh




wtf is wrong with this man

how much money is being wasted on this


>Street Fighters




good point

This. Why doesn't he just sit back and take it like a bitch?

Lol trump toddlers will praise this





or ignore it, like a man of his stature should

(You) win. You can spam faster and longer than anyone else.

look at this based man
praise kek fellow pedes

no President has ever had a pr team until Trump right


I didn't vote for jeb. I voted for someone who fights back.

i have the stamina of our president

Dont remember Obama or Bush needing people to go on the internet telling people not to insult the president so harshly

Libtard is truly obsessed

Trump Derangement syndrome at its finest

This got me laughing. What a fucking lad

yea, real fighter u got here

fuck off shill

If it wasn't funny that libtards got blown the fuck out I'd actually feel bad that Murica has this much of a man child as a president.




>I voted for someone who fights back.
by employing Hilary's tactics of hiring people to say only good things about yourself on the internet and drown out the bad. Get the fuck out of here faggot tax dollars is being wasted on this man's ego

You're just mad because Trump is an alpha and you're a beta cuck

Street fighter is code for right wing death squads.

>yfw Trump holds a world Fighting championship to weed out rats in an effort to replace the US Government with Shadaloo

Damn nixon did this same thing.

you can do both

>yea, real fighter u got here
Sure is, Fishbean. Ain't gonna fuck with your bullshit ceremonies.

How much in tax dollars? Surely you know since you keep bringing it up. Give me some numbers.


macron pretty cool guy

Trumps the kind of guy who would beat the shit out of losers like you in high school


That gave me a fucking hardon!

You reek of desperation, shill.

macron is the real /ourguy/

>How much in tax dollars?
i dont give a shit if its a penny or a billion dollars the point is that our money is being wasted because Donald doesn't like bad press about himself while simultaneously building himself up using that bad press throughout his campaign. Its a waste, try to justify spending tax money because journalists dont like you

Yep. You're already on his payroll


he looks pretty short though. That's unfortunate

I do it for free

That's the sad thing about you Democratic shills, you literally have to be paid to support awful people

>snubbing the kike
Nothing wrong here


do you masturbate to trump pictures on your wall

>Its afraid

If Trump was doing even a tenth of a decent job, he wouldn't need shekel shills
I mean, that's obvious to everyone. Even him

Bullshit he did. Not the same. Current Russia / Trump situation holds less water than the McCarthey hearings tbqh and will be the Democrat parties version there of.

>Nothing wrong here

He looks like he doesn't want to be there

Just look at the difference between their wives

Macron is such a loser

So why did he?

Shareblue is mad. They can't contain us when we do it for free. Right wing death squads incoming

>street fighters

He's got keyboard warriors and street fighters. Everyone wants to help him. That's awesome.

Trump is doing a great job, you're just a moron


that's Trump's default "all business" face

he uses it whenever something important is happening but deep down he doesn't give two shits


who gives a shit about their wives

you're right
>the music's too loud
>i wish i were home
>my feet hurt

Tekken > Street Fighter

Your wife must be ugly

This shit got silly far before Trump had a say in it getting silly.

Oh fuck off, you know good and fucking well calling out the Jew is fucking impossible without an entire world of backlash.

not as good as i was hoping personally, especially considering the 100 billion arms deal to the biggest terrorist supplier in the arab gulf

Give up
If he were doing a tenth of a job of it
there would be no complaints
and he wouldn't be paying people like you to talk him up
So he's a loser and so are you

what? that doesnt answer the question you damn retard


Plus he needs to put motherfuckers in jail.

thats not cnn bb

Who's the Russian grandma to his right?

This goes way beyond journalist simply not liking you. If you can't see that, nothing will change your mind.

Guess I hit a nerve, sorry about your ugly wife

There would be world celebration
Quick way for him to become popular

Sup Forums was practically that team until he threw us under the bus and started acting like a fucking cuck and sucking the dick of the people who attacked him for an entire year.

I call Guile


Not really.

Yeah, in fucking Saudi Arabia, the entire west would disavow him.

Your entire gambit banks on him being able to name the Jude in the Jew controlled world.

>This goes way beyond journalist simply not liking you
nah thats basically how it is, they dont like Trump so they put out negative press about him. Whether its systemic or not is questionable but not entirely unfathomable considering the DNC had colluded with multiple journalists. Trump is bigger than his image, i just want him to realize that

>marring your 38 year old drama teacher that you met when you were 15
>she had kids and was already married
yeah, wow, such a loser



wow you're stupid, stop making trump supporters look retarded

I really hope this was ironic

Wow your wife must be really really ugly

Anyway Trump's ga ga and channeling head of the Gambino family
Yeah, he think's he's de niro
He's living completely in fantasy land
thinks being president is the same as being a shonky jew dependent real estate mogul
addicted to fake gold
Put him in a care home

hello the_donald, short time a lot of seeing

CIA/NSA ring a bell?

Newfag detected

TopKek, you gonna dance around my responce you fuck kike?

Street Fighter removed ass shaking and ass slapping because of SJWs.

Tekken's main developer on Twitter told SJWS to fuck off on Twitter because he loves tits and ass.