What was going through her head?

What was going through her head?

Other urls found in this thread:


dad is gonna be so mad


Shortly after that photo? Probably a black penis.

I hope my dad sees this

>What was going through her head?

Probably not much.

The kid doesn't have a dad


A bullet

4th post best post


Probably cocaine


Not a goddamn thing. Shortly after the photo it was a bunch of dicks though, and then after that probably a bullet.

I'm pretty sure our niggere could kick the ass of any scrawny yuropoor nigger

ccc call the pppolice

What would this early 20th century woman think of her?

Kill me

>What was going through her head?
Who is she, what's her name?

yaaaaas! yaaas! slay queen slay! this is so empowering and enriching!

Best post

What's the context of this photo? It's regularly in rotation here.

that pic is now like 10 years old, ive often wondered how she turned out..

>tfw most Europeans don't have kids anymore, but even when they do, this is the best outcome

We must stop the anti-wuite proaganda in tv.
Here, even in our tv series primetime they praise multiculturalism.

"im gonna snort soooooooo much coke later tonight when my shift is over!"

a true shame to the white race


Haven't you heard over there in Mongolia, that Latinos are white now? We back to 80% white now!

So this is our lives now.

>What was going through her head?
"Look at all of these handsome Swedish men"

Tip of his dick

I can never tell if niggers are having a good time at parties. Like, why don't they ever smile? No one in that photo looks like they are enjoying life.

Dont forget the dark white people you just went up to 99%

So China is conquering Africa, and Africa is conquering Europe ?


nigger jizz

in one ear out the other

Dark White Skin

>at least I have the constitution


"holy fuck im a degenerate whore who loves black dick" was what was going through her head.

pic related

The meme's 55% fag and don't deflect the issue


>tfw most Europeans
I don't read after this
Fucking 50%

and 80% of US posters are spics

everybody is posing and the night doesn't end without a fight

Gotta get rid of that racism one black dick at the time.

cuts deep

its actually 56% but yeah.