Did the Jews leave a mark on your dick?

Did the Jews leave a mark on your dick?

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No. Intact life best life.

/notheydidn't/ master race

>that (literal) feel when they didn't...

>blaming jews for the medical industry

foreskins are worth $90,000 each to the cosmetics industry. They're used to grow lip filler.

No stupid Christiand did. Not everything is the fault of the Jews, sometimes its because an idiot doesn't want 12 year old boys to touch themselves.

Where the fuck did you read that lol

still got my forskin. Only downside is that I fap too much because it feels so good.

Yes. I have a large penis but it sucks not having my klan hood. I'd give an inch or two to have it back.

yup and my mom worships the jew.

t. kike defense force shill

Never forget the jews destroyed 70% of your dick's sensitivity, cutcuck goyim.

I used to hate my parents in middle school for not trimming off the meat sleeve, but as a rational adult, I cannot thank them enough

it's a fact m8


In ny experience only faggots care about the state and physical appearance of my dick.

>I-it was the Jews
It really wasn't. American Christians popularized it which is why it became a tradition thing as opposed to a hygiene thing like circumcision defenders often claim.

No, faggot.


The Jews cast Christianity on europeans

I feel the phantom foreskin pain every minute, every day.

>kikes chop off their dicks because of tradition based on a bronze age fairytale
>n-n-n-not the jews!

You lying filthy jew rat!

they tried to. my mother protected me.

Yea but it doesn't really bother me. It's not like I have trouble getting off or would suddenly get laid all the time if I had my foreskin.
The practice should be abolished for several reasons, but it doesn't really affect me personally.


no no I have a foreskin, it's just that in aus the problem is more that women are stupid and not that jews are pushing men to chop their dicks off. mothers will say shit like "oh you were born that way, your foreskin in naturally short. we would NEVER do something like that!" you could literally point to the scar and show them the surgery record and they look up into the air and start talking about how it doesn't matter anyway because you were so young, or because you can't know the difference so who cares, or because everyone gets it done we didn't want our kid to look like elephant man. Or WHATEVER EXCUSE. but yeah it's rarely jews, from an australian perspective. Just dumb parents who would rather gaslight than admit it's abuse, but everyone knows it's abuse.

usury is still a crime tho

Uncut. Thank god for that

Jews know that their tiny mutilated dicks are a liability when trying to blend in with us humans, so they pushed and pushed to normalize circumcision. Europeans were not stupid enough to fall for their ((((tricks)))) but Ameriburgers sure were.

>tfw I remember when I first learned about what masturbation was
>tfw it was before puberty so no semen came out yet
>tfw the rush it first gave me was the best feeling I've ever experienced
>tfw didn't even use lube
>tfw also mutilated
>tfw I can't even imagine how good it might have felt if I hadn't been chopped

Give me one source for Jews popularizing circumcision in America. I don't mean defending circumcision circa 1980 or 2000, I mean being a forerunner to childhood circumcisions regardless of religion when it started to pick up in the early 1900s.

If jews aren't pushing it then why is it happening if it would otherwise wouldn't be.

>A stupid Prottie* did.

Catholics and Orthodox always held back the Jewish darkness. Stupid naive protties protected from the worlds ills new not what they messed with.

Just as Christ did I pray for forgiveness of my fellow Europeans for they; "KNEW NOT, what they do".

who /restoring/ here?

No my mother isn't scum

Yes, but I was a smart man and I regret mine over a period of 26 months, which feels amazing now and so much more natural than the fucking hard ass skin around the base of my cock head and just below it.

I mentioned it to my friends once and they all are cut and I mentioned re-growing it and now they are all doing it too because they realize both the sexual pleasure the man and woman feel from a fully intact foreskin.

The only con? my dick was super fucking sensitive after a long time of it being natural so I had to re-train myself on how to last longer with my now natural gland.



Na m8. Circumcised here from a young age, medical reasons, I still masturbate at least once every 1-2 days.

Doesn't even work, stupid Jews.

