The Lesser of Two Evils

Communists and Muslims are fucking trash and both need to be eradicated. However, which one do you hate more?


Other urls found in this thread:–33'état

bump for u

you're trying to normalize something here, and it isn't communism

Communists = Jews

Muslim. Atleast they allow you to own property.

We need to redpill Muslims on St. Augustine and his relationship with the Jews (orgies). He reversed 300 years of Jewish persecution and set the stage for CryptoJews within the Vatican to create Islam to "retake the Holy Land". Sounds Christian to you? Jews began subverting Gentiles asap

Communism is better than Islam.

Islam is an ideology that is inherently anti-West and Communism is an ideology that is inherently anti-progression.

Communism is just an era that another white generation can overcome. Islam will destroy the next white generation before it can even try.

Whichever side lets me DEUS VULT

God i fucking dammit how much i hate both groups.
Both literally ruined the west and are still doing it.

You can recover from communism (china, east europe) in 3 decades; you cannot recover from islam (middle east)... 1 century and counting


and yet still better in every conceivable way than fascism. Fascist states all end up the same.


Both are shitty, but I hate communism the most. Islam is, at least, more honest, has a rough moral compass, believes in God and is wise in economic matters (usury is forbidden). In addition to that they also care for the elderly, the poor, and widows (if they're muslim, of course).

>hates both groups
>is nazi
your beliefs are built on this book that Hitler read when he got cuckolded by a jew.

of to heli with you, you leftist

ancap doesn't know the ideology he's trying to fight against.

Communism is for free trade,no morals,anarchist society,materialist view of the world,equal rights,anti authority,anti nationalism,pro globalism and both invented and pushed by Jews.

Come at me

>Communism is for free trade
u fuckin wot m8

You're right about the rest, but communism is literally the opposite of a free market.


No need since the kikes created communism and imposed it on the nations that became the Soviet Union.

I hate communists with all my heart, but the Soviets had thousands of nukes and never once used one.
How many nukes do you think Jihadis will need before they use one?
Commies are a physical threat. Islam is a physical and existential.

Also, a friend said once: "Communism will bring you hell on earth; Islam will take you to hell. One is reversible."

But in general, the protective system of our day is Conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point

In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is is this revolutionary sense alone,gentlemen that I vote in favour of free trade.

-Karl Marx on the question of free trade.

Ancap is just as Jewish as communism

>Communism is for free trade
>materialist view of the world
>equal rights
>anti authority
>anti nationalism
No it's not, it's the exact opposite.
How retarded can a leftist scum can be?
You are right on the other ones tho, fair is fair.

Everything you believe in is a lie, you are just another idiot that is following an ideology founded by a Jew for Goys like you.
How do you like being a Karl Marx shill?
Create the ultimate enemy from within Europeans to kill and destroy Europeans.

You know Hitler read all his books. Everyone in that era that was worth something did.

Enjoy being an escape goat for commies.

Hmm, naw, I would rather get rid of all religions, including Christianity.

Communists have done more damage than the two digit IQ sandniggers ever could hope to.

Fixed it for you

Neither. Evil is evil, smaller, greater.
Muslims are less organised and easier to underestimate.
Communists, on the other hand, can take over countries and actually run them (for some time).

Communists are the reason why we are overrun by muslims and not doing fuck all about it

There is a difference however between modern day western communists and soviet style communists

>Fascist Italy capitulated because of Fascism and not because it was at war and lost


communism killed more.–33

>Communists are the reason why we are overrun by muslims and not doing fuck all about it

it was partialy the communist and partaily the us it all started with soviet the invasion of afhanistan then the us started arming the preursors to the jihadis to fight the soviets bin laden was one.

the us practically singned the deal with the devil as soon as the made the petrodollar deal as the now gave saudi arabia political immunity.

why not fight against both? Fuck your false dichotomy, nigger

What's the correlation between Belgium being overrun by muslims and the Soviet invasion? Moroccans started to migrate to Belgium in the 1960s
The reason why we in the West are so weak, tolerant and docile is because of communism.

>The reason why we in the West are so weak,

you also forgot the "west started snooping around in the middle east way before th soviet invasion of afhanistan.'état

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlav.
the "west" created its own enemy.

