Seize the memes of production

post "your" best meme balls etc etc

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>but when you mention China Sup Forums always says it isn't real socialism












Change "your whole planet" to "you' and its decent



Not bad, but you kinda overdid it with the trademarks.


Doesn't really add much except the George Soros connection. It's really about the hypocrisies of claiming to stand for the proletariat but actually not.

It's not exactly a stellar place, it's still a developing country. Not to mention a reputation for corruption only matched by the US and Mexico.



Ancaps do not believe in monetary systems and use that as justification to destroy shit; simultaneously, Wikileaks and research by anons showed Soros organizations that directly funded antifa during and after the US elections. You'd know this if you listened to any of their arguments for longer than half a second or did anything of value outside of posting memeballs on Sup Forums.

wait, this is truth?

You mean ancoms


Yes. They also sent a dog that died.

poor Laika


But that's against the NAP, Pekka


These ancap ones are really stupid.



Working on an expanded and better looking version of this. Unfortunately, I don't know who the bottom right is. Initially thought it was Maronites, but no such luck

Excuse me, bottom *left. I already know bottom right is Assyria.

I believe that is the symbol of Zoroastrianism, an ancient religion that is recently being revived by ethnic Kurds.


gets me everytime

All the others are Christians, so it would be weird to include an outlier. Need to look further cause all I'm getting is what appears to be fake flags.
Got any of them sweet RSA memeballs?

Found it.

Thanks, user. Hm. It's a bit redundant to include that, but guess it's gonna make the final cut regardless.

OH SHIT SON. Based Denmark used one of my originals.


Argentina and?




my amigo




>t. Communist faggot