Hollywood boycott when?!?

When are we going to put Hollywood in its place?
1) almost every celebrity is a shill
2) they've become way too comfortable with telling us how we need to think
3) everything that comes from it is degenerate
4) promoting interracial relationships every second they get (including every commercial)
5) it's actors and personalities all hate our god emperor

How long will we allow this?

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i go to the theaters once a year so i'm doing my part

I haven't paid for TV or a movie in my adult life. It's the ultimate bluepill to sit there and let the hollywood Jew tell you what to think.

That's why we need to get behind this

Chinks are buying it.

Since 2007

Get on my level.

I quit ingesting their poison three or four years ago, and I feel much better for doing so. Prior to that, paying money to watch their subversive filth made me feel ashamed.

I've been boycotting them for a while now privately.
I wanted to work in Hollywood my whole life and moved their to pursue screenwriting.
THEY HATE us. They hate us more than we hate Jews. Seriously.
Show a centrist opinion and you get dirty looks, show a center right opinion, ppl start to avoid you. Come out as right wing, BLACKLISTED.
And they don't see the irony in this behavior.
Luckily I'm a rebel and defiant so all they did was push me further right.
The place is sooooo degenerate man. Like I'm no kitten but when I got to LA fawwwwwwwkkkkkkk.
But yeah, the whole industry is sick and I haven't been to the movies in 2 years and all my TV shows are pirated.
Fuck them.

>how are we going to--

This is a good thing. Let the chinks get culturally enriched
However it's ground fucking zero in California and we need that shit gone. People don't need televisions, cities don't need movie theaters. They're a drain, they're worse than the humanities in our colleges.

Don't give (((them))) a fucking dime

>"it's actors and personalities all hate our god emperor"
>implying Trump isn't an actor puppet too

>feel much better
Why only privately? We seriously need to start calling for this

>Why only privately? We seriously need to start calling for this
I agree.
Only priv. because who would care before this last year when Hollywood has truly become unbearable if you have even an once of critical thinking skills.
I read that this years summer box office is supposed to under perform :)
And, the way films are made now is creating a massive economic bubble that's about to pop.

My daughter watches those shitty Disney shows... they literally make me angry at how much they twist reality

1)I don't feel guilty for watching that kike poison anymore

2)Removing PC triggers from my life helps with my temperament

3)A lot of movies are childish garbage, not watching them gives me a more mature outlook.

The live action ones?
Like the kiddie sitcoms?

I can't stand those shows. I can't believe adults actually write that shit.

I've been doing my part for the past 15 years or so, my dude. None of us are buying DVDs or going to movie theaters. Any of you wasting money on cable subscriptions should also cut that shit out too


>How long will we allow this?

As long as stupid fucking white men continue to ignore the fact that making TV, movies, music, and entertainment is important because it decides who controls the culture, and flooding into Trade jobs is retarded because this shit matters more.

That's how long.

Hollywood has always been full of virtue-signalling shills.

Mark Ruffalo will advocate for a tax on Wall Street and be for the Robin Hood tax.



...but not for taxes in any of his projects.


>"The Avengers" is going to take advantage of Michigan's film-production tax incentive. But the Marvel Comics supergroup project - which will star Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Don Cheadle as War Machine, Chris Evans as Captain America, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, and be directed and written by Joss Whedon - will set up shop mostly in New Mexico.

We should have our own Hollywood that's not in Commiefornia that has original shit in it.

hello william shatner


Here's a decent site for all popular tv channels and a bunch of endless streams of miscellaneous shows. Essential for cable cutters.

Hollywood has multiple groups operating out of it:

1) Jews

2) Intel Agencies

3) Chinese

4) Saudi's

5) Pedo's

6) Trans

7) Truman Show(Celeb Breeding & Handling Program)

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I just illegally stream everything online if I really want to watch it. There aren't many movies I even want to see in theaters anymore. The last good one I saw was mad max. That was over two years ago.

Going on seven years now.

There was a post a while back that LOL'ed at White men for getting into the trades instead of getting good into positions of power. I suspect you read that one. An admissions person at a university might make shit pay, but a lot more power than a welder making $120,000 a year. Tbh, it really was a triggering post.

Its bad.
South Park did an episode about Disney that's pretty spot on.
They're perverts. They make lil girls shake their hips and crotches at the camera and then blame the veiwer for seeing it as sexual.
I worked there. These ppl are highly trained professionals. Every frame is planned and thoughtful.
THEY KNOW exactly what's being suggested when they do that.

Millenials are already cutting their cable and barely go to the Cinema anymore

Hollywood is now appealing to the China audience since they buy all their shit
If it weren't for China they would've been out of business by now

We got YouTube.
We ain't gonna compete w/ them in their mediums.
Although I'm all open for suggestions

The same thing's happening on youtube; they're even using Disney characters like Mickey and Elsa. They're conditioning people to accept degeneracy and normalizing pedophilia. Mainstream porno is doing the same by bringing in extremely young looking people for the teen videos (especially that skinny pale mexican guy).

I boycotted Hollywood without even thinking I was boycotting it, just didn't want to see obese nigger bitches claiming they put men on the moon. Look at every picture of the control room, every astronaut, who was president, who was head of NASA and you'll only see White men. But Hollywood wants to tell you it was subhuman filthy niggers that put men on the moon. They are as stupid as the flat earthers and enjoy telling a fucking lie to support their anti-White propaganda objectives. I ain't paying for that shit.

You're assuming you're gonna influence them.
It's the other way around, goy.
Its there game and if you don't play by their rules you don't play at all.

This. And we should be creating our own content. Youtube will even pay you for it.

juden already own chinkland

I have to agree with you. Even if you made it to be admissions officer, you still have to play the tune the University president wants you to play.

Btw... the Jew who wrote the post was basically saying, "Fuck you goy. You abandoned the positions of power for muh trades, now suffer the consequences"

Jews own Google and YouTube as well. They're steadily cracking down on the platform so that only people they (((approve))) get promoted in search results and recommendations

The true solution is to boycott entertainment culture in general

I just change the channel once things start to get "libby." I'm not watching Black Panther, and if I know a movie will have an SJW message I'm not watching it. It's a personal choice, we're still a free country. But if my friends invite me to one of these shitty movies or to watch a shitty tv show, I'm gonna say no.


You gotta mouse in your pocket sonny? You can stop payimg for movoes or watching them whenever you fucking feel like faggot.

>When are we going to put Hollywood in its place?
I haven't been to a movie in ages. It's all crap these days.

I'm already doing this.

Got rid of Netflix months ago, to be honest 95% of it is drab crap anyway.

Now I exclusively watch Hitler documentaries.

You're a wise man, desu.