Who here had a little sister growing up, and she turned out just like every other feminist degenerate?

Who here had a little sister growing up, and she turned out just like every other feminist degenerate?

It seemed like I was helping to guide her in a better direction, but I see her a year later after she get's out of the military, and they completely indoctrinated her with "Muh patriarchy"

We already know women are hopeless, by talk about your experiences witnessing your own flesh and blood become part of the cancer.

My little sister was going at that direction in high school but luckily our dad is a good parent.

I don't have a little sister, but my older sister race mixes with a Chinese guy.

Yep married an Arab immigrant, became trapped to him, shit out 3 kid, he stole them from her and left, now she doesn't even care. Not sure what she does now, last heard she was sleeping around for shelter and hot tub access and begging family for money.

It's not great man.

my sister wants to go to the only liberal arts college in the country

My dad pushed me hard as fuck, and treated my sister like "Daddies little princess" who could do no wrong. She just about failed out of highschool, now is is seen as a hero for joining the National guard. I'm proud of her.. she passed training with honors, but she acts like she can never be wrong about anything of it, and pretty much talks down to me. I'm 26, and she really isn't smart at all. It drives me insane.

Mines become a total shut in and tries to come over all the time cause the parents limit her computer usage. Fucks sake 14 yrgirls shouldn't glue themselves to a computer 24/7 and go full neet

My sister is a very intelligent person but now after a couple years of college and sorority she wants to argue with me about the wage gap a bunch.

My little sister turned out pretty well.

>married at age 24
>to a white heterosexual man
>has 1 kid and another in the oven
>part time receptionist at a doctor's office
>owns a nice 3 bed/1 bath house in the country on 2 acres

She's doing better than I am. I'm just shitposting on Sup Forums.

Are you the guy from OreImo?

Put her in her place user

No because I'm not going to fuck her

Thankfully, I never had a sister, so I didn't have to go through the agony of watching her succumb to brainwashing. desu if I did, and she started burning coal or riding the cock carousel, I would've probably killed her and all her """partners."""

I would also like to point out that Brittany Venti's face is a case in point for why nigger genes should be kept far, far away from the white race. She still looks like an ayylmao despite generations of dilution.

With a good dicking

My older sister is pretty based. Went on to study psychology in college and is working on her masters and eventually a doctorate. Literally the only thing she doesn't like about trump is the whole dissing women things.

Mines a normalfag, at least not a feminist. My brother is cool though.

I only have older sisters. Does that make me the feminist degenerate?

My female cousins on the other hand...

Age range 18-28. All of them are dating/have dated niggers. Not even white-acting ones, but real gangsta niggers.

I thank God my sister turned out OK.

My little bro is pretty chill. Kept my parents from knowing I was fucking a chick back in highschool

Aren't there several though?

Redpill her. If she has less social capital to risk, she'll be easier to mold into (((bad))) opinions.

Your cousins deserve nothing less than death.
>still likes Blumpf
I hope she's at least redpilled about white genocide.

My older sister is a wannabe nigger that is an alcoholic that has a dui and child abuse on her record.

She absolutely refuses to date a white man and only fucks niggers and wetbacks.

She's 33 and is engaged to an absolutely retarded 21 year old wetback who's afraid of her.

My parents enable her fucking constantly. They'll say "THIS IS ENOUGH" and immediately copulate to her because "I don't wanna fight"

They protected her when I went after her when she threaten to kill me.

Last family vacation I destroyed her on Sweden, and Black crime. She get's real quite, and changes the subject, then when she flys back home posts SJW horseshit on facebook. I've seen in a million times, this is what most liberals do. Some are at least smart enough to attempt to debate their points, but both my mother and sister get demolished in debates with me. They cannot defend their beliefs at all, they are forced to admit that they just want to have them because it feels good.

I've got a younger sister but she turned out to be a stay at home mom and a traditional wife.

Now if only I could find that..

not even worth arguing with them anymore about it. my opinion and facts are irrelevant
t. white male

being the only boy in the family of 5+ sisters i'm surprised many of them came out to be really conservative. sadly one of them seems to have become really liberal after moving to Colorado

benis in bagina???

My little sister is retarded but does okay. She knows feminism is shit, refused to vote for Hillary. She'll agree with me on just about any topic, but it's probably just because she's highly suggestable. Keeps naming her kids dumb shit though. At least they're white.

Fucking brutal if true.

