Why are leftists and white women so drawn to Islam?


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Easy to manipulate, retarded.
This is what happens when there's a lack of a positive male role model or righteous moral upbringing.

They fetishize people of color like animals. You also trigger them hard if you bluntly state that to their face. That POC are nothing but subhuman props to further their egos.

Lol this stupid cunt converted to marry a mudslime and they just ended up getting divorced anyway now she's just Muslim for attention (hence the yt channel) and actually fucking hates her ugly fat self deep down. Just look at some of the titles of her other videos, she's an insecure mess

Raised without fathers. Raised without religion.

Naturally drawn to a strong, patriarchal religion. Weird.

They're dumber than dogshit, that's why.

I think that headscarf is cutting of the circulation to her brain....

I'm curious to see if she follows the fasting that ramadan demands

Who cares, she looks like she could use a few Ramadans

Stop posting this pig. You are gonna martyr her and make her another liberal e-celeb. You saw what happened to Anita Snarkiesian and Zoe Quinn.




ding ding ding

well said

Because deep down, women want traditional gender roles but they also want to keep in-line with the popular views of the time. Converting to Islam allows a woman to be dependent on a man while still being "progressive" at the same time.

She thinks its the progressive thing to do. Wait until she gets a shitskin as a husband and reality sets in.

I fucking hate white Muslims. Fucking traitors.

I think in Western countries it's usually because they are marrying a Muslim guy or woman.

Also, sometimes it seems like some women like some of the clothes that many Muslim women in the world wear and that they find to be unusual and that is a major motivation for them to convert. Sometimes, seems kind of similar to some people who are into rave music culture or some other styles of music like Rasta music.

I think women like this frequently also find some appeal in the religion seeming exotic in some aspects and having some philosophical ideas that seem unusual in more commonly practiced religions in Western countries. This maybe particularly true with Sufism.

I think sometimes you see something similar with some of the people who convert to Buddhism in Western countries.

>Why are leftists and white women so drawn to Islam?
It gives them additional minority status and increases their standing in the progressive stack.

It's the biggest virtue signal you can possibly do

Because people think in islam as a warrior cult that want to impose their will by the sword

> You're so gross, not even ISIS would take you as a sex slave

Omg. This needs to be the #1 comment

The short answer: nihilism. These people's lives have no meaning so they cling to anything and everything that can fill that void. Nietzsche knew this would happen around this time due to the lack of belief in God.

Because they've been told that they should be. Liberals they weren't gen years ago. Barely was a thing just 5 years ago. It's been a deliberate and concerted effort by major media establishments and major celebrities to push the pro-islam narrative into the liberal discourse. Now who is orchestesting this narrative push and why is up for conjecture. But this wasn't a thing until media made it a thing.

t. former liberal who never liked Islam and abandoned liberalism in part because of the sudden pro-islam shift.

Nailed it.

Liberals weren't like this ten years ago*

Jesus, I don't normally bother to correct typos on here but damn, pull yourself together, me!

>Identity to cling to in an age of nihilism.

>Minority Status: YAY I NO LONGER OHPRESS!

>Islam has strong men that don't spout "love thy neighbor" bull shit

Muslim men are sexy.

>A sense of belonging to something
>A victim card
>Daddy Issues

Social fashion trend.

Like yoga and kelp.

mentalists can relate to it.

here's another outstanding citizen lost to islam

The only reason they support it is because they think the sane people who hate it just hate brown people.
t.Same as you, also dating a Tunisian atheist, she told me this stuff.

our best and brightest too

they see the strong horse

I can't wait until the kurds bomb the hell out of mecca, then we'll be free of this shit.

hahaha move her to the front of the stoning line.

subpar white women will only get attention from white losers, whereas muslim men with jobs, businesses etc, consider them a price. so from the women's perspective, it's a step up.

>muslim woman

Does she want a short trip off a tall building?

They like to submit after their parents basically destroyed western culture with their hippie songs.

>implying she hangs out with real muslims and doesn't just virtue signal with whites all day

Because they love to be dominated

Is that bitch white? Holy shit, this must what be female autism looks like

Subconsciously wanting the discipline and male authority that their cuck fathers never gave them.

probably a big fuck you to daddy

>be at uni
>know girl
>she is a pain in the ass
>people stop hanging out with her
>she hangs out with middle east exchange people
>starts dressing like them
>dating way older dude from middle east

she becomes a huge pain in the ass to them too last I heard, people really didn't like her in that community

Crowder is pretty cringe sometimes desu, but this was an extremely similar situation to
Also this woman sounds like she would be a pain in the ass as well
