should be at work fucking comic junkie generation

>Millennial intellectuals

They sit with their coffee tapping on their laptops
Thousands of generations before them would have enjoyed that life

>libraries are increasingly functioning as daycare centers for the homeless
>Millenials can't afford homes

>used to go to the library all the time to check out and read various books
>library aquires internet and several computers
>suddenly library looks like africa, niggers everywhere using computers
>never go back again

Libraries don't even need books anymore, most people just get their books on pdf or epub

Not fuck true at all.

I'm a librarian. Millis only use the library for Internet access.

The other day I had to explain to this SJW cunt the difference between a Table of Contents and an Index, and why using both is useful.

This right here.

More people in the libraries isn't actually a good thing when most of them are just using the free wifi to job hunt. It's sad and a little scary how much of a problem this is

>Millennials are the most likely generation of Americans to sponge off free wi-fi

Only place they can go to get out of their parents house that has free wifi.

Millenials think they are so TECH SAVY....
>Can't even use a microfiche reader.
>Can't find shit on an online catalog
>Think call numbers are random shelving order numbers

THIS good job leaf

none of those nigger faggots read books. they are all checking facebook.





Being faux intellectual is fairly enjoyable. Reading a whole heap of books that give you no skills to make money with. It's barely better than gaming and neetdom. It's worse actually because it'll almost certainly fill your head with marxist filth.

because theyre homeless and its against the law to sleep in a public park.

Because they are poor.

When you have money, you don't use a public library,
>you build your collection for your home library.

>Millennials are most likely generation to have their "public library" in the middle of their campus

>...even possessing the ability to do so



That's right bitches. When you are doing real research, you'll see technologies they only show in spy movies.

1 post by OP

Did they turn off the WiFi at the library?

It's like Starbucks except it's free.