>My older sister
>My Parents
>immediately copulate
user I-i......

You need to be a bro and have a conversation with her about how being a slut will destroy her self worth.

>engaged to an absolutely retarded 21 year old wetback who's afraid of her.

You should fuck her in the ass

The wage gap myth is the easiest thing to disprove. Get going, user.

Is your sister my sister?

You and your family sound like white trash

I have an older sister. She went to a four year school that costs 40,000 per year and ended up making barely that per year. She has pink hair, claims to be bisexual, she hates the second amendment, says she is a feminist, and told me she respects black lives matter. I really don't know what to do, maybe she will become redpilled after a muhammed rapes her or one of her friends.

>If she has less social capital to risk, she'll be easier to mold into (((bad))) opinions
Isn't it the other way around? I hold the opinions I do because I have low social capital because of the lack of peer pressure from bluepilled normie friends and family.

Opps Wrong word.

my bad

They give in to her

fuck it.

I'm not. She absolutely is and my parents are fucking pussies.

>Your cousins deserve nothing less than death.
If they hook up with a nigger, they very well might end up dead. Stats don't lie.

The problem is that all 3 are gym freaks, and niggers hang out in gyms. I don't know why they don't go after white Chads, because all of them are very attractive. I guess it's the allure of the jungle or something.

the muhlitary is feminist?

What the fuck, she looks like my niece.

I tried to groom my sister into becoming a communist like myself, but she ended up joining the green youths instead of leftist youth. Feels bad man.

I understood you meant capitulate, just thought it was funny.

Around 16-17 my sister started to fall into the social media sjw bullshit
Now she's cool and hates Muslims and politicians and bankers and liberaltrash

No influence from myself or other family members
Intelligent people just realize what's actually up

the only cure for leftism is to force her to spend 6 months in venezuela or africa

Post pics

my sister married a successful white man and had children even though she voted for Hillary.

>Isn't it the other way around?
Women don't think anything like men. They care about social contact far more than we do.
This means that you have a chance to wield disproportionate influence on your sister's social 'network,' and hence her views.
They can only be saved if they're still virgins, but I doubt that. Sorry for your loss, user.

always kill a traitor before an enemy

I'm glad I don't have any sisters. I'd probably beat the shit out of her if she became a slut.

She's done more to save the white race than I have.

you have to make a mockery of her
when I my sister was preparing to leave to go study in london I was making muezzin noises and telling her to get used to it because all whites in london are dead

lately she told me she thinks people are better "sticking to their own kind" and she's dating a normal english guy which is fine by me. no pakis, I told her.

>Wishing rape upon your sister so she'll align with your political views
Remove yourself from the gene pool

Hopefully in my country we don't have such feminist propaganda, also if there exists then they have absolutely no space on media and newspapers, so we're safe for the moment.

Still, our girls are not immune by other kind of propaganda, for example my sister grew up in a well educated family but she still managed to completely fuck up and now she's the ideal of every marketing office.

She trusts everything she sees on tv, she doesn't verify the sources when she has to share a link (fake news) and she's generally unable to operate a computer at an higher level than browsing facebook.

My older sister fell for the feminist meme. She's now 36, has (((bi-polar))) and will likely never have kids. I feel sad for her, I love her to bits and wish it could have been different for her.

Where you live? I'll rape her in black face.

I don't know if this counts, but but I have a 12 year sister (I'm 19) who grew up watching cartoons and still is. That shit they play on TV like Steven Jewniverse turned her into a SJW. Supports faggot rights and everything.

My sister had a kid with an Islander, my cousin had a kid with a leb, my brother had a son with a spic

Family full of race mixers, I am the only hope left

wew lad

i think there's only one in amsterdam

My sister was the conservative of the family and actually was the one to get me out of the leftist cult. She's married to her high school boyfriend and they have 3 kids. My brother in law is pretty much my best friend.

My brother is a leftist and a homo. Pretty sure he's into antifa shit as well but he's dead to me so idgaf. He's got issues out the ass.Dude told everyone my parents beat him and kicked him out when he told them he was gay...my parents are hippie fucking retards who were never in denial about him being a fag and supported him. So I kind of had a leftist little sister in a way.

My little sister is a personal trainer and full /fit/. She worked retail when she was younger so she learned to hate non-whites. Tough as nails too.

Very proud of her.