Yeah but my butchered foreskinless penis allows me to fuck like a wild hyena

Plus it's better for hopping barb wire fences

I'm not going to risk further deformation

>American Christians popularized it

Its strange you would think the jews would want to let kids keep their foreskins. since it would make people masturbate more and be more degenerate.

>(((studies show)))

Regrow it!

It takes time but it's SOOOO worth it! I use to think there was no way but I did my research and it DOES WORK. How do you think dumb niggers in Africa stretch their lips to fit disks in them?

Skin can stretch and basically extend itself to suit what it thinks it needs, basically regrowing the foreskin.

I never claimed it worked, simply that that was the reasoning behind its popularization in the US. I personally masturbate about 4 times a day on average, at least 2 times a day.

Why is this on Sup Forums ?

>It's another episode of 1 post by ID is obsessed by other people's dicks

>If I keep making the same claim maybe people will believe me even though I have no sources.

no if you stretch the skin you will just have a floppy mutilated dick with loose skin around it.


>tfw dad was a Judas and allowed me to get circumkiked

How long does it take? Is ther e anything to how it must be stretched?

I was circumcised voluntarily at the age of 17 and I noticed no difference in pleasure, but it is annoying to have to use lube at times.

>regrow it

I have a million other things I should be doing everyday, but don't. It's impossible that I dedicate any time to this.

Restoration is a placebo so the dumb goyim spend more to try and fix the unfixable, good luck simulating all the millions of lost nerve endings and reversing the damage of decades of chaffing on your glans.


why the fuck did he pierce his balls tho? hes 100% infertile so who cares.

No, based Catholics don't mutilate babies

Umm you can sit in a chair for hours on end on Sup Forums but you can't have a device on your cock at the same time to regrow your foreskin?

How pathetic. Me personally I had it on whenever I was home and took it off to go to work or to bed. Of course when I went to the bathroom too. It may feel like it has a lot of pressure on your skin but that is the point, to stretch it.


Feels bad man.


thats a floppy mutilated dick alright

granpappy was der jude but a good catholic woman that was his wife is the reason I'm not jewish today
unfortunately she compromised on the foreskin thing
my children arent circumcised of course

American Catholics do it

Have you guys heard of "Foregen"? I am cut and I hate it (Foreskin: 20,000 nerves and Clitoris: 8,000 nerves). They are trying to regenerate everything lost through circumcision with stem cells. They have completed a proof of concept with bull foreskins and are now working with human foreskins for clinical trials. Their site: foregen.org/

It's great this guys re-building his foreskin, but the pierced ballsack suggests he's not exactly the best person to consult on genitalia surgery.

Dumb fuck probably got them because his gf wanted ballsack piercings on his cock.

No in Japan we all keep ours.
Jews fear the Samurai.

All of your presidential candidates' grandkids were Jews btw and thus have that mark.


I didn't pierce my balls so I really couldn't care less what other people do with their body, I fixed mine why can't you fix yours?

And yes I still cum and all that, I shoot like a fire hydrant like everyone else after a week of not cumming except now it feels 100x better.

No kikes touched my junk! I have a foreskin.

>I still masturbate at least once every 1-2 days.
>Doesn't even work, stupid Jews.

Actually it does, I still can easily fap 3 times daily (5 when I was a teenager).

>you'll never know the feel of retracting your foreskin all the way back during your first ever fap, literally nothing ever comes close


So the eternal woman is taking baby foreskins to keep herself looking young?

>spend more
You can do it for free, it just takes longer.

My magic wand is all natural

Yeah that was a mistake on his party I would never do that.

But there are other videos on it too of people that didn't do such rash things to their genitals. Look it up on youtube surprisingly.

of course this thread would get soo many replies from a bunch of betas that dont even use their dicks unless a fleshlight is involved

My parents were dummies and thought it was necessary because the doctors said so.
...all things considered mine went well, as well as these things can go
A literal homosexual penis surgeon in San Francisco gave me my circumcision and did a great job -- when my dick is flaccid the foreskin covers the entire glans and when I get an erection, the foreskin fully retracts such that it is flush with the base of my glans.

