What to do about the feral cat menace?

There is a feral cat near my residence which has become a nuisance. I would like to capture this feline and turn him into the authorities to be euthanized.

However, there seems to be a not-insignificant fee for doing such a thing.

Why do I need to pay a fee to get rid of a nuisance cat? If it wasn't a crime I would kill the cat myself or take him to a different part of town and let him go... but I don't want to commit a crime.

What do I do about this feral cat menace?

If there are any animal advocacy groups that care about cats in the area they will probably take it in and sterilize it and release it.

That's technically the humane way of clearing out a feral cat colony, just sterilize them until they disappear on their own.

If not, just release it far away.

Calicos are almost always female.

>feral cat menace
>nuisance cat

what are you retarded?

cats are pest control

only dogs can be nuisances

u want rats instead?

mix a crushed up extra strength Tylenol with a can of cat food and put it out. Problem solved

this cat is quite healthy, I am pretty sure he is sterilized, but he is annoying as fuck. comes to my porch late at night and early in the morning and makes a terrible meowing sound.

I want this cat dead, and I want to do it legally.

>put anti-freeze in bowl
>cat drinks it
>put it in trash can
problem solved.

>I would like to capture this feline and turn him into the authorities to be euthanized.


leave the cat alone fuckwad

Just shoot it

Get rid of humans. Until people stop releasing them faster than you can collect them, you will NEVER undo the feral cat problem. The feral cat problem is actually a dumb human problem.

plenty of other nearby wild cats that aren't nearly such a nuisance.

This one in particular already knows me for my spray bottle.

He has pressed his luck and I will be obtaining a humane trap and will be taking him to the pound with instructions to euthanize him. Part of me thinks it's worth the $50 it will cost me to do so.

Can I just tell the animal control people to fuck off if they try to charge me for dropping off the cat?

I am really confused how we let them charge money for getting rid of a nuisance, while at the same time making it illegal for citizens to do it themselves.

Poison it user. It will be your first perfect murder

>cat goes away
>area becomes infested with chipmunks and other rodents

I've got a stray that comes around my property and rips the fuck out of some chipmunks and red squirrels. Occasionally it kills a duckling, but I'll let it slide if it keeps the rodent population down.

That doesn't solve the issue of the cats tearing about now. It'll still be destroying local wildlife for potentially years after sterilization. These vermin need to be killed.

Fucking kill it then you piece of shit, don't expect anyone else to get blood on their hand just because you're a cowardly little shit. Pet the fucker you loser.


>Feral cats
Do you fags live in some shitty urban hellscape where there's no other wildlife or something? There's no feral cats around here because the coyotes eat them all.

Ha, the anti-cat shills are overflowing from /an/

Neutered cats require special food + develop illnesses due to their endocrinian system being fucked up, so more trips to the vet : great business plan

Hypnotized people will say they're a threat to the environment (because man deforested small islands) just as readily as they will say that roundup is harmless to the soils

I don't want to be investigated for some bullshit because some libshits got butthurt over their cat with kidney failure.

I want to do it legally.

why is it a crime to bring it to a different part of town.

are u sure that is a crime ?

i find it hard to imagine, that that is a crime too.

Trap in cage. Submerge in water.

Spend money saved on more cages.

>OP can't control his own pussy
What a fucking loser

outdoor cats get into shit all the time. Its the owners fault for putting it out side.

>u want rats instead?

He may want birds instead. Cats are killers.

Maybe contact a local birding group to help raise the money.

Place a dish of antifreeze out on your porch and fuck off already.

>a different part of town
Why not outside town in the country?

wouldn't the cat make some kind of terrible noise?

yes, it is illegal where I live to intentionally abandon an animal (i.e. just drop it off somewhere)

Why would you ever pay? Just catch the cat, drop it off in their lobby, and fucking leave. What are they gonna do?

Go to Tractor Supply, get a live trap, put bait in it, catch the fucker, and take it to a shelter. Done deal.

Just be sure to haul it in a truck with a bedliner in the back because it will 100% of the time piss absolutely everywhere.

just kill it. cat is basically overgrown rat. They are somehow tolerable at least when they are pets. Ferals need to die.

My grandpa who was a partisan told me a story how two feral cats once started some shit in his garden. He just pulled out double barrel shotgun and gunned them down one shot each.

Also when I was a kid we used to have a lot of dogs and cats. when our dog bred puppies, we put an ad in papers that we sell puppies and people always flocked us wanting little dogs for some good money.

When our cat had kittens, nobody wanted them even for free. these fucking overgrown rats. So we just took the kittens and threw them into a bucked with water, or sewn them into a bag and threw them in a river. Those were the good days. Now you cant do this because animal welfare nazi laws from EU

don't be mean to le kitty

What kind of noise is it going to make under water nimrod, just don't rattle the cage around on the way to the lake.

Spray it with water and say "bad Kitty". No, seriously, it's a cat, let it go. Killing those bastards is how we got the Plague, brothers, lest we forget

Who's going to know?

Why is it so annoying? Just let it chill and eat rats. It'll die pretty soon anyway.

rats spread plague

birds are loud and shit on things

cats kill degenerate animals

Nobody cares trust me. The question is if you have the gut to do it.

Will they even put the thing down? Where I live they will do nothing besides charge you to have it sterilized then let it go back in your neighborhood. Used to be you could kill them but Lefties have put a stop to that. There is probably a shitlib cat lady nearby that feeds them.

>lets catch this wild animal, and take it to the vet to execute it

Americans everyone

Don't you mean your first 'purrfect' murder?

Also, any way will do, just be discreet. Who the fuck is going to call PETA saying 'LOCAL WHITE MAN KILLS FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD CAT'.

