Alt Right needs to shake Spencer loose

So Spencer finally went off on the alt light and split us down the center. Sup Forums was supposed to be a mixture of everyone, joking while taking in white nationalist talking points sincerely even if you weren't White. It was a lively debate. Now the actual neo-nazi's are going full blast to back up their ineffective "leader" of the Alt-Right, Richard Spencer. It's gone so far that some are now likening the Alt-Lite as the enemy of pol. It's pathetic and I think those like me who have been ironically participating in this rhetoric are done with your hate as well. What makes you better than Islamofascists? Same poisonous solutions. What is Spencer's endgame? He couldn't amass an army if he tried. I don't even think Hitler himself could pull off an Ethno-State in America, we're already the melting pot of the world. It's too late. Spencer's strategy is wrong. You're wrong. Sort yourself out, you pale Nazi fucks. Have fun with ugly ass chicks who hang out with the likes of pudgy Matt Heimbach. We'll be partying with hot Republican babes who are somewhat racist.

>TLDR: Get a grip and forget about the joos goyim.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you ugly you democrat

>spencer finally went off on the Alt-Light

Well I wouldn't take it too kindly if the Alt-Light were accusing me of sexually molesting young boys either. Not to mention Laura Jewmer's public defense fund scam which Richard ripped wide open, aswell as Mike Cernovitch's mental issues.

Laura Jewmer is a disgusting, opportunist kike. Spencer would've been wrong not to countersignal her. We all have mixed views on Spencer but stop trying to divide us further.

I don't get the hate on Loomer. She went up to Chelsea Clinton at a book signing and asked her to sign the book for Juanita Broaddrick and told her her dad was a rapist.

Not long after she put a Burqa on the Fearless Girls statue and pissed off a bunch of lame liberal tourists in NYC.

But as soon as she interrupts Julius Caesar to bring attention to political violence, the Alt Right feels like it's their duty to defend theatre and name the jew. Sounds pretty faggy to me. Also, she didn't use SJW tactics to shut it down. She used normal prank tactics that we all use including Sam Hyde. You're only mad because she's a jew and that's stupid.

> get a grip
> forget about the joos
Pick one.
Also how did Spencer "Split us down the center" Us meaning pol? If that is what you're referring to, pol is never unified, on anything. We were damn near split down the center on the Syria bombing, closest thing I've ever seen to unification was the Trump campaign, and even then there was quite a bit of divisiveness from shareblue shills.

assuming you're actually here for a discussion and not just to shit post anyways.

Split as in alt light v alt right. I wouldn't even consider shills as part of pol's actual community. There is a minority of "others" but it's just more easily broken down to alt light or New Right and alt right. Spencer taking to fight to the New Right is just dumb. So is planning a torch lit rally mirroring imagery of the KKK. How the Alt Right still thinks he's an effective leader I won't know.

This is the comment a shitskin the_donald makes when he finds out that pol isn't satire.

I hate how just because I'm blond people start talking about the Nazis
Germans can do whatever they want in Germany. The clash of Empires lead to it's downfall, the result is a tragedy, and yet dems defend this vehemently while conservakikes "ignore it"

KKK larp is retarded. Very bad idea.
What do you mean "taking the fight to the alt light"? The Cernovich thing? If those allegations are true, we don't need homosexuals leading our movement, or really any movement.

Spencer's optics and strategy do more harm than good for the movement he keeps saying he started. It's time to just take in the research and hide among society. Get a white gf. Increase those white baby numbers. Don't get fired from your job because you were pictured with a Nazi flag at a rally. That does nothing for the cause. Just take what you've learned and rejoin society.

LARPing is degenerate for sure.

So your strategy is literally do nothing?...
Sooner or later white people will wake up to the fact that we are being replaced with a foreign populous and they will say, enough is enough, this country was created for white people, not immigrants. I mean, look at the comments of that youtube immigrants video. Very telling.

Not nothing. Every movement needs a leader. I'm just saying Spencer is a bad one. His talks are fine, it's just he's exceptionally bad at everything else and I hate how his attitude reflects in his followers online as they reenact his hateful ego towards people who don't like him. I thought Damigo had a better voice but he's falling in line with Spencer after the recent fallout. I like Lana Lokteff's approach to all of these subjects with her welcoming soft voice.

Spencer's a Nazbol yank. What does he know about southern heritage? He needs to focus on other topics and let people like the League of the South defend that topic.

>Oy vey goyim!!! Love the jews!!! love them and support them. They never do anything wrong. Were here to help you

All e-celebs are cancer.

>alt right
Taking on a label from the MSM was your first mistake.

>Everything is ok goy-boy. Just sit behind your computer and jack off to trap porn. Pay no attention to reality. The only real things are what we have constructed for you.

