Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

Not trying to be edgy.
But IMO illegal immigrants don't deserve food.

Why is it the government's job?

This is bait, but it's a loaded question

If you want to eat, fucking work for it. No free fucking lunch you commie fucks.


It isn't.

If you ain't top.
You die with the rest of the flock.

Subjected to real world order when you realize the ten toes and ten fingers are all most evidently not the same for the differences between individual A and individual B... their foot steps and shit the touch relevant for A's is a matter of goal oriented with out mercy. B... B's goals of where they have been or what they touch sends them at a standstill or declining way of life. As so life shall b...

B's will fuck A's.

Not unless A's can kill them off softly / smartly.

I'm ready to die.



>liberals won't deny their world is build in suger, sprinkles and sunshine ideology

I unironically believe that you don't deserve food if you can't procure it yourself. It's pretty basic shit. Not a single organism deserves to survive if they can't feed themselves.

It really isn't.

The less comforts they receive, the sooner they leave.
And that's the best in their interest as well because my country is no place for illegals.

social darwinism scares libtards. some science is off limits I guess

Everyone does not deserve food. You don't work or have income, you don't eat. Gov. is not you parent. Grow up or die.

*physically removed

Do you know what John Smith said to the lazy fucks who were trying to settle in Jamestown? "If you don't work, you don't eat".

Guess what, Jamestown improved drastically after that. You want your share of the bread, you gotta harvest the wheat.

You don't even have to work or have income to eat. It is extremely easy to feed yourself, it just takes the minimum motivation and intellect.

You come to this world butt naked, why the fuck does anyone owe you anything.

Nobody deserves food. Welfare is state organized charity, not a right.

Lol, NEET here, maybe I should enjoy a steak tonight, hehehe.

The United States is the most food safe nation on earth. It is also the only one where its citizens don't have a 'right' to it.

you can't have a right to requires others to work for you

>>Sup Forums will defend this