India will be a world super powe-

India will be a world super powe-.

Other urls found in this thread:

UK is not a Pakistani Colon-

Manchester attack was not a normal inciden-

This meme is gay and unfunny.

Notice how I didn't get cut off. It's because what I said was true and not false.

There's no such thing as designated shitting street-.

Poo in L-

Terror attacks are not normal in big citie-


UK doesn't stands for United Kaliphate, it stands for United Kingdo-

India will be a superpo-

Europe will still be civilized in the next 20 yea-

that's a good one poo

India is an economic powe-.

can't walk to Iceland apoo. i guess your map skills are equal to your toilet skills.

>Refugees can't reach Iceland apo-

British army is one of the best in the worl-

Refugees require map skills and ability to walk on water to reach Icelan-

creating /bant/ will prevent Sup Forums from being spammed with non politica-


So that's where the CIA/kike/billionaire+++club trained terrorists relocated to..... Hmmmm that's funny.

UK is not a Muslim col-

Indian food is deliciou-.

Indian people are good peopl-.

You can't make kebabs in a live concert in Britai-

India is a nation of triump-.

UK doesn't crave for Indian foo-

let them try

Indian government isn't corrup-.

Why are Indians winning so much in UK?

British males don't pretend to be women to win Olympic medals at female spor-

Not even by 3020

British government has standards, can get laid and is not full of perver-

Why is 70yo Prsident of USA and Business Tycoon such a manchild nincompoop?

Close this thread now. For fucks sake. It smells shitskin shit here...

enjoying the bantz lads

British people don't sing "Allah save the Quee-

oh look who's talking

Get rekt Britbong.

What is this shit?
Some evolution of the candlejack meme that was posted on Sup Forums back in the mid-20--

We're here kids. Remember, look straight ahead as you walk, don't make eye conta-

Indians are a fucking plague in Aus.

>super powe-.

You mean "super bowl". As in, toilet bowl.

Rack off Aussie boi!
Your country would be forever Indebted to Indians.

Australia Poos in Loo

But the sandnigga in the middle was interviewed by italian television. In this interview he speaking about the war against kufar

u son of bich. cum say dat to my face u racit faget.


(Laughs in British)

U mad cracker.

>water for cleaning
Why the fuck is anyone criticizing Pajeet when he actually goes poo in the loo and washes his hands?

If this continues India will become a superpower by 2120 or something.


Indian music is really goo-.

theres a difference between a broken sewer system and general cultural degeneracy. The British need to send another southern crusade to sort you barbarians out.

Poo in loo bro

>boat eating a baby


With love, from India

Indians are good peopl-.

I would so rather have terror attacks in my city than Indians

I reported some of you disgusting fucking wastes of life to the police for taking a shit and pissing up the walls behind a gas station in the nicest part of my town but I wish I could watch you all swing from the trees instead

UK is basically India at this point.

You're making fun of yourself.

Indo-european mastermix, the sons of Dyaus-Pita shall return!


>would rather possibly die or have a limb torn off because someone had piss at the back of a petrol station

Nice choice there mate. Real neato.

Besides, you don't really have a choice.

You get both. ;)

no one likes him point?

Cruz will never get back the dele-




India is a world superpoo

>jealous europeans sneering at india's glorious space program