Ill go ahead and screen shot this and reply with it every time you post this thread for the next few days. IE will win in the war against you jew child fuckers. Make a new script

>Board on Sup Forums supposed to be
Stopped reading right there, go back to TD

>Jew! Go back to TD!

is not an argument, just like

>Racist! Xenophobe!

is not an argument either.

Because those don't help the white cause, they're just the right-wing version of antifa actions. Everyone around here gets accused of mining right-wing drama for fame, career and shekels but she strikes me as one who it's most likely to be true of. Those things are all just stunts without meaning. Has it escaped people's notice that she's a Jew? I mean really, y'all are slipping.

How was Loomer's prank any different than any of the HWNDU pranks?

Yeah there's a strain of thought, helped along by 'journalists' imo that says that these free-speech confrontations somehow promote our cause. Sure, we're all impatient to DO something, but I see not too much coming of these clashes. They're too convenient, like looking for your keys under the lamppost where it's light rather than in the dark where you dropped them.

What fallout.. I still have no idea what you're talking about.. The Cernovich thing? Where he exposed him in an article? Obviously he's not the best leader but it's better than not having one at all.

I agree, he's got a "there can be only one" attitude. You say Damigo has sided with him? That in itself isn't unexpected, but he used to be close to Greg Johnson, I hope that hasn't changed.

Sup Forums

Not the guy you replied to, but I took him as meaning the Greg Johnson split. Both sides are now saying no-one should associate with the other.


Spencer showed who he is when he paraded himself to the media.

They will always make someone that far right look bad, no matter what you say or do. He was too vain to see that.

Ideology is a hell of a drug. All these kids think they've figured out the meaning of life because they've read some Evola and listened to Spencer speeches. Viewing other groups of people as the enemy will always come back to bite you in the ass, and these other people that you deem inferior could potentially be the person to save your life one day.

Hatred is going to destroy you, we're all brothers on this planet, there's something inherent to the human being that's much deeper than race, personality, or mannerisms, the source we all share.

>forget about the jews

If the races should come together for anything, it is to KILL the jews.

>even if you weren't White

>They will always make someone that far right look bad, no matter what you say or do.
So why not just go fully fasc?

? HWNDU pranks were clearly just pranks, Loomer is implying hers are for a purpose, and oh, look at her, and by the way, and here's my gofundme with a $25K goal (when some user estimated that the fine would be $1K).

I don't think Loomer is looking to defame her journalism career and cash out for a measly $25k. That's preposterous.

op i'm impressed you could type all this with so many dicks in your math and ass

Spencer did nothing wrong

>torches are KKK

He's literally framing his entire aesthetic off of european nationalist movements, which use torches all the time.

>the actual neo-nazi's
>Richard Spencer
>Our leader

kys. We've been warning you fucking retards for months he was a liability and a cancer, and all the time it was "no, kike, d&c." So fuck off. You made this bed with your autism and ignorance, lay in it.

Source of Spencer's intentions?

The torches weren't his decision btw, though I guess he approved. I don't know who was in charge actually, but they were going to go with candles (afraid of the optics of torches) and some young guy said 'fuck that we'll do torches' and so it was.

She's a posturing shithead like the oathcucks, stop defending her.

So what do you suggest? Wait for a new Hitler? It's nice, and helpful to have a spokesperson, to push public opinion around. You know, both Spencer and Damigo are independently wealthy (Spencer more than Damigo is my impression). So look for someone who's rich /and/ fashy. Good luck to us all.

I'm not sure if he's ever explicitly stated it as much, but let's see. 1) Calling himself an Identitarian, which was the european term for quasi-racial nationalist movements like Generation Identitaire. 2) Frequently works with european counterparts and believes in a pan-white civilization bloc. 3) Works closely with Identity Evropa whose leader, Nathan Damigo, *has* explicitly said he's basing his organization and aesthetic off of european identitarians. 4) Frequently criticizes WN 1.0 types that can't leave old logos and slogans in the past (his objection to the use of "white genocide" perhaps being the most controversial

I could probably go on but you get the point

It was an IE organized event, though he was definitely the star.

Dicky Spencer and the rest of the alt kike are nothing more than posturing conmen.

No. You being a jew is definitely an argument. You are a liar, just like your father, for he was the father of all lies.

All they did was march for 5 minutes for a photo op, the police then told them to fuck off and they left without a sound.
They are posturing shecklegrubers, stop shilling for them.


>Spencer wrote something positive about a group that isn't 100% white

He's also said nice things about black nationalists and Tulsi fucking Gabbard. Clearly he's a Hindu Black Panther.

>it's 2017 and you're still white
Nice try shill


You fucking fool. Hitler's greatest strength was that he came from the working class. He was one of the people, and they knew he wasn't going to jew them.

