Looking for those willing to give insight on Sup Forums, the meme wars etc

Hey guys, I represent a small group of filmmakers looking to make a documentary on the impact of internet culture and its effect on the modern political spectrum. Feel free to give opinions and insight on literally anything from #Draftourdaughters to spirit cooking or the CTR and everything in between. We want to show the side of the political spectrum not may know of, the secret wars that played in the background that shaped the entire outcome the election. Thanks for your help guys and obviously, all comments will be anonymous.

First you have to pass a test. Tell me what you see in the pic.

Muslim extremism.

Let's see some nudes first, sweetheart

I see duke shagging a big lass up the duff, cumms soon!

who is this semen demon

I'm male. Sorry to disappoint man.

GD Jews at work.

NOPE, trick question, you're seeing jewish tricks at work.

sorry buddy, ya failed. you have to go back. do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. immediate deportation. no chance of re-entry. you'll get your bill for The Great Wall c.2017 in 1-12 months.

Anyone want to show (them) what they're missing in the pic?

You fail

Could you be more presumptive you bigot?

A happy merchant

Please elaborate on these "jewish tricks".

>Ov vey I'm here new!
>Tell me how you know these things :^)




Yes I'm a newcomer here looking for insight. Got anything to share?


id eat her asshole like a fuckin ant-eater, if you know what i mean.

>swn sexually bully you

>Moar lurks
Until then you'll just find this.

do your own homework and lurk moar, faggot

It's called, lurk moar faggot.

Are you Jews?

lol i'd be up for being one of those shadow figures with a fucked up voice answering questions about what went down day by day. Email me, [email protected]

She gots an ok porn

lurk more shlomo

lurk more

Also... tell us when it's happening and people will be more likely to help.

I'd be happy to talk to you. I'm one of the middle rank officers of Sup Forums. If you'd like for me to elaborate on the Jewish trickery, negroid overpopulation, and the failure of women then please email me at [email protected]!

This sums it up perfectly

FUCK OFF!! Last time I was denied for not having a gold membership.

fuck off kike

is that her snapchat? does she have ig?

>not lurking for 2 years before posting



>he secret wars that played in the background that shaped the entire outcome the election

Bing her

Don't forget to drink your milk today boyos

Sure, you will find loads of information about every political subject you would like. It all gets discussed on this board. Only problem is, You only get a little bit of it in each thread. So it's going to take you quite a long time to get the "political spectrum" you're looking for.

Until then, enjoy your lurk. Remember you're here forever, and Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Oy vei! Is that gross disrespect of a superior officer? That's 10 schekels from your wages. That will teach you to mind your words!

What are you even asking for right now?

You're obviously a fucking idiot so good luck trying to make a movie.

if you do not mention astroturfing you might aswell fuck off from the beginning.

We worship Sky Kangs and Memetic Frogs.

Leaf and Aussie posters suck.

Finland and Estonia are the dankest posters.

When a Happening Happens, we're the first to know and wildly speculate if it was the Religion of Peas or not (it is).

We Bash the Anti-Fash.

A cool fountain.

sweet, thanks

so is this just a guerilla marketing campaign for her? if so, well done and thanks for the info
You should know I personally influenced the election to the point that I received a coded thank you from the Trump Campaign the minute he was elected, and I did it all on here

double insurance

Fuck I want to cave his face in


I hope you include Mexican Sugar Dancing in your documentary.
I would call it essential - to say the least - in the God Emporer's rise to the top.

Sup Forums has had a sudden increase of these alleged filmmakers, journalists, etc making shithead threads recently.

I smell diversionary tactics.

>impact of internet culture
You reap what you sow. The internet gave people the freedom to group up with people from all over the world and shout about politics.
If you're going to let the internet influence politics then you're opening the door to people like us who have THE BEST political ideology even if you don't like it.
That's a meme we cooked up.
>We want to show the side of the political spectrum not may know of
National Socialism and AnCap.

You might be legitimate or this is bait but either way. You've been fucked by our psyops and you don't even know it.
Good goi.

We believe that you're a NORMIE and that you deserve to be doxxed asap.

that one pic of the fat guy drinking a can of corn while he fucks that ugly bitch

Lurk the fuck more.

Alright I get it, you hate jews and for very justifiable reasons. The over exaggeration of the holocaust and their firm grip on the media are concrete reasons. What do you believe there endgame is?

