Dystopian SJW movie

So I have this idea in mind, for a movie...

>White male protagonist
>Cis and conservative
>Wakes up from coma
>Coma since 1990
>Political correctness is at its peak
>Titled "The Rude Awakening"

What do you people think?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pure Finnkino

"It's 2017 and Donald Trump is president."
"That woolly browed hack that can't keep a casino open longer than his mouth? Oh that's rich, who'd he run against, a nigger? Let me guess, a woman is going to run in 2020."

You spelled "ma'am" wrong

Have him be a millionaire from his family's investments left to him and the leftists hate him because he got rich by literally doing nothing.

I like it.
>who'd he run against, a nigger?
Was nigger still in common use by the early 90's? That seems to have disappeared by the late 80's

Here's a great example of a short version of what you want.

Jesus Christ.

these guys are actually pretty fucking great holy shit


I keep laughing but the joke's not funny!

>a retarded doctor?
>>what do you mean?
>they cured down's syndrome?
>>oh! i asian! i here now! nothing you can do!

It's actually a pretty good idea, but it suffers from being overly contemporary. It will get dated fast.

You should pitch the idea to a few producers. Try Mel Gibson first.


We already have that movie, it's called Demolition Man.

people posting aussie comedians? what is this shit

they already made this movie


Demolition man's PC future is unironically 100 times better than the future we're living in now. I mean shit, it's barely 2020 and already we heve gone WAY past the kind of shit Demolition Man did. God if ONLY all you had to worry about was being fined for cursing.

And the people say Sup Forums is not infected by prickhead normies who are to such level loser and outcasts that they feel the need to affiliate themselfs with asshole of internets.
I hope your parents will eat your guts while your little siblings will crack your skull.

didn't read, but you sure have a rare flag there.

do you have any more material or is the hospital scene the only idea you're working with right now?

It's called Demolition Man.

