Is there really any place that has gone more cucktistic besides maybe Sweden? At least in Sweden you can't fuck your dog... legally.

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>Is there really any place that has gone more cucktistic besides maybe Sweden?
No. Nuke us please

i'll take the blame for leafposters but being more cucked than sweeden, germanistan & france? thats a pretty tall order

I'd suggest you take a look at Andrew Scheer. We have our own mini-Trump now, and I wouldn't really say it's a longshot for 2019.

Half of Canada fuck their dog and the other half eat it afterwards.

Lived in Calgary in 2007, working holiday visa.
I really liked it there. People were really friendly.

Our last "terrorist" attack was years ago. We're nothing close to Europe. We have the best refugee vetting in the world. We will never have an actual large scale terrorist attack on Canadian soil. Ever.

He's just another dull cuckservative cock-slut for Israel, muh only democracy in the Middle East. Don't be surprised when Trudeau wins the election


Really legal to fuck your animals?

Sauce please?


You can as long as it is not penetrative sex.

I ate ur mum afterwards

hahaha where the fuck do you live buddy

>Andrew Scheer
literally who
bernier lost leafbro trudeau will be reelected because leftist retards slobber over his cock and there is legit no competition

d-delet this


Oh sweetie, what did we do now ?

Is that what happend to my dad?


Even my gran can kick your ass


Are you literally autistic?

I only heard about this law being put into effect from Sup Forums, majority of leaves don't know about this. Kek.

I'm literally a bus ride from Trudeau's home. Can confirm, Canada turning into a shithole. Everyone I know is studying businness with plans to leave the country.

pls no bully


It's a good battle between Canada, Sweden and Germany.

It's mostly cause we have overall strict immigration. Also our Muslim population isn't as high (%) as some European nations. When Canada's Muslim populatio exceeds 10%, their true colours will reveal.

Not how Islam works, but you were close. And we've basically surpassed the last threshold. We will be 3% by the end of 2018 and close to 4% by 2019 easily.

With the gaining attraction of laws geared toward refugees here, more will come steamrolling in. Our immigration/refugee vetting will need to be more lax to accommodate the growing waiting list to get in our country.