Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel her leg... and his arm... even xir fingers

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel her leg... and his arm... even xir fingers.

How long until I can commit a crime, declare myself as a transfemale omnikin and get sent to women's prison?
Then I will meet all these problematic qts who haven't seen a dick in years and I will finally get myself a girlfriend

>Only 31 when there atleast over 100
Fucking bigots

transgender prisons will be build soon and then you will get prisonraped by chicks with dicks


>when your right leg is a woman but the rest of your body is cis-privileged

Suffering is real.

What are the birth certificates going to say?

This is on Reagan for cutting mental health services and letting these people out of the nuthouses.

>when you have a man box in your torso

Odd. Baskin & Robbins recognizes 31 flavors.

It must be patronizing to feminists that lipstick + dress = woman.

Why are gays and transgenders so freaking liberal? I can go over to /d/ and see all sorts of depravity and degeneracy, but they'll all admit that they are the way they are because they're fucked in the head and have a mental illness.

But the transgenders and the gays will insist that they are perfectly normal, that their behavior is natural, and that at most they are the victim of society or "trapped in the wrong body".



New York City is now officially retarded. And what does "officially recognized" even mean? It's a publicity stunt.

liberals : mentally ill, mentally retarded, women

trans : (cut off their dicks)


>Why are gays and transgenders so freaking liberal?

Because that's the party who caters to them?

I guess that makes sense. Still, it doesn't make much political sense to cater to the 1% of the population at the expense of the rest.

That's pretty much the left's M.O.

They say it's for inclusiveness, but it's disingenuous. As soon as they've gotten their use out of you, they move onto the next special snowflake, until you're convenient again.

>implying they're not being raped in prison

... Friend...

>How long until
You can already do this.

My right arm is female, the rest is male. When you shake my hand address me as her, otherwise I'm him.

so basically all of Sup Forums gets put on a prison island

I'm the 3 gender to the left on the top row.

You know the one, male with a female arm. It just means when I masturbate, it feels like a woman is doing it.

I have a wife that is the 1st on the left on the bottom row. He has 1 ball, half a dick, and half a vag, plus one tit.

Can someone show me the peer-reviewed "Science" used to justify this horrendousness?

>female body with one male arm

So if ze masturbates, is ze raping zimself?

brb, stabbing a nigger

The kikes are laughing all the way to the bank!

if my butthole is female can i stick a finger in without feeling gay?

I'm gay and I fucking hate liberals, I just want to have my private life in peace and don't give a shit about marriage, imposing myself on people who don't like me, getting chucked off a roof by Muslims imported by the people who claim to (((support))) me, etc

I honestly think that liberals harm gay tolerance because they're always trying to force us as a normal standard and it creates a backlash

What the fuck is the "my left leg is female" gender?

Living the dream

>bottom right
>woman body blue
>pink head
what the fuck does this even mean?
Is it something that was born male, took hormones to feminize the body, then realized they were suppose to be male so its a masculine female body, but for some reason their mind is still female?
these people need shot

It's called a Mr. Garrisonkin