Someone that's rich isn't going to get us anywhere. Spencer's problems are much greater than that: He has a beta jaw, which means he will never be an appeal to women outside the movement, he isn't a good speaker, he's not very good at explaining himself, he has zero organization skills, he lacks charisma and he lacks experience. He was never going to be a significant leader for us, and it's better to recognize that now. We need a new Rockwell, and yeah, that's going to be hard to find. But we are a movement that has been chased into the shadows, beaten, killed and lied about for 70 years. We can do the hard thing. Don't wuss out on it so early.

Fuck off back to leftypol you dumb niggerfaggot.

Oh boy, another shill/shitposting thread.

They dont have a strasserite flair, had make do. Might switch to fascist though.

I don't care about some edgy gated community liberal that won't even say NIGGER in public. Take your PR shit, your moralfaggorty, your UNREPENTANT KIKERY SHILLING AND FUCK OFF BACK TO TRS YOU DUMB

Has spencer ever named the jew? When has he ever spoken out against the jews in public?

He's soft on the JQ, but he's talked about several times and has said that the Alt-Right needs to be 'jew exclusionary'. Wish he was stronger on it but whatever.

>spencer split Sup Forums
>by split I mean alt-lite vs alt-right
>spencer's a leader
Confirmed shill.

Naive: the post.

All of history are in-groups fighting out-groups. Egalitarianism will fail and is failing because it's too easy to defect upon those who don't recognize group divisions and fail to understand the game theory behind in-groups and out-groups.

Hate is just an after effect to motivate people.

I'll let Joe Owens remind you of what hasn't worked for 50 years.

>but he's talked about several times and has said that the Alt-Right needs to be 'jew exclusionary'

Do you have a source for that? He says he's not natsoc but his followers like to claim that he is. I just want to know what his definitive views are about the jews. He seems to be a Israel supporter so who the fuck knows where his allegiances lay

>complaint is won't say nigger in public
>calls him TRS for it

I dont have sources on hand but I'll poke around for a while. I definitely know there's been Radix articles about it. And he's not NatSoc, but you don't have to be NatSoc to be Jew-wise.

And he's an Israel 'supporter' out of consistency, in that jews are free to pursue their own ethnic nationalist interest, just like any other ethnic interest. It's not like he's shilling for AIPAC or supporting war with Iran.

If you go around calling black people niggers for no reason you're probably just about the same IQ level they are.

Enjoy never having a republican elected again in about 20 years

Kill yourself shlomo

Do you not read the news Aussie?

Archived that


He means that starting in about 20 years, the GOP as we know it will be insolvent due to demographic shift. Retard.

Spencer's beliefs are the Alt-Right. If you want to be more Alt-Right, then you have to fit in with 8/pol/, TDS and TRS types. You know these people: they are intolerably unpleasant.

People like Spencer can game the system by promulgating moral outrage and be rewarded for doing so. The bulk of Alt-Right twitter feeds now consists of outrage fodder. If he isn't CIA (his background is convincingly that of a plant) he's certainly the right leader to take the movement toward general neo-nazism.

That an Alt-Right leader hasn't been brought up on charges makes it clear that the pre-existing far right fronts are steered by CIA.

Stop using kike buzzwords to label our movement. We are hitler 2.0 electric boogaloo.

Am I allowed to think Spencer is a fat tittied lard boy and Loomer is an opportunist cringelord?
I pretty much hate every single one of the ecelebs claiming they helped foster the online Trump movement. None of you did shit, Trump did, you coattail chasing queers.

Well, keep voting in Trump GOP politicians and stagnate the influx, retard.

>That an Alt-Right leader hasn't been brought up on charges makes it clear that the pre-existing far right fronts are steered by CIA.
What charges though? They're extremely careful not to advocate violence to the point of it being explicitly stated on the daily stormers site.
Also, daily stormer's getting sued by the SPLC.

>some are now likening the Alt-Lite as the enemy of pol
Alt-lite is yet another Jewish/liberal subversion of the true message. Even the name is a fucking rip-off, and alt-lite-weights promotes all the same kike talking points of "racism" is bad, "antisemitism" is bad, "homophobia" is bad.

Liberals rename themselves over and over because everyone hates them. Latest new name is alt-lite.

And I don't worship Spencer. I just hate libtards and their satanic, vile ways.


Most people do agree Spencer needs to lose some weight. It doesn't help that he's thrown out of gyms because kikes get pissy though.

>oh look another anti spencer thread

its so weird how jewish puppet book merchants never get attacked here but if you are actually white nationalists there are 50 shill threads a day attacking you

>hurr durr don't listen to TRS, trad workers party, spencer, Identity Europa, Vanguard, stormers, etc.

