Did The 1964 Election Destroy America?

Lyndon Johnson: Civil rights, Big government, War-mongering, Nigger Welfare

Barry Goldwater: Hard-line Conservative, Constitutionalist, States Rights, Isolationist, Anti-globalism

-Great Society destroyed welfare system
-Civil Rights Act destroyed liberty
-Clean Air Act destroyed industry
-Social Security Amendment destroyed old age pension
-Immigration Act destroyed national demographics

Rise of the New Left, Vietnam War, Social Marxism, Expansion Of Government, etc.

Americans voted to destroy the original vision of their country as a place of liberty and a union of individual sovereign nations and replaced it with the consolidated expanded globalist marxist shitstain.

And they did so in an absolute landslide.

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No, America has been in the kikes hands since at least FDR, but likely even earlier.
fuck FDR.

This was before McCarthy?

In Democracy in America 1814, by Tocqueville, he already made note of a political cabal in the US government. But he was naive about it, and paid it little attention.

Goldwater was based

Anybody ever watched Reagan's speach supporting Goldwater?


Reagan was a great man.

>civil rights act destroyed liberty

If you type Lyndon B. Johnson into your name field it will generate a random middle name for him

Leftism is something that would happen sooner or later, it can't be a trend in the whole Western world and just skip America.

Yeah but things happened between then and now, things that disrupted that cabal. American truely began it's current decline thanks to FDR

The right to discriminate kept people's honor, integrity, virtue, and work ethic in line. People have since been degenerate worthless faggots and we can't discriminate against them

I get so depressed when I see what the US has become.

It was such a beautiful thing and to see how it has been corrupted......

We need to fire up the helicopters and let the right wing death squads loose.

It was almost all the Jews. They did this.

Did this, as if it's past tense. user, they are doing this.

America was fucked in 1920 when women were granted the right to vote 44 years before this election took place.

I don't believe it.

>habeeb it


You do realize that the majority of both political parties in congress voted in favor of Johnson's immigration act, right? In fact, more Republicans supported the bill than Democrats.

>bake the cake or die, fucking faggot

I know.

The regards have been so completely brainwashed by all the propaganda I'm not sure how we'll ever be able to purge them.

(((Barry Goldwater)))


>service these minorities you racist fuck

>legalize no fault divorce as governor
>enact gun laws as governor
>give all the spics amnesty as president

I will never understand the Reagan worship from cuckservatives.

Not all Jews are the same.

There are Jews with diametrically opposed world views.

Lyndon "Bitch Boy" Johnson

he won in a landslide so he must have been great

I think one could argue 1860, 1912, and 1936 as other points in which the landscape of America was drastically damagaed.

1860 - Lincoln waged a war he promised not to and forced states to remain without their consent. He destroyed the concept of state sovereignty. It gets romanticized today but he engaged in a violent bloodthirsty power grab.

1912 - Wilson reintroduces the federal reserve. Permanent power grab by the zionists to takeover American currency and government. First to send Americans to die needlessly in a European war.

1936 - FDR fully engraves socialism into America. Expanded role of government for welfare and social security. Communism infiltration. Another jewish power grab. Another needless war to fight in Europe.

But 1964 was really the point of no return. Legislation could be removed. Wars could end. But the laws passed from 1965-1968 changed the nature of the country to a point of irreversible repair.

I'm a anarcho fascist

oh shit wrong field

barry goldwater was a literal kike him mom was jewish that makes him jewish fuck kikes and fuck lbj he was a bastard.


It's not worship.

He was a legitimately great man.

He gave a fuck and tried his best to do good his entire life.

I may not agree with all his views or opinions and actions etc but I respect the man.

The US will never have another Reagan. They would just kill him.

the influence of JFK is why Johnson won

No. McCarthy was (((discredited))) in '54 and died in '57.

His dad is Jewish, his mom is an Episcopalian.

No killing Mckinley did

MUH JFK thought

lincoln wages war after the south blockaded a port and attacked them

McCarthy was 100% right too.


We definitely took a step backward but America can never be destroyed.


You cunts are so fuckin dumb
Learn to detect

I notice you didn't say anything about Goldwater.



No. McCarthy was a one man army fighting against the communist infiltration of the US in the 1950's. He didn't realize that the takeover had already occurred in the 1930's and 1940's under FDR and Truman.

By the time McCarthy tried to flush out the communists they had already taken over the schools, unions, army, media, and government.

He wasn't shamed, censured, and smeared because he was looking for a bogeyman that didn't exist. He was shamed because it existed on a much larger scale than anybody knew.

I remember that election. They portrayed Goldwater as someone who would start WW3. I don't know why but I knew Goldwater would lose and Johnson would win, even though I thought Goldwater would be the better of the two.

