Are there any celebrities that have named the Jew that haven't had their career destroyed or their life taken?

Are there any celebrities that have named the Jew that haven't had their career destroyed or their life taken?

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Come on, you're Australian. You should know about Mel

mike would have made an awsome trap. sigh

Mel's making a comeback now but he's had to do it by remaining totally out of the spotlight and even a truly great film like Hacksaw Ridge is only begrudgingly accepted as okay by (((reviewers))).

Sadly, Mel is pretty much irrelevant in the eyes of many young people. The Jews did a real number on him. If he hadn't made the Passion with his own dime he'd be in a situation he couldn't come back from.


You work in the (((entertainment industry))) you work for (((them))).

Marlon Brando is someone who comes to kind ( coincidentally close friends with Michael) but he we from a different time. No one would dare today.

Brando is a good one. Though he made quite a few apologies throughout his career after naming them.

I don't follow tv/music entertainment personalities because I'm not cucked to celebrity.
However wasn't Kanye West red pilled last year, did he stick on that path when they wanted to stick him in a nut house just because he was awake and speaking against hidden powers controlling everything?
Or did he sell back out like so many do because they can't resist the fame Jew.

Michael was absolutely based. He was a nigger who knew the only way to ascend was to become white, and he hated the Jews. That's why all the slanderous kiddie diddling shit came from.

It'd be easier to make a list of celebs that suddenly became unpopular after naming, or even coming close to naming da Joo. I reckon that there's an unspoken rule that if you are a jew and you make fun of jews it's okay. But even if you are a jew and you start to point out ((((antisemitic facts))), your circumcised dick does not make you immune to being ostracized.

>the passion
It was a hit piece on christian mythos and it STILL wasn't enough of a penance for (((them))). Good thing a lot of christians are unfamiliar with the parable of the fool being parted with from his money. Or was that a chinese proverb? whatever. Either way, yeah,

I can't recall hearing anything from Kanye since then so I think he got the message that he needs to keep quiet.

>t'd be easier to make a list of celebs that suddenly became unpopular after naming, or even coming close to naming da Joo.

Make that list here then. OP is not a strict requirement. It's a starting point for discussion.

Mel Gibson

No he wouldn't. As an effeminate white boy he rocks the look, but his looks have definitely gotten worse and worse especially because of the plastic surgery.

Vitiligo does a shitton to people but it takes an extra step to look the way Michael Jackson did after his diagnosis. He could've looked the same, just whiter. In a way, you can still see that, his black features still stand out.. athough he has that dark Indian/Native American thing going on. IN OP's pic he's definitely not a full pure 100% black, there's something different in him. Idk what his genes are and he never told me anything about his family lineage as he was pounding me.

>Idk what his genes are and he never told me anything about his family lineage as he was pounding me.

Fuck off with your roleplaying, Schlomo

That shouldn't have bothered you so much shithead

There's enough people that still believe the Jackson molestation myth. Don't need kikes like you furthering it.

No one is going to read my stupid little fucking joke on Sup Forums and take it in that way

Mel will always be relevant because of road warrior.

Believe it or not, Noam Chomsky has named the "Jewish lobby" in Washington and has been very critical of Israeli policy towards Palestinians. His career is intact but he's been banned from setting foot in Israel because of his comments.

The reviewers....

like Seth Myers is actually funny in any way. sad

What's it like over there? Post a pic from your window?

All Celebs are part of the Truman Show(Breeding & Handling Program). bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>he's been banned from setting foot in Israel because of his comments.

Honorary white man.

Frank im srs here.

We dont hate you but the LARPing has to stop

Seek help tomorrow and do not kys.

But stop LARPING or things will get even worse.

nice try CIA


And I'm serious that this is not a LARP & I'm not connected in any way to the person you guys keep claiming is me.

If I am a "LARP", then stop posting on the threads giving them attention & Bumps in the first place.

If I am not a "LARP", then all your doing is looking like you are Shilling the threads up & Validating what I'm saying by how much you keep trying to suppress it.




Tupac was literally killed by Jews.

Mel Gibson only got banned for like 10 years and then agreed to get an Ashkenazi best actor with hacksaw ridge

He was always overheard saying the truth rather than caught trying to expose it.

>He was always overheard saying the truth rather than caught trying to expose it.

Symptom of not being able to speak the truth openly.