>you might like Rabbi Media goyim, listen to BASED mike Cernovitch, you dont want to support STORMFAGS would you?? they take white peoples side WOW RACIST AND SEXIST MUCH??

Assange was literally exposing government lies though, no shit they'd want to silence him for it.
He isn't the head of a far-right movement anyway.

Only alt-lite person I see attacked on a regular basis is Southern to try and call her a kike. Even mayne streem meteor and monkey mindset threads have calmed down a lot recently.

>Spencerfags try and divide Sup Forums with alt-light rhetoric

>Spencerfags wonder why Sup Forums is divided on spencer

Why are you coming here with this shit? lol go to 8/pol/ and tell them not to suck his dick. This place takes more kindly to Sargon than to Spencer.

dude its because Richard Spencer is annoying and larpy college kids get all worked up. Yes every single one of them larps, go find them on FB they are all fucking losers. The "neo nazi" trolling was always just damn trolling, than we get pretend larpy neo nazis who dont even know what niggers lick my anus is

in DHS material, far right movements are a counter-terrorism priority. Do you forget Ruby Ridge and GLR's death?

My guess is that the lot of them are rotten.

Why is a shitty tabloid while counter-currents and Johnson have been excommunicated? Is White Sharia just made for bantz? Do you feel encouraged and productive when participating in the Alt-Right, or do you feel anxious and as though your attention is being torn at by unending minutiae?

But spencerfags are generally quiet on Sup Forums in fact most spencer threads are created by anti-spencerfags, both the "hey fellow Sup Forumshomos, isn't Richard Spencer /ourman/???" and the "Spencer's a CIA plant!" threads.


>But spencerfags are generally quiet on Sup Forums
BULL shit.

They tend to share common rhetoric with the leaf above.


Well Johnson's gay and has always been a drama queen. He has few friends in the movement and a great many enemies.

>Is White Sharia just made for bantz?

Started that way, not anymore. It's disgusting. mean general pro-white and pro-solidarity?

I can't speak for everyone but
>Why is a shitty tabloid while counter-currents and Johnson have been excommunicated?
Spencer's site is just for alt-right related content so of course it'd be like some form of tabloid + podcast site, Johnson was excommunicated because of an attempted takeover from my understanding (didn't follow that too closely actually).
>Is White Sharia just made for bantz?
I can't say I'm a fan of it, mainly because of the name, but the idea is basically just getting women traditional again. There's certainly a lot of bantz around it though.
>Do you feel encouraged and productive when participating in the Alt-Right, or do you feel anxious and as though your attention is being torn at by unending minutiae?
They've made it pretty clear they're not the end goal and the TRS guys at least are trying to get guys back in close knit social groups, the Spencer side is more focused on redpilling on identity issues and getting people to accept their white identity again.
So yeah I feel encouraged by it.

The most ridiculous part ia that people legitimately have accepted the title of "alt right" now. That in and of itself is an entirely made up and divisive term used by the left to mark anyone who isn't a conservative they can't control or work with to fuck over the country together. It allows them to paint this entire ""movement"" with the retarded actions of a few individuals who are so called 'leader's of this alt right, even though we never were to be lumped in with these losers in the first place! Im a bloody monarchist for example, and yet I'd be lumped in with kekistani faggots and the like because of the aforementioned reasons.

Tldr Sup Forums got rused hard and half of you fell for it.

>That in and of itself is an entirely made up and divisive term used by the left to mark anyone who isn't a conservative they can't control or work with to fuck over the country together.
You know that's wrong right? You're just shitposting right?

Fuck richard spencer

Post based black guys xDD

> mean general pro-white and pro-solidarity?

No...Nothing of what the leaf said has either of those qualities, you dunce.

But they are actually problem

No I am not shitposting. How new are you? The first people to use the fucking term was motherfucking CNN! Do you not remember this?

Furthermore, my point still stands. We're all being lumped in to a convenient little bad guy group with a convenient little name that's basically the new neo Nazis. Libertarians, National Socialists, AnCaps, fascists alike are all being conveniently squeezed into this paintbrushed fringe group to brush us off more easily, wherein on the primary discussion board of this so-called 'movement' constantly squabbles about the bullshit of their 'leadership' when they can't even agree who the fuck is actually leading them when the leaders flip flop or go full retard in the name of the glorious alt right.

Its a fucking ruse m8.

You are either a kike or incredibly fucking stupid.

Running around calling people nigger isn't helping move anything forward, engaging White America in a conversation to calmly force them to realize that they ARE a people with a shared destiny has been doing a lot for the movement.

>The first people to use the fucking term was motherfucking CNN!
Yeah you're just shitposting.

Way to counter what I just wrote you emu fucker. You're proving my point.


>What is Spencer's endgame? He couldn't amass an army if he tried.
I would fight in Spencer's army.