My dentist said that I have "soft teeth" and gave me some prescription strength high fluoride toothpaste

My dentist said that I have "soft teeth" and gave me some prescription strength high fluoride toothpaste.

Please redpill me on fluoride.

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Kek it's that duraphat shit right?
I've been using that for the past 4 weeks, I turned gay by the 2nd. Enjoy your new life faggot.

i grew up in the woods and we didnt have fluoride in the water and all my baby teeth rotted away. when we moved to the city they had fluoride in the water and ive never had a cavity since. maybe it dropped my iq but id rather have my teeth than be autistic

fluoride is so good for you that you need to shower in fluoride-water every day and rub it into you gums twice a day so that it is absorbed into your bloodstream. the fda would never lie to us.

its actually good for you as long as u dont sniff it like paint

>In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children.

>The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15



Did you brush?

Did you ever wonder what exactly dentists fill your tooth cavities with? ...Exactly.

You must make your teeth stronger through diet mainly and proper hygeine, not through fucking (((((((fluoride))))))))

tl;dr: Eat better food

no we didnt have toothbrushes out in the woods either

Just drink some fucking milk, jesus christ. Eat dairy regularly. You dont need some convoluted medicine to have normal teeth.

milk is full of sugar and if you dont brush your teeth, milk will rot them all away

Milk doesn't clean your teeth
Salt and water cleans teeth, but nowhere near as much as flouride

But how much exactly is too much?

>I didnt say not to brush your fucking teeth, did I? Also the "sugar" in milk is not sucrose, ie table sugar. Its completely different.

didnt mean to greentxt

funny brit

I actually drink milk and eat homemade yogurt daily. I'm obsessed with the mongol empire and they are a ton of dairy

Then your dentist is probably jewing you. What the fuck are "soft teeth"?

There's nothing wrong with fluoride, most of the people who think its bad are hippy types who believe that your pineal gland is your spiritual "third eye" and that fluoride calcifies it. But calcification of the pineal gland is perfectly natural, and there's no such thing as a "third eye".

It's this

>there's no such thing as a "third eye".
confirmed for never haven taken any drug harder than caffeine

Let me guess, your dentist is a Jew...

He is trying to reverse the effects of the red-pills you have ingested.

I think it's because I drank a duck loaf of soda when I was younger so my teeth are basically fucked now. They look ok, but I have a lot of fillings

Are you fully developed, mentally?
If yes, fluoride poses no threat.

Oh thats what it is. Yeah soda is pure shit. Never drank soda, ended up with one tiny cavity, other than that good teeth.

Unless you are eating insane amounts of fluoride, it is harmless. There isn't enough in water to harm you. Just don't eat your toothpaste like an autist and don't listen to Alex "Buy all my stupid shit" Jones

Yep, you've pretty much got me pegged. And I'm guessing you've taken your fair share of psychedelics.

>And I'm guessing you've taken your fair share of psychedelics.
i microdose salvia

i'll never understand why this is legal and so many other drugs aren't

>There isn't enough in water to harm you
Tell that to the kids who end up with fluorosis just from drinking tap water like good kids rather than candy carbonated shit.
>loves muh Matrikx Pb1 filter

> soft teeth

soft teeth should be a euphemism for being a cuck faggot

Nice trips
Every time I hear about salvia people say it's fuckin horrid or just overall unpleasant.

You seem like you think otherwise though, so what's the deal with it?

>falling for the dental Jew
I never go for cleanings because they are scraping away your enamel to fuck your teeth up in the future. Me and my wife both have insurance through work so it's free but I still don't go. Went a couple years ago and they gave me shit for not going in five years but just shut up and gave passive aggresssive attitude when I had no cavities and my teeth are perfect.

Also I don't brush my teeth my teeth and never had a cavity in my life. Also my water supply is not fluoridated.

Maybe salvia microdosing is the source of the leaf shitposting power

Yeah, it's not a flattering term

>Every time I hear about salvia people say it's fuckin horrid or just overall unpleasant.
>You seem like you think otherwise though, so what's the deal with it?
it's mentally exhausting but only lasts like 5 minutes

i think it's probably like any other psych in that your experience will be bad if you go in with the wrong mindset

would certainly recommend a small dose to anyone interested, assuming you have someone to watch over you for those 5 minutes and take the bong from your hands after hitting it. it's much different from mushrooms which gave me just minor changes in my visual field, compared to salvia where your eyes basically turn off and your brain produces all that you see


Ha, just today one of my lower jaw front teeth chipped right where the gum line is. Apparently is due to smoking.

I thought smoking was redpilled and it would make me look cool. Wtf?

don't you have good coke to snort down there? why smoke?

Its a waste product from making synthetic fertilizer and the corperations making the shit didnt want to safely get rid of it because that hurts muh profits so they lied to us about it preventing cavitys and started dumping it into our water. Weither it affects you negatively or not its just a way for corporations to make more money

Ok but does super male vitality work at least? I'm asking for a friend

You did not do enough mushrooms. I tripped hard on them

Coke is for the dumb tourists. Nobody really wants to snort that shit.

