Next Conspiracy?

Sup Forums, can we spin this into the next seth rich/pizzagate conspiracy to finish off Hannity or some other news outlet?:

That rag, yournewswire, has already added fake details like "shot in the head" but what can we do to take this to the next level?:

Other urls found in this thread:


no one?

you're implying that hannity was wrong or we are involved in fake news.

Kill yourself shill.

lurk more, newfag

You need to murder the investigator looking into this case. That'll really make the DNC look guilty

Pathetic psy-op attempt. Screencap this early post. Sup Forums in no way endorses pushing the Seth Rich story as a weapon against our political enemies, but rather truly believes that a murder and coverup have occurred. We will continue to search for the truth in the name of justice. We disavow this post.

>you don't need spin, its already this obvious

Misused. Funny to watch.

It is laughable.

You dumb fucking shill. I hope you feel just as stupid as you look to us. At least you are trying, I suppose.

The only people that ever pushed pizzagate, Seth Rich, or this kind of shit belong on T_D or /x//

They NEED to go back.

another newfag
more T_D trash that takes Sup Forums at face value

does this shill actually believe pizzagate and seth rich are fake?

i guess drones at the lowest level are just valueless, gullible people after all

And fuck you, too.

No, it appears as though they are trying to get ahead of this story and do damage control by being able to present posts like this as evidence that Sup Forums doesn't even believe it but is simply trolling people. Not going to work.

I wonder what this guy knew.


They tried this with pizzagate as well. I saw multiple articles claiming that pizzagate started as an elaborate prank that began along the lines of, "what if we can troll a story into going viral about a pedophilia ring in a pizza parlor basement." They are trying to proactively give themselves that narrative for this story now.

I figure this possibly to be a threat against DWS as this is her district area. From what I can gather he was not actually investigating passports/visas. He was investigating voter fraud lawsuits or the like with the DNC in that area after the election last year.

The police are investigating the death as a crime. I recall they we're unsure as to whether the cause of death was some sort of head trauma or a gunshot wound.

His name is Seth Rich.

Florida Man strikes again.

Nice framing shill. I hope you're paid so that you'll be either imprisoned for the rest of your life, or executed for your "contributions to the conversation".


Don't come around her if you're not from here

hillary was making jokes about pizzagate in her speech to wellesley college the other day
must be shaking in her boots:

who in politics goes to prison anymore, retard?
scooter fucking libby?

Somewhere in the northeast, you are sitting behind your computer screen trying your hardest but failing miserably. The ship is sinking. The day of the rope comes for you, and may God judge you.

maybe we could tie this together with vince foster if it turns out to be a "suicide"