I understand we're you're going and I to am against thos intervetnions. But, Again, the Moroccan immigrants in Belgium have nothing to do with western interventions in the Levant

>are so weak, tolerant and docile is because of communism.

i will agree wityh that one the reason the west has become a cesspool of degenarates is becuase communist postmodernist.
The Berkeley protests were a series of events at the University of California, Berkeley, and Berkeley, California, in the 1960s. Many of these protests were a small part of the larger Free Speech Movement, which had national implications and constituted the onset of the counterculture era. These protests were headed under the informal leadership of students Mario Savio, Jack ((Weinberg))), Brian Turner, Bettina Aptheker, Steve Weissman, Art ((Goldberg)), ((Jackie Goldberg), and others.

Bettina Fay Aptheker (born September 13, 1944) is an American political activist, radical feminist, professor and author. A former member of the Communist Party USA like her parents,

the morrocans part is treu.
im guesing its compareble to the imigration of algrians to france.
or the cogolese to belguim.


Yes it is
yes the end-goal of communism is a anarchist society with all the workers owning the means of production.
Ancap = muh statists
>materialist view of the world
Gibs me dat money working class man
Ancap = muh taxes I don't care about morality just money
>equal rights
I don't even need to explain that
Ancap = No authority free rights for all
>anti authority
Yes end goal of communism is anti authoritarian, in fact "true communism" doesn't actually have any dictators but elected leaders from worker communes.
Ancap = anarchism
>anti nationalism
Obvious for commies
Ancap = taxes are statist the state is evil we are not nationalists in the slightest

ancap is the other side of the coin. Both worship money and capital and have no care for nation,race or community and Jews flourish in both systems. Or are you gonna pull the Jews only flourish because of modern capitalism meme. They flourish because they group together and destroy all other competition because Jews are Community>Individual when their against other goys.

>inb4 ancap just repeats memes he found on Sup Forums and hasn't actually read all of marxes writings to know his enemy. I'm so educated on marxist bullshit I could argue their points in a debate

Without Commies and Proxy Commies such as 'anarchists', 'anarcho-communists' 'socialists' and 'syndicalists' etc - Islam wouldn't be an issue because it wouldn't be in Europe. Islam isn't our spawned issue, Communism is at this point, and we have a moral obligation to deal with it. Preferably through words, but by other means once it inevitably gets there.

How can I possibly hate one more than the other?
Both are a blinding white hatred. There's no separating them. I could not possibly be happy without both eradicated.

I don't think that there is any Muslim propaganda that lead to the united states relinquishing 40 percent of its income to the state. It's in the name of the welfare state, not Allaah

None of them.

>which one do you hate more?

The EU (both)

>None of them.

Then Spain should be the country to receive the next few billions of refugees.

But even if both were eradicated, you would still feel thirst, and this time you would set up a new goal that is just as unreachable as the modern day eradication of muslims. This is the eternal struggle of the White man, the never satisified lust.

>shitskins really think this
I'll be perfectly happy when shitskins get the fuck out of my country and my people have an actual future.

My friend's mother married a Moroccan, he stole her money and the savings of my friend (when he was 10 years old) and fled back to Morocco.

Stealing from children, what a resourceful people you guys are.

Literally quoting Plato. Oh well

Depends on which kind of commie we're talking about.
WWII era commies had self-respect and I'd rather join them than fucking sand niggers.
If we're talking about modern commies then I'd rather join the sand niggers.


I would root for the islamic goat-fuckers if it became a 1v1 death match between the two.

Both are absolutely shit though

our local commie party wants to keep kebab out and supported building the border fence.

My country has experinced both. So if I had to choose it would be communism. Reasons:
>when shit goes down the communists surrender
>muslims are ideological zombies and they will not stop at anything
So if you want a nightmare that eventually ends communism is the lesser evil.

(((Commie))) subversion is what allows Islam to have such a foothold in our society anyway.

Communists aren't really a threat today, but I voted for them, I would rather let a Muslim rape me and my women rather than a commie

Wrong. Communism used to be a vehicle for Russian nationalism and imperialism.

This "commies = jews" meme is irrelevant, since most of the Soviet crimes against the peoples of Europe were commited after Stalin's 1937 purge of the Jews from the party leadership.

Learn some actual history, instead of believing memes from Stormfront

>I would rather let a Muslim rape me and my women rather than a commie
pretty sure that's already happening Sven
