Hey crackas, what you gonna do when the whole planet gets blacked?

Hey crackas, what you gonna do when the whole planet gets blacked?

Stop the food aid.

Watch you niggers starve.

1) Build physical and legal barriers between the Northern and Southern hemispheres

2) Watch em starve

Step 1 is very important.

Planet of the apes

I'll laugh as I watch the niggers descend back to the stone age.

>implying they aren't already there

I will lul, knowing full well that nobody on Sup Forums will do anything about it

>He doesn't know what a Malthusian catastrophe is

dumbasses don't know about peanut butter

watch you try to unsuccessfully fix and/or make things.

Fuck. Sub-Saharan Africa has 1/3 more people and still can't feed itself and still depends on white people. That's sad as fucking hell. Adding more niggers to a pile of worthless niggers won't amount to anything.

Nigger filth does excel at one thing though: turning paradises with abundant natural resources into nightmarish hellholes. Enjoy your future nigger.

>MFW niggers will starve by the billion during my lifetime

Watch them starve I guess.

>1) Build physical and legal barriers between the Northern and Southern hemispheres
It's called the Sahara desert. THey can't cross it en masse without help and their countries, societies and ecosystems are collapsing. Once the ecosystem goes, food production goes.

As an aside, if you are not an environmentalist, you are a race traitor.


black men invented more technology than white boys, so we gonna be fine

Afrika was a paradise before white showed up and enslaved everybody. Cave apes ruin everything in history

you have to be able to grow the peanut first

>lol just gib everyone beanut butter


Release the virus.

Fucking mud huts lmao

Laugh at you fucking niggers from the cosmos.

What do you get out of roleplaying like this?

Are you sure that projection isn't a result of African men leaving for Europe while the women stay at home and get Chinked?

>African population spikes
>The west stops giving them shit
>African population falls

you white devils already gave us aids but real niggas know how to survive

Open a fried chicken chain that caters to prisons and be the richest person in history

Air-Burst 10kt nukes over densely populated areas and land base travel routes.

Get comfy while watching bluepilled whites get eaten by hordes of starving niggers.

Without white people, who's going to feed these billions of worthless parasites?

Good start.

You're probably right about Sup Forums, but ...
>... killers have posted to other boards before their massacres, so who's to say really.

What are Niggers gonna do when every Nuclear Plant on the Planet Melts Down?

Swing a Voodoo Rubber Chicken around their head?

How about becoming an instant Nuclear Engineer?

Just add Water, or maybe Brains.

Guess what the Doomsday mechanism is?

It's not Rubber Chickens or Negro's Spit-Spraying Black-Lies-Blather bullshit.

that's literally it. UN thought blacks would stop having so many kids once food aid came in, but instead they just started having more. Black Africans and Muslims are the only demographic that have MORE kids once achieving wealth and food surplus. Every other group has less.

stfu cuck. You know as well as I do, they will good food aid, and when global warming destroys africa, all 3 billion blackies will come to Europe. It's inevitable that blacks will become the majority in Africa/Europe/Middle east, then Chinks and Poo n Loos for rest of the world, with a jew autistocracy as the ruling elite.

Stop feeding africa before it gets to that point

A paradise too weak and backwards to prevent colonization by the superior Anglo man and European man

who the hell cares about broke ass negros. all the smart money is on a influx of educated latinos taking over NA in the next 50 years and slowly some of that building up S.America.

Lmao fuck wypipo, Africa is where humans come from and kings and queens ruled