Boycott Heinekin

I love seeing EU breweries promoting globalism and mass migration on the back of their product. What the fuck were they thinking? This is surely going to do more harm than good to their company. Anyone who is even remotely redpilled will never purchase this beer ever again.

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None of these companies are allowed to continue operating if they don't embrace the narrative. You will see EVERY company on the planet embracing this before it is over. These bilderberg/bohemian grove types who rule the world don't fuck around, they bully everyone, especially companies and celebrities. They want a united front of propaganda on every front. Hopefully people recognize it and reject it. I have my doubts. Humanity is proving itself inclined towards enslavement.

The heineken will never touch my lips again.

Boycott + 1 user.

>drinking Heineken to begin with

I boycott hinny-kin because of its shit taste.

heineken is just the shit we sell to countries that have no taste. enjoy your nigger beer, faggot.

also it's still better than all the crap beers you make in canada so you have no choice.

Budweiser renamed itself to America to celebrate freedom and the Americana lifestyle

what these guys said.
budweiser is fucking disgusting.


>burgers worship a czech beer

Why would anybody drink this skunky piss water anyway?

Only nigs drink that beer.

>Not drinking one of the many brews Sam Adams has

yeah, your guys' boycotts are always so tremendously effective, i'm sure they'll be filing for bankruptcy any day now

Budweiser had a cuck super bowl commercial about immigration and has been running commericals about Amy Schumer and DUDE WEED LMAO on the pay gap.

I'm quite partial to a good Innis & Gunn.

Agree on both counts. Heineken is generally consumed by sleazy / swarthy types. Yuengling/Sam Adams masterrace

The Heinekin CEO shuold take all the doors & gates off his mansion.

We don't have any of that shit written on the Heineken beers sold in France. Source : drank one today.

You fucking what? Everybody drinks Budweiser. Only autistic beer snobs like yourself don't.

Heineken tastes like shit, so I never bought them after tasting them once. Now I have an incentive to create an online campaign that will help tank Heineken.

That's because their kike promoters failed with their diversity/feminism push. So they decided with a more subtle approach. That "America" BS Pissweiser is pushing is nothing more than a code to be inclusive to immigrants, regardless if they're legal or not, and wrap it up with "America". It's not to celebrate freedom or the Americana lifestyle. Pissweiser deserves to burn too, unless they go open about America-first and deporting illegal immigrants and refugees. And to top it off, Pissweiser is no longer owned by Americans, which is why they're pushing globalism and mongrelization of the races.

never say no to a good bycott

>A stranger is just a friend you never had a cold Heineken with.

Plot twist. Muslims will never be our friends then.

>tfw used to like heineken

>not supporting local and small breweries
>drinking that piss wasser

this lol. heineken is for turbo plebs

no more greenies for me, I should be drinking VB anyway.

Who is heinekin competing with directly that we can support instead to bring them down?

>Giving money to InBev
>Drinking something as tasteless as Budweiser


t. Redneck

This has to be bait. Budweiser is the white trash of beers.

That's what you get for letting swampjews make your beer. Also A M S T E R D A M


isn't it haram

>yeah, your guys' boycotts
>your guys

confusion takes hold

False. All they have to do is to shut up make their product and sell it, and no SJW will bother them.

They are virtue signalling on their own free will.

10 years ahead of you

This. If you're going to drink domestic, drink Miller Lite or something

Thank you Hans. Heineken is piss water and not fit for human consumption. Literally the worst beer I ever had.

Heinekin is fucking delicious. In 1992 I lived in Jerusalem and there was NOTHING FINER, TO THIS FUCKING DAY, than going down the local and necking H's with free bowls of local olives.
You'll never understand this cos you'RE A MILLENNIAL FAGGOT, but Jerusalem rocks. Israeli chicks are the hottest pussy on the planet, and Heinekin + local green olives = paradise. OY VEY!!!

Try original czech Budweiser Budvar

>encouraging to let in people that won't buy their product

what's the purpose?


I didn't drink Heineken in the first place but now I'm going to not drink them extra hard

>a stranger is a friend you haven't had a cold heineken with yet
islamophobic. we should stop drinking alcohol to make refugees feel more welcome.

