Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you Trump supporters?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you Trump supporters?

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Is this that guy who killed 2 people?


Around Bums
Never Scrum

>Trump supporters
sage fucking bait thread
kys OP

He was a Bernie supporter, he got kicked out of Trump rallies for being disruptive

He was a Bernie fan.

And the moral of the story here is:

Don't confront someone saying mean things to people. You can end up dead over nothing.

Fake news against drump as always

>Trump supporter

He sounds like a batshit insane liberal who just loved to start shit, and looked for any possible excuse to get into a fight.


He was a Sup Forumsack false flagging as a Bernie supporter.

Watching videos of him:

It doesn't look like he really wanted to fight people. Rather, just say provocative shit.

I bet when the video comes out it'll show they attacked him, then he pulled the knife and started swinging.

Stop bumping the cuck thread, new fag. Sage dumb posts like this: they put them up every few mins.

Alleged video of arrest:

How the fuck do you know this guy is a Trump supporter?

Answer: You Don't

And Neither am I, but I'm sick of the kneejerk bias already

Conservatards are growing desperate and violent.
Libtards are growing desperate and violent.
Centrists are trolling both groups of useful idiots.
Good times.

He was actually an anti-racist , huge Bernie supporter
Leave it to the Jew media to fake news every white guy who does something wrong into a trump supporter

His behavior doesn't really seem all that aggressive.

Cameraman and others chased him, but why didn't he attack them?

Because the police were there. He already stabbed three people minutes prior. Don't think we needed any more.

The point being, that it doesn't make much sense if he was apparently a homicidal maniac that was attacking everyone.

He singled out the 3 that confronted him, and no one else.

>he was apparently a homicidal maniac
That's a generalisation. He was probably one of those supremacists bubbling with rage (he's had runs with the law before + has been caught on video being disruptive), and this was the point it finally popped.

he looks like a swollen shawn michaels

You miss the point.

If he was say, a racist homicidal maniac, why didn't he kill the 2 Muslims that he was ranting at?

Why didn't he attack the people that were chasing him from the train (the police weren't there and he had a folding knife)?

He only attacked the 3 people that news say confronted him.

I bet there's more to the story.

You are a special kind of stupid that should have you jugular ripped out with unwashed hands.

So, you have nothing to add?

There's no logic to him attacking the 3 men before the 2 Muslims girls, if his intent was to kill people. He should have killed either the men then them or them and then the men, because we're lead to believe he was a threat to the girls.

No, I bet the heroes of this story tried to manhandle him when he was ranting and raving, and that's what led to them dying.

he was a vulnerable man with brain damage getting his life back on track but radicalized by bernie sanders and the mainstream media

if anything he is a victim

we need to stamp out anti-trump bigotry before it leads to more such radicalization

You think that's bad, a Clinton supporter killed 8 peopl

>implying (((they))) will release the video

surprised they haven't torn down his facebook yet

Wasn't he a Jill Stein fanatic?

bernie supporter, google it

do you want the video of him walking around with a 1776 flag around his neck and giving a raised hand salute while calling people niggers?

This guy probably voted six times for Trump.

Only liberals get to vote 6 times dipshit. Nice try ShareBlue.

Dude was a bernie/Stein supporter. Get fucked

Stein and Sanders. That said he was a staunch first amendment supporter too.

Islamaphobia is not a left/right issue.

And raised hand would indicate Nazi, which is socialist which is Leftist.

Are you really this fucking stupid? Don't answer, that's rhetorical. (Go ahead and look it up)

>what are provocateurs

I'm sort of interested exactly how things went down. Eyewitness account is pretty hazy as far as I can tell, along the lines of "They were arguing, then they were fighting, and he started stabbing people". Who started the fight?

That video is actually hilarious.

When he says "nigger", all the leftists collectively gasp and cry out.

It's intentionally vague because if the MSM clarified what happened, their narrative would evaporate.

That's my issue with it.

He very well could have lost it and started stabbing and slashing when someone told him to be quiet.

Or, they could have assaulted him.

The media are making a very big deal about how he was saying mean things and the people that confronted him were heroes, but not much actual details of the fight itself.

"Gee some ranting lunatic is saying bad words.
Seeing as I've got two other people here nows the perfect time to play white knight, when we've got an opponent outnumbered and I can be a hero with little risk to myself... "

Guess what fuckface, maybe the guy acting psycotic on the train actually is fucking psyco, and even with numbers on your side, you still ain't no tough guy.
Game over, thanks for playing.

>Went to school in the inner city as a kid.
>Drank in the city through my 20s.
>Live in the city now.
If you wanna be a white knight, stand over the crazt dudes shoulder and be ready to do something if shit goes down.
These heros escalated the situation by ganging up on him.
And now idiots online are going so far as calling this a white supremacist terror attack.


It looks like he was a typical ranting and raving crazy, that probably wouldn't have hurt anyone if he was left alone.

I've worked with the mentally ill for a long time, and they will rarely attack unless they're threatened. They'll often yell and scream, but if you ignore them, they'll move on.


Hey, it was two white men that intervened and tried to protect the Muslim women. They gave their lives doing so. There's dumb SJWs that flash a picture of the "white suprematist" (who is really probably a psychotic asshole to everybody/anybody) and imply white males are all racists.

The real story is the two men who were courageous and protective. One of the men used to (?) be in the military and the military are usually Trump supporters from what I've seen.

Seriously, would Op step in the line of danger? Or would Op hide behind some skirt?

I bet it was self-defense.

1. he was screaming at some PoC teenagers
2. no media says WHY (how did the cunts provoke him?)
3. two liberal male faggots saw an opportunity to virtue-signal aka "intervene"
4. no media says what they actually did to him BEFORE he stabbed them.

I especially suspect that dead Army veteran attempting to use physical force.


>that should have you jugular ripped out with unwashed hands.


you are exactly the same kind of violent person as the 'hero' of this story

Nothing of value was lost.

>tried to protect the Muslim women

Protect them from ... ? The intolerable oppression of somebody saying something they didn't like?