Gross teeth or fucked up nose bones. I may fall for the weed meme instead.

How much is a small dose and at what strength?

if you have a bong bowl that's on the smaller side, a full bowl of 40x strength is probably a decent start

mixing some weed into it as pack can lighten the load a bit too

you have to hold it deep in your lungs though, and it starts hitting you before you have time to put the bong down which is why you should have someone watching you

Fluoride is present in America water

Unlike Europe where they have yellow teeth that's all fucked up

You summed up salvia very well. My experiences exactly. I began feeling it when I had to pass the pipe. I've only ever done it one time, but it is more powerful than acid/shrooms. It's intense as fuck for that 5 minutes, and afterwards my brain felt clean or rebooted, it's hard to explain. It was a great experience, but it's not something to be taken lightly. I knew this one crazy bitch who would smoke it continuously all night. I would not reccomend that.


where are the proofs though
>poor people are more likely to drink tap water, have shit diets, and produce shit offspring, thus reducing IQ
>rich people are less likely to drink tap water, have better diets, and raise offspring responsibly, raising IQ

Since it hits you so fast, the only way to get a more intense experience is to get a stronger extract or take a bigger hit?
Doesn't sound like you'd have time to take a second rip

For dental health just rub fluoroapatite onto your teeth then spit it out and rinse your mouth. There is literally no reason to drink the stuff.

If you ask your dentist if you should eat toothpaste they'd strongly advise against it.

Work on your diet, buy a good natural toothpaste (Uncle Harry's) and look up oil pulling.

Fluoride is a scam. 40% of Americans have dental disorders caused by fluoride (such as fluorosis). It's just a way for industry to sell their waste product to stupid local governments based on 1950's quack science.

Because Salvia is basically knowingly inducing a waking nightmare

>the only way to get a more intense experience is to get a stronger extract or take a bigger hit?
yeah either grab some 60x/80x/100x or a bigger bowl. i don't actually know how they determine the strength ratings

>Doesn't sound like you'd have time to take a second rip
definitely not, unless the first hit was really weak, i coughed too early the first time i tried it so i didn't get the full trip and probably could have taken a second hit at any point during the trip

Salvia is an atypical dissociative, it's closer to ketamine then psychedelics.
You lose your connection to external reality if you dose high enough.

If you take a real dose of shrooms your perception of external reality can reach intense levels where you're seeing some next level shit.

DPH is the endgame of recreational dissociative/psychedelic usage.

>Because Salvia is basically knowingly inducing a waking nightmare
i said legal though, you can just buy salvia at corner stores here as long as you're 18 or 19 and have ID, and obviously no prescription needed

Don't swallow it. Also use super blue, it's actually pretty good

The proper way to take salvia is in a place where you can be cozy and lie down. Then you just float around in salvia space, or melt into the bed.

DPH is an unescapable waking nightmare, closing your eyes no longer works and you can't go to sleep.

That was one sentence. If someone needs a tldr for that, they don't deserve the info

Fuck those chemicals, take fermented cod liver and high vitamin butter. This will reverse cavities, and strengthen teeth.

Fluoride keeps your teeth white. and as we all know, white s purity

But back to the fluoride thing, just brush your teeth with reasonable fluoride toothpaste and don't swallow the stuff.

Fluoride in DRINKING water is not a good thing. They put it in some bottled waters too. Our bodies don't use fluoride anywhere but our tooth enamel and the only way to get more to the enamel is direct application with paste or fluoride mouthwash.

>a brit going to the dentist
LOL good one

It'll help your teeth

Any chance your moose cum guzzling dumbass read the exposure levels in that fucking shit tier study you just mentioned? Also, how much of that data was collected in the United States where fluoride in public water supplies is kept BELOW 0.7ppm.

It literally makes you stupid.

Just google harvard fluoride study

Just get the Sensodyne with Novamin. You can buy it on eBay from sellers in India.

You can't get in the US, of course. That's because Novamin works.

And floss. Every fucking day.

You're welcome.


Have a similar story. Haven't brushed in a year and only brushed before I went for a check up for a compacted wisdom tooth, and the dentist actually complimented me on my enamel, kek.

Sounds like your dentist is an illuminati shill, you should burn down his office and join the infowar

Do you drink mountain dew? I hear that's really good for your teeth


Fluoride hardens your teeth because it replaces OH groups in the apatite lattice, causing contractions along the c axis, forming a harder, more crystalline structure.

If you anti fluoride fags actually knew a damn thing, you'd scare people off tea because that contains a shit load of fluoride. Drinking fluoride laden tea and drinking water with naturally high levels of fluoride (ground water) affects 3 million people in China alone, as it causes skeletal fluorosis (muscle wasting, bone deformation).

But in the West where we don't drink shit water from the ground and drink relatively high quality tea, we don't have to worry.