My wiener is smooth & unwrinkled like the one of the right.

Maybe you're right. Circumcising has probably made me slightly less of a fapaholic.

I guess not even cutting off the tip of a penis off can dissuade a man from his urge to yank his cock.

>spend more
>when the most efficient way is manual stretching
You're an uninformed retard.

evil people have been sacrificing children for eternal youth for thousands of years

Circumcised master race. I like that my dick doesn't look all gross and shrivelled like you cavemen faggots. Chicks dig it, it's cleaner. Not like you ugly cunts ever use your disgusting little cocks anyway.

also when I masturbate I can use my existing foreskin as a kind of built in masturbator.

...anyways, the shit should be made illegal

Nice rainbows user. I hope you caught them on fly gear.

I was born with a fucked foreskin (half of it just wasn't there in the first place) so they cut the rest off. Hasn't effected my life much, I fap 3+ times a day if I have nothing better to do. Wouldn't get my kids cut if I have a son though, unless my dick problems were genetic I guess and not just a one-off thing.

^You are retarded
^ You are right, it doesn't take long either took me less than 26-27 months. After a year (After stopping the process of re-growing) It felt like I had never been cut in the first place


this is a Sup Forums tier thread.



>Maybe you're right

Chopping off a vital part of your dick when you're a baby is going to have life-changing consequences, that is a FACT.

Alright, please inform me how yanking the pitiful remains of your foreskin is going to undo damage done to the glans by decades of rubbing against fabric.

No, they did not.

I think You're getting r9k and pol mixed up, my friend.

How is it a vital part of your dick? It's not. When will you common, dirty untermenschen learn?

>dekeratinization doesn't exist
Again, an uninformed retard. Try doing a modicum of research you mexican intellectual.

Uncut goy here

How do you cut bros not fucking hate your parents for this shit? Expially if it was the woman who made the call.

Wasn't when I was a baby, was like 5-7, got an infection because school pool wasn't cleaned properly or some shit. Dick's fine though, thanks for asking.


Have fun never fully pleasing a woman sexually. ALL women will tell you girth matters and the foreskin rolls back on itself when you penetrate, turning into a kind of natural cock ring around the lower part of your dickhead.

Also dirty? Are you missing hands in the shower?

Easy to jerk your dick but too hard to pull it back and wash under the foreskin hun?


>Attempting to use germanic language in defense of bizarre jewish cult practice

You can't restore the smooth head of your dick from the dried out permanently damaged one that you have now. You can stretch the skin over your dick but it will still just be stretched skin and you will still be missing the nerve endings that were there originally.


>Having a cut cock is fi-

Yeah no, it can be regrown and if you aren't doing it you are lazy or just don't care about sexually satisfying your partner.

Hell, it can be done DIY for like 20 USD, if you are that poor you can't buy the proper tool for 35 USD.

Quick rundown on circumcision:
>practiced by jews and muslims (do I need to say more?)
>cuts an essential part of the penis, prevents the penis from working properly
>pushed in the US to hinder masturbation when it's not the source of the problem
>pushed by jews because (((traditions)))
>pushed by hospital to add an operation during the birth of someone, adding extra costs
>pushed by hospitals because they sell the foreskins to the cosmetic industry, so they can make anti-aging creams
>the operation can go wrong, scarring a man for life
>makes sex less comfortable for the man and the woman
>women orgasm way less frequently when the man is cut (if you wonder why oral is so widespread in the US, here is the reason)
>traumatize the baby and alter his pain mechanisms for life if the operation is done on a newborn

you're still a kike, fuck off

what sucks is when you have to use a condom.

>he thinks """"regrowing" a foreskin will somehow revert the keratinization process of his tip

american education

Most Americans worship the jew.

Girth does matter, too bad the foreskin isn't very thick and is basically irrelevant. Women don't generally get off just through penetration in any case. No one wants to suck gross little uncircumcised twistie-dicks. Circumcision is the way of the true master race.

not only the nerve endings but various specialized glands within the skin

foreskin is actually pretty complex tissue