>not white wine

>boycott heinekin
>drinking heinekin in the first place

That shit is bottled piss, what are you doing drinking such a shit "beer" anyways?

>>drinking alcohol to begin with



>Drinking the beverage Jew

One day it will be considered racist if you support local businesses, eat local food and even vegetables and fruits you grow in your own garden.

Heineken promoting the replacement of beer drinkers with those who believe alcohol is an affront to their gods will.

Do you think you'd be drinking Dutch beer in Canada if it wasn't for globalism?

>One day

I only drink local beer anyway.

>all Muslims are strangers
How are you retards not seeing this?

Muslims believe that if you die in jihad all their sins are absolved. So getting drunk and fucking hookers before blowing up is a pretty common thing.

also it's good that the craft beer movement is already hipster and leftist infested. so playing the racist card on local brewers will heavily backfire

>a stranger is just a friend you haven't drank Heinekin with

>muslims don't drink beer
>muslims aren't friends

Oh we're already there. Had an argument with a girl in my class about how the smaller a government is = the more racist/sexist it is. She argued the same for businesses. Ironically she's the same type of person who would unironically talk about #resisting the gubmint

>Drinking alcohol.

>stealing recipes
>every Mexican dish is a tortilla with meat, beans, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.

>took his wife's surname
you're lying

What is a Sup Forums approved nationalistic beer?

that's deep
wtf i love heineken now


>Drinking heineken.

Einstök, Iceland

And traveling to learn recipes and proper technique is what makes a fancy restaurant fancy. Anthony Bordane has been doing it for 20 seasons.

Whatever is brewed in your country dipshit, preferably locally.

What the fuck do you possibly think "nationalistic" could mean in this context? Holy fucking grill flame batman


No wonder it tastes like fermented piss.

Of the foreign variety, I like Guinness. There was a beer that a friend gave me that had a ram or goat on a string around the neck of the bottle that was fucking delicious. If anyone knows the name of that beer, let me know.

Yuengling / Sam Adams. Unpretentious , decent quality, readily available, not owned by InBev, and Yuengling actively supported Trump

Found the poorfag

>See my first name in your post
>freaked out a little because I thought you somehow figured out who I was

Yep I will continue to not buy Heineken

Ciechan. The owner made a comment about faggots not so long ago and all the leftists boycotted the brand. Some of the leftist bar owners poured the beer on the street as a sign of protest.

you're probably also one of these autists who love that pbr piss with a passion

Seriously how did all these companies went to left wing. How come not any are our guys and understand our pain (except redbull).

Also no need to boycot Heinekin as no one drinks that

>not brewing your own beer at home

>relying on beverage jews to provide you with your alcohol


When will Sup Forums make an spreadsheet of all blacklisted companies? Not that i drink any bear thats older than 3 days anyway, but we have enough autism to brainstorm this once and for all.

>Drinking beer ever
beer increases the level of estrogens
take the winepill


I'm coming for you Anthony

Fuck Heineken, tastes like piss anyway

Also forgive my leddit spacing

mild right wing sentiments = international boycott
mild-severe left wing cuckoldry = international media support
It's not a mystery

maybe if your a good boy this christmas mommy will let you have one heinekin to drink

No you're not. You're just breathing really hard.

Back to Hertog Jan.

I will continue to drink Grolsch when im in Holland from now on.


Yeungling is better in every possible way.

Diversity is great!

But anyway people, don't take corporations to seriously. They don't have any spine, they only ASSUME what the majority wants to hear. If lived in national socialist reality, that text would say "share the bottle of heineken with your people"

Get on my level.

It's a piss cheap globalist beer. Of course they would market to arts students and browns.

Heineken is fucking terrible beer.

This beer tastes like shit anyways, dropped forever

Budpiss is the mulatto of beers.

What does RNDT mean?

Excellent beer. The white ale is my #1 beer when price isnt an issue.

What do you expect? While i think NPH is a pretty funny dude. He is still a faggot and they have him as their spokesman. I didnt expect much less from them.