Actually we were doomed for entering WW II against our brothers in Germany The 1964 immigration act was just one of many nails in the coffin,

He began the purge of eisenhower republicans

What destroyed America was the New Academia, America could recover from bad presidents, not a bad generation of "scientists", lawmakers, and all other such.

Though even this I believe we will recover. You cannot simply boil a frog. You can't even use water to kill it. It knows water. To kill a frog you need to kill it in a different way.

The water may change the frog, maybe give it a burn, maybe make it more on guard, maybe it teaches it a lesson about trusting you.

It's the same for a society. You cannot kill it through change from the inside. It has to be consumed from the outside when the inside allows it or the outside is inevitable. That is disease, invasion, mass immigration, and cultural assimilation. Sometimes this is good. It would be great if the Middle East decided to become more like Europe and America, yet there is something in other cultures that make it like a prison. While we instead of trapping those inside, we allow the outside in. It is both our greatest and worst ability. We must expand our culture or let our culture die.

After Lincoln sent troops down into southern territory to replace the troops Lincoln had in a forth on southern territory in Charleston Harbor. Lincoln started the war.


Goldwater wasn't even Jewish, he just had a Jewish ancestor.


It destroyed freedom of association, private property rights, and the idea that businesses were privately owned entities rather than public services at the behest of government.

LBJ vs. Goldwater happened in 2016, just in reverse. GOP won the POTUS ticket and Dems lost seats, making them go on the defensive.

Nixon should have won in 60

>Goldwater was Jewish! He was just a Jew!

See what happens

People always forgot that he also passed the Higher Education Act which unnaturally inflated the cost of college into what it is now. 200% increase. Without it, the price of college would be half to where it is now and the likes of people in his own party like Bernie Sanders would have no platform to run for socialized free college if it weren't for him.

He was a Christian who spent a large portion of he life trying to scrub of his father's jewishness out of his family identity. He hated jews more than anyone.

They were positive rights. Superior negative rights, or freedom from, not to, were killed that day.

Goldwater only protested the civil rights act on the grounds that A) affirmative action violated liberty and B) freedom of association, or the right to discriminate (private business included) violated liberty. When I refer to liberty I refer to self-governance, not permissiveness, there is a major distinction to be drawn here.

Unfortunately you can't scrub off the (((covenant)))

His 1964 address says otherwise.

"Four years ago I told you we wouldn't use violence to keep those states but now I realize killing hundreds of thousands of your former countrymen to free some slaves is the right thing to do"

i would say that it was the the beginning of the end for white americans. lbj is my least favorite president. truly fucking awful in every way.

He was a naive man who foolishly took the word of his (((advisors))) at face value. He thought legalizing those illegals who heal the country the get the border secured. It just increased the problem tenfold.

It's true. But he genuinely tried. He cut ties to his father and withheld his jewish roots from his kids the memory of such ancestry would be lost in time.

Barry Goldwater is the closest thing one will ever find to a good jew.

Interesting I will read about him this weekend. Perhaps Goldwater's journey and example is the source of a jewish weakpoint


>nupol's IQ is really this low

It was pretty bad, but not as bad as 1912

at the very least it showed how manipulated people were to political ads with the daisy ad.

He thought communism came from Russia - it didn't.

Holy shit my sides

They were both controlled. That wasn't a real election.

I'm sure he understood the JQ

Phone poster detected


To what extent was (((Goldwater))) controlled? It was his defeat that marked the beginning of the Zionist Neocon takeover of the Republican party.

immigration act of 1965 ruined us

dang didn't know wilson's teeth were that bad

>tfw your grandfather was a close associate in the government to LBJ
>but they split over disagreement in vietnam because he wanted to withdraw troops

Did he do the right thing Sup Forums?

>tfw you'll hold an accursed family legacy for eternity, that your grandfather didn't stop Lyndon B. Johnson from obliterating the United States

He was a senator. Basically everyone thought he was full of shit until history proved him right

>not Wilson


This faceswap is everything.

You type it like this
"Lyndon B. Johnson"

He couldn't have damaged us worse if he tried. I've met some dumb Jews, but Goldwater doesn't appear to fit that description.

Without the internet this would have been the outcome of 2016.

One of these days I will write a book about how important this election was, and how America got dooped into voting for Jbj.

The idea of globalism is really a Euro idea. The founders ran away to the Americas for that reason.

Sad but true. The idea of everyone being able to vote is silly. I think only tax payers should be able to vote.

Maybe because JFK was killed? Civil rights was JFK key policy.

Don't forget Johnson was an enormous cocksucker for Israel.

The country is always ran by a racket, it just changes every so often

>They were both controlled
Sad how things never change.

Fuck off ctr, man I am so tired of you guys fucking up a thread with your Jew pushing shit.

Private property is not immune from the law.


Jeb! on the left.

How much puppy they are, is related to The grade of Smile


JFK secret service stand down