>spoonfeeding the jew that probably works for huff post
Congratz your either a newfag or t_d poster, please an hero. Why is it always the american posters who will do anything to please a jew

Show more nudes of the chick, and lurk more while we fap onto our screens.

You have to go back faggot

There's about a 100% chance.

But that's degenerate, my dearest burgerboy.
Please go back to Sup Forums.


What else?


>Hey guys, I represent a small group of filmmakers looking to make a documentary on the impact of internet culture and its effect on the modern political spectrum.

hey you should know that asserting the idea that internet trolls slid Trump into the white house is a topic that could get you killed

good luck with your film!


>Journal entry day 1:
My first attempts at gaining access to Sup Forums's secret society were met with confrontation. Like a normal person trying to take the hat off an autistic kid I had failed miserably. Each attempt at communication was returned with horribly antisemetic memes. I will continue my attempts no matter how futile they may seem.
>Journal entry day 365:
I can't understand who the FUCK still buys this 6 million bullshit! I'm not going to rest until every child fucking pizza loving Jew is gassed! HANS?! Where are you!?



It's the truth, and the truth is worth dying for.


>Top 10 pranks that went way too far

Luckily all the anons will stay anonymous.

seen it

white genocide

>Mexican sugar dancing but not Despair Codes
How did you only take half that red pill?

>I'm male
Ok show your boipucci then
Also for 50 bucks and your social security number I can make your system virus free

>im a normie
>believes jews control everything
really makes me think

Pure coincidence.

Not your personal think tank.

And you're asking some really fucking stupid questions, making it clear that you don't even respect the community enough to lurk moar.

Fuck off trying to monetize Sup Forums, and fuck off for your insensitivity and ego.

Fuck me that's funny.
I saw my friend getting interviewed and the camera panned up and that was the same angle. I wonder if that was shot during the same interview. She's ok, went on to be a huge lefty feminist. Knowing that now, I would've called her phone to tell her her shoes were untied.

Christ, she is way less appealing than I originally thought.
If I am really killed by jewish thugs looking to silence some dumb camera guy in exchange for people knowing what is going on around them, so be it.

Yeah, you know the whole "elite societies" meme and who they literally took over the world's central banking (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) and control the majority of US-Euro-Latin-American-East-Asian policy and are pushing the world into a New World Order (globalism under their control) through a mix of dysgenics of "multiculturalism" in white western nations while remaining a pure ethnostate in Israel, and how they're all tribal ethno-supremacists? You know? That whole thing? Yeah, it's not some wild conspiracy theory. It's reality. Over 2000 years of secret elite society took the reigns 150 years ago and predominantly post-federal reserve and WW2. Do you ever ask yourself why so many nations were constantly so adamant at driving out Jewish elite rule before it got out of hand?



And never forget: The Jew fears the Samurai.

Because the truth needs to be out there.
Only jews hide behind secrets and lies suppressing the truth.



sarpie in pooper then.

Guarantee this represents us in a negative light, like law and order tier.


So what you're saying is, modern germany saw the problem and did something about what was going on around them, there was no scapegoat just a knee jerk reaction to the jewish agenda. Why don't more people know about this?


You think a jew will accurately put out the truth? Lmfao you really are a newfag. Anything given to them will be chopped up and only the worst parts will be paraphrased to show the world we are just autistic jew hating manchildren with "no proof". Just leave the site senpai, I've had enough of you cancer alt right normies who can't even think through something as simple as not giving jews more ammo.

Seriously you need to read more threads.
"Do your own homework."
"Lurk moar" = lurk more = watch and read until you can contribute or at least until you know the lingo enough to play along.
I only lurked for 6 months but the entire time I researched EVERYTHING I didn't understand. If you want your documentary to be effective then become immersed.

your a fag

I think you can guess ((((((who)))))) is responsible

use a tool like or similar to 4plebs.
dig through all the cancer since 2014 around the time that some newspaper said they would move anything related to Trump to the entertainment section.

>tldr: lurk moar retroactively.

pls put my post ID on the thank you section of your film credits if you find it helpful.

I think around that timeframe you will even understand how Kek was born and understand how the support for Trump was formed and evolved.

I've lurked plenty. I'm just going for a more direct approach for research purposes.