It's better than nothing but that cat is going to kill potentially thousands of native animals in its lifetime (a big problem in Australia where feral and domestic cats make short work of many native species).

I think the key point is that either way an animal is going to die. You either kill the cat or it kills native animals for the rest of its life. So it's not a debate of SHOULD an animal be killed, it's a debate of WHICH animal should be killed. In my opinion, the right of native and threatened animals must come first.

typical nigger behavior
try not to spill your 40 when your crushing its head with your boot jamal

>wouldn't the cat make some kind of terrible noise?
Not underwater, and not for very long.

If you mean being in the cage no, they generally only make a lot of noise while fighting other cats.

I trap cats, dip them in a stream, then dump the bodies in a wooded area for the birds to eat.

I let the foxes go but the raccoons get dunked like the cats.

I think I'm slowly evolving even smarter Trash Pandas but cats always take the bait.

Nyuisance cat!

Put it in a box. Connect to that box a tube. Connect that tube to your car exhaust. Run your car.

There, gassed cat.



they don't eat rats. they are psychopathic murderers that are responsible for the deaths of 3.5 billion birds every year. there's a silent birdocaust going on and no one cares

Cats absolutely decimate birds. Hundreds of species have been driven to extinction by them



>wait till midnight
>take cage with cat in it
>drive to the next River
>throw cage as far as you can
>go home
>buy something useful the next day for the fiddy bucks

It's Auchwitz all over again.

I remember when OP would get doxxed and have death threats for threatening a cat on Sup Forums

now you the_dumplord fags don't care about board culture


Not all birds have the same value.

Some birds I'm happy with killing on mass, others I would take minor steps like killing cats to protect.

Just man the fuck up or get a based dog. There was a ton of feral cats/house cats whoes asshole owners let roam free until i bought a house there. I walk my dog at night (work midnights) and every time i see one of the filthy creatures i let him off the leash and he would kill it. He killed over 10 of them and I hadn't seen a cat outside in months until a few weeks ago. My point being if the cats realize there is something killing them when they go outside they stop fucking going outside.

it's not a crime to trap and euthanize feral cats, in fact I'm pretty sure the authorities will appreciate the effort.



gee less shit machines flying around

Or place the cage in a bucket with water, toss the cat in the trash or an open wooded area and reuse the cage.

Cage/traps are expensive and good for more than one use.



>That's technically the humane way of clearing out a feral cat colony

or you know you could just use your freedom stick in 22 caliber and shoot the fuckers.

they decimate songbirds


>dumb slav thinks cats are rats
>kills cats
>gets actual rats
>dies of plague



question : do u not live alone ?

or did u urself ever feed tha cat ?

cats do this, when they have learned, where and how to get food.

someone in your family feeds the cat (?)

basic conditioning.

if not, then this might simply be transferred knowlage, from the cat having learned that she reaches her goal ( getting food ) somewhere else.

what would i do :

condition her aversively.
maybe connect the trigger conditioning even with another triggger ( e.g. a bell ), to later more comfortably trigger the aversive action.
( u will soon understand what i mean )

so here is the plan :
what cats absolutely dont like, ist getting sprayed with water.
so if u have a gerdenhose : why to go.
will take several repetition, tll cat will associate that house with the aversive stimuli.

to make recognition and triggering the memory of the aversive stimuli ( water ) easier accessible, i would ring a bell everytime i spray/hose the cat.

aver several repetitions/days, u will only have to ring the bell, and cat will piss off asap.

then some sonner, she wont even come near the house at all.

should work pretty reliable.

( alternatively u could also chose the cuckk way of 'dealing' with the cat : feed har. shell instantly shut up.
problem : this totally enforces her behaviour and u will never ever get rid of her again, untill u like hose her every day for 3 years in a row every day, lol . this option is not recommended (at all)).


(forgot to add there was a ton of cats in the neighborhood before i bought a house there.)

>Capture them, and neuter them.

No more kittens being born and they get to live out their life.

Only a degenerate would suggest putting down an animal.


>they decimate songbirds
Well I don't have any songbirds where I live, winter kills them. I got crows, sea gulls and flying trash pandas.

What is happening in this gif? Is this porn?


>What do I do about this feral cat menace?
You get a cat killing dog, my dogger grabbed one a few months back and shook the shit out of it breaking it's neck. Of course I had to fake like I was trying to get it out of his mouth in case anyone was watching..

...like carpet cleaner, air freshener, leather conditioner, etc. for your car because you're a dummy who put a cat in your car.

when did so many cucks start using this website?



Read "the black cat" by A.E. Poe. the story tells you how to deal with cats


>Oy vey! It's like annuduh shoah!

Just leave the cat alone OP. Don't be a fucking faggot, cats aren't a nuisance. If you must remove it, trap it and offer it for free on Craigslist, maybe some farmer will want it for pest control. Or just drive to the next closest town and drop it off there.

They are a massive problem in Australia.

We have an absolute shitload of species endemic to Australia, which have gone hundreds of thousands of years without any threat from cats. They haven't developed any defense mechanisms.

So cats just kill native wildlife that can't defend itself. It's cooked m8


He's trying to save money. Not drop 2500$ for a new phone, tv, carpet

>Well I don't have any songbirds where I live
because the cats killed them all

those days are long gone.. sadly missed.

If it's howling like that it's almost certainly not neutered.

>not smashing its head with your boot


All cats are scum, dogs are the only pet worth having.

*gardenhose : way to go !

sry, cant type. basically 'autistic' when it comes to keyboards

>having a hunting dog
Pick one city faggot


I killed a cat I thought was feral once. Turns out it was someones pet, they just didn't have a collar on it for some reason.

>humanely putting down feral cats who are bad for the environment is the same as torturing domesticated cats
try harder, redditor. you're also thinking of Sup Forums