Are the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies a hate symbol? No? Can we turn them into one?

Are the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies a hate symbol? No? Can we turn them into one?

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It's European lore with a Christian undertone. They already hate it.

Precisely. You always see leftists politicize Star Wars and Harry Potter, but Tolkien is too redpilled for them.


LOTR is fine.
The Hobbit was trash.

>Christian undertone

It's pagan and you shouldn't watch it

Go one better and do it to Harry Potter. Its like the leftist holy text.


and it doesn't even make any sense

>harry potter constantly sensationalized by slanderous fake news
>death eaters are goofy bonelords with mental problems led by a autistic fedora-tipping narcissist without clear aims and effective protocol
>mudbloods and muggles are magically inferior but not deserving of senseless persecution
>the ministry establishment and virtue-signalling wizards are the real racists
>the world can only be saved by speaking truth, arming yourself, and confronting the evil poised to destroy you since birth
>harry sees an extensive white family in the mirror of erised

i think JK if /ourguy/

i hate (((hobbits)))

Hobbits are the good guys

good goy. help me steal the rings. i promise i will throw them in a volcano. don't worry goy

smeagol get out



I hate (((dorfs))), Elven pride worldwide.


Its full of it. Theres a pretty good lecture on youtube on the theological aspects of LOTR. Tolkien was a catholic

George Lucas says again and again that he based the empire off of the Nazis and the Romans, and we all know what J K Rowling's like, while Tolkien supported Franco in the war and the whole Numenor seems lifted out of Theosophy: the superior Dunedain race settled in Middle-Earth after their homeland in the Ocean to the Westsunk beneath the waves. It's almost Volkisch.
desu we should have claimed lotr as our own a long time ago.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

It is, and always will be ours!

She's an insufferable bitch on Twitter. Fuck Harry Potter. There's nothing good to be said about it.

The age of man is over; the time of the nigs has come.

As is mentioned in the comments, this comes from an Old English poem:

Elves should be gassed.


Could any of you be so kind to give me a invite code to the discord?

I always thought of Numenor as a kind of Atlantis. Then I think that Tolkein maybe thought Europeans were Atlanteans. Then I realise I sound like I'm We Wuzzing and I shut myself up.

Fuck the movies. Read the books. They most certainly ought to be /ourlore/.


Posting some I saved yesterday











Quality memes desu

KEK I love this, keep posting!

This is nice...

I'm all out. There were more but didn't save all of them. But I agree it's genius and we should create more.

This one needs some cleanup work, but good spirit

Haha nice one

Alright I made one