Also that fag who said fluoride keeps your teeth white is retarded. Dental fluorosis (the kind we want) causes yellowing of teeth. We discovered fluoride's effect on teeth thanks to people in Colorado afflicted with "Colorado Brown Stain", which was super brown, cavity free, teeth.

Alex Jones is psychotic. There's your red pill.

>yes the shit started somewhere, flourides' in the water

it pits teeth like the brace faces people with the white stains shit all on their teeth everywehre, from flouride
and pitsyoru bones

The Lancet posted an article back in the late 90s listing fluoride as a harmful substance. They received a shit ton of backlash and recanted the submission.

Then, a few years ago, Harvard Medical (in conjunction with some chink university and some Swede-cuck university) published a study strongly linking water fluoridation to significantly lower IQs (around 10, if i remember right).

Now, more well named institutions are beginning to publish more and more stuff on the subject. It's back to being recognized as a neurotoxin, although the degree is debated.

Studies have also shown that fluoride consumption lowers natural testosterone levels.

I can't be fucked to find links for you, don't be lazy and look them up yourself.

But going back to common sense: fluoride has long been identified by humans as being a moderately effective means of pacifying a population... the science is just now being allowed to prove what non-retards have known for quite some time.

Just floss your filthy fucking teeth well and brush at LEAST twice a day. Use xylitol if you feel so inclined. Fuck fluoride.

Try taking care of your teeth you hillbilly. I take care of my teeth, there's no need for me to end up stupid like you thanks to forcibly fluoridated water.

I'm a gun toting republican with an engineering degree. Fluoride is bullshit. Brush your teeth, faggot.

It's been shown to lower testosterone. But seeing as how you're already gay you probably needn't worry.

If you're stupid enough to not educate yourself on fluoride given the internet at your disposal, and willfully put it anywhere near your mouth and thus bloodstream, you get what's coming to you.

you cant get cavities if your teeth are all fillings but fluoride will rot your brain. Your already medicated from it by force, you dont need more. You bathe in that shit, think about it.

Do you really think any half-assed statistician WOULDN'T take those things into account?

Study was done in a part of china where the kids were exposed to super high levels of fluoride. The poison is in the dose, people. Too much of anything will fuck you up. Fluoride at correct concentrations helps teeth and has negligible negative side-effects. HOWEVER the medical community likes to jerk itself off to the concept of "informed consent", aka you have to make sure someone understands what you're gonna do to them before you give them treatment. If fluoride is being given as a MEDICATION IN THE WATER SUPPLY, you need to get the informed consent of every person using it. I don't think anyone has had the risks of fluoride poisoning explained to them. That makes it unethical, and that's why I'm against it

>t. dentist

Stopped drinking soda around age 14 and the cavities have mostly stopped developing

How fluoride works: fluoride is incorporated into the enamel of your teeth, which replaces the hydroxyapatite crystal structure with fluoroapatite. Fluoroapatite in enamel will dissolve at a pH of 4.5, while hydroxyapatite will dissolve at 5.5. This makes your teeth much more resistant to acid attack, and they last way longer

That's the problem I have with it.

And the fact that if you mention something people make fun of you because you're a nut for thinking that it's weird. PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS.

Fluoride is really good for your teeth but i have no idea how they were able to add it to the drinking water. Doesn't make logical sense to me. But only poor people drink straight tap water now. Most of white america drinks bottled water or at least has a brita filter or some shit

Don't do it. (((They))) want to make you unhealthy and passive.

All commerciall sold tea also has enough have metals to make it worth avoiding. Just do drip feed coffee it's the safest.

>consistently and repitively

How do you microdose salvia? Do you just smoke a tiny bit of it every day?

>falling for the bottled water jew

Did you know? Bottled water is literally just tap water. Coca cola actually got in deep shit a few years ago for claiming otherwise.

yeah just pack a tiny bowl of it to get that fuzzy feeling but no crazy visuals

Intelligent people filter water with reverse osmosis or distillation. It still infects the food not grown ourselves but such suffering is poison of life. Being around unintelligent Redditor-like cretins is the burden of intelligence, and so too the burden of Sup Forums.

The reason "urban" communities suffered tooth decay and rates subsequently improved bears zero causation with fluoridation. It bears 100% causation from additional societal focus on brushing. (((They))) don't want "urban" municipalities to know. Added fluoride does nothing positive for teeth or body. It doesn't prevent tooth decay. Every (((study))) claiming otherwise is industrial propaganda, dysgenicist propaganda, leftist propaganda of useful idiots, and dentists trained to be useful idiots in their corporate disinformation curriculum.

Removing food contaminants from one's mouth prevents decay. It's basic. Brushing teeth is the only practical routine even if it's only with water.

I had the same problem once but I found this

If you can find it I would recommend it
Doesn't come with all the chemicals like some other (((toothpastes))) have

Also go to health food stores and see if they got any natural/ chemical free toothpaste

Good thing growing up I never drank tap water

You're eating too many phytates and leaching yourself of calcium.

Read Westaon A Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

>just rub some flouride on that
your government is trying to murder you and replace you with a nigger who can't think like you.