My did. And she is a fucking 160 lbs whale that already fails college two times. I just hope she dies

My sister got addicted to running and became a boy basically but without benis

Just call her a faggot.

can i have sex with her?

my younger sister was a degenerate party whore type who had children to 2 different guys and is now looking for a stable beta provider
my older sister left her husband of 10 years to marry her high school chad and spends all her time in a feedback loop of victimhood that is facebook mother groups

After me

You need to stick it in her

No. Unless you can beat her in a fight.

My younger sister has always been my closest friend, and to this day she tells me all the details of her relationships and sex life, she has cheated on her clueless white fiance (who shes been with for 8 years) 3 times, one of whom was black and another was arab and a third who was greek, and her fiance has no idea,

same. she's one of those weird dykey fitness girls now. nothing i can complain about but it just doesn't feel right

I have two sisters, but their both pretty young, so they could hopefully be influenced.

Both dislike Trump, but I've got them to dislike Obama and Hillary Clinton as well. The older of the two is falling into bad habits however, and I think I am failing to convince her of stuff, so I'll get her addicted to anime (which is working).

If she gets addicted to anime, then once feminists start attacking anime more, she'll end up redpilled as a result (or at the very least, won't like feminists). Hopefully.

Not me but I have a current gf who gets assblasted when I make fun of women. Dumb little cunt falls for all the memes and she's too fucking dumb to be saved

Islander isn't so bad, a lot of them see really nice people with strong family values
Lebs on the other hand...

My sister's dyed her hair, smokes weed, and talks about dumb leftist shit like cultural appropriation, but she also voted for Leave so could be worse I guess

ask her what she would do if she got raped. Then when she says call the police point out how a society cannot be rape culture if the police arrest you for being a rapist. If she disagress then rape her

My sister is too fucking stupid to be part of anything with meaning. Dropped that cancer after H$. Haven't looked back.

>so I'll get her addicted to anime

What the fuck was she doing in the military and why are you surprised it fucked her up?

Bet she loves it in the arse

I am the youngest of 4 boys
But keep telling me about your little sisters

Accidentally put it in her ass last week and she cried in my shower :(

My older sister is a gigantic SJW hippie degenerate who has an extremely fucked up life and gets into trouble nearly every day. She's 31 and is totally lost in life. She's got serious mental health problems and still depends on her family to support her with regular money injections, she leaves for months on end to travel the country and stay with other degenerates who are almost always psychopaths who take advantage of her good nature and her mental issues/desperation.

C please come back home we love you.

what the fuck

>tfw didn't really try to raise my sister too much growing up
>she turned out really conservative anyways
feels meh man

my sister too, but I can't say I helped. Being redpilled only recently, most of my time growing up with her I ended up being a bad influence on her overall. Add to that my father sent her to a super leftwing college (which now he regrets). Pretty much impossible to undo the damage now.

No he's the guy from Eromanga-Sensei

>Sister goes to university
>Comes back down my way for the summer
>She's got thick rimmed glasses and dyed hair
>A few days later, apropos of nothing she starts ranting to me about how insane the feminists at university are.

I'm glad she's too intelligent and stubborn to fall for the victimhood narrative. Last week we were having a chat about how messed up diversity training is and I dropped a few red pills. She'll be alright.

I haven't lived near my sister in 15 years. She turned into a slut. Has two kids with two fathers. Had aborted or miscarriage twins. Every knew boyfriend she has she goes through her instagram and deletes everything from the old. She always calks the new boyfriends her kids daddy.

She probably turned out so fucked up because we grew up with no parental supervision in a methlab while my mom worked all day and night and she would let me fuck around with her girl bits for video games and trips to the park and whatever else. We were fucked up kids.

This would have been my sister if she were able to have kids except she'd have 15 with 8-15 different niggers. Also she's on her 7th or 8th dui, but she's a decade past yours. Grab the popcorn user, it gets worse as the years pass.

>studies (((psychology)))

yeah he should really honor kill her before she commits adultery by rape

Shes 28 and im 29 we have always been like twins we share everything together . She fucked the black guy once at a party, and the arab guy a few times when her bf went abroad for 6 months.

>maybe she will become redpilled after a muhammed rapes her or one of her friends
Unlikely, they'll probably just hold reading from the quran and cry about unfair treatment to muzzies.

post your sisters ages guise. it's important.

No women subscribe to group think at the snap of a finger. If they will be ostracized for having a different opinion they will simply change their opinions. Men do this too, yes, but women are far more fickle.

>military girls
