Five minutes of hate

Five minutes of hate
lets prove to the Jew its hated all over the planet.

Other urls found in this thread:


A fucking leaf.

America confirms.

t. Ahmed

Fuck off back to Iran you cancerous piece of shit

What a suprise

You get incarcerated in europe for denying the holocaust


Scapegoating the Jews is too easy.

Jews exploited the weaknesses in white societies to gain power no doubt, however.

Kys Anglo-Zionist

>A fucking leaf.

fuck jews, next time the gas chambers will be real


lets prove to the muslims they are hated all over the planet. GO.

Oy vey

>implying it's not both

Reporting fuck israel and fuck jewish "people"

reporting in
genocide them


I love our Hebrew overlords. They're the superior race. Whitu dicku smorru... Please don't put me in jail Merkel, I did what you've told me to do!

I have no idea why would the shills and semites even post on this board, when there's abotu two dozen people logging them for the future OM50.

I guess it's one of those times when you don't really realize the gravity of what you've done.

I wonder if there were semites signing up to be shot on the spot back in the day too.

sure Ahmad, Sup Forums is your friend but not the civilized world


Pick one






Get out.



No problems with Jews here. Enemies of criminal mudslimes are my allies.

I only hate deceiving piece of lucifer warmonger Zionist shit .. Trying to push us against one a other for "greater" Israel and the world..

Guess who brought them there in the first place...


Fuck Jewkraine and fuck kike people


EU technocrats and atheist weak hearted leftists barely no jews there

Wherever I stand, I stand with Israel.

What if I told you that Conflating Israel and Zionism with all Jews is an age old Zionist propaganda ploy to divert criticism into "anti-Semitism" and shut down discussion?
It's why Zionist organizations funded Nazi parties in the 30-40s and after and why sites like Veteran's today (firmly in the camp of "my coffee was cold a little Jew must have blown on it" camp) parent companies are all Zionist.



I checked around 5 people on that pic and none of them were Jews.

Socialists. Mostly german ones.

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

Germans can be so fickle.
The same sort of beta wash out will castigate Trump for any u-turn he might perform.
Hypocrisy, that's what I call it.

kys, kikes




good goyim

you have to look at their ancestry, not just what they claim they are

For instance for Yulia Tymoshenko it claims she's an Orthodox, however it also says that her paternal grandfather, Abram Kapitelman was a kike.

jews are ok tbqh

love you israel

Check this webpage.
Shoes for Jews


Always loved this photograph--so illustrative! Jewlets profiting of the wishes of human children. Not a care in the world. No self-awareness on the part of daddy jew.


I'm a 150% Trump supporter.

Jewishness is maternally inherited. Grandfathers mean shit there.

fuck jew. I glad that my country ban them from coming in


Is there any difference between jews and niggers?

1/2 JEW

dumb goy, if it's Jewish enough for Israel it's Jewish enough

Biological kikeness is what defines kike behavior, not arbitrary rules.

Of course it's not all Jews or even most, as Dr McDonald himself makes clear. But would anything of value be lost in expelling them all? It's best to be safe.

Hitler did nothing wrong


Haha! Niggers really are pathetic.

This one is interestesting because it shows an American pavement ape in his natural environment--cities, where the gibs are plentiful. Here, two niggers reach down to retrieve a "lost" phone. The interesting interaction comes after the reach, where the one feral nigger stares in rage at the back of the other nigger's head. Somehow, it's always someone else's fault for non-positive outcomes. TNB is never to blame.

Yeah, its hard to find accurate info, but I just found that Eka Zguladze's husband is Jewish so she probably converted as well.

Careful, "pure Pole", that can backfire easily.

Germany was forced to take in muslim migrants by the Jew-S-A back in the 60s/70s and I doubt it's any different for the other NATO countries.

Gas Gas Gas

Why? Aren't the Jews just whites like us, but with a different religion and a phobia of pork?

>phobia of pork
Not really. Only those who stick to kosher for various reasons.