Its Official: Gamergate helped Trump win

Allah Bukkake has written a story on Kikebart on how Gamergate gave Trump the decisive edge to win the Presidency.

>It’s worth noting that many of Trump’s most ardent online supporters cite GamerGate as a key “red-pilling” moment for them, when they either abandoned the left, or abandoned political apathy. In a recent thread on Sup Forums entitled “Why can’t us liberals catch a break?” the first response, “you fucked with video games,” generated a wave of agreement from other posters:

Other urls found in this thread:

It also helped saturate the white nationalist / anti-neocon movements with beta faggots who care more about video games then politics

What was GamerGate about? It all seemed like bullshit to me.

It was about the gaming press being a bunch of liberal faggots who impose their agenda within previews/reviews. It was also about how you could be a chick, make an extremely mediocre game, suck an editors cock, and get amazing coverage for said mediocre game.
It was basically hobbyists waking up and realizing the gaming press was full of corrupt retards.

GamerGate would be 1000x more palatable if it wasn't attached with that autistic as fuck Vivian James shit.

Politically neutral identity group gets demonized by progressive media. Some dislike it and investigate the people writing. They find sexual deviancy, nepotism in reviews and unified narratives coming out from apparently separate media. A bunch of these 'gamers' kick up a stink, and prompt mass censorship and shutdowns on reddit and Sup Forums as well as articles claiming that the 'gamer' identity is dead. For most of the neutrals that sounded like bullshit, so they started doubting the media and looking for links and reasons for the united front.

Ah-ha, thanks for the summary.

>beta faggots who care more about video games then politics
Politics has gotten more interesting lately but still not as interesting as video games.
There's literally nothing wrong with being autistic.

I think butthurt mods still remove gamergate threads on Sup Forums

Some tiny ass scandal no one cared about until various gaming rags tried to defend it by shitting on their readers. From that point it became a seemingly endless cycle of "journalists" writing angry shit and gamers thinking "why is this cunt so invested in this? Let's dig in and see what the connection is" and posting their findings, triggering a new wave of denouncements, etc.

>What was GamerGate about? It all seemed like bullshit to me.

Debating how it started is pointless.

What it showed was a glimpse into the modern day yellow journalism. Not so much in the backstory, if there were reviews for favors (sexual or otherwise) - no real conclusion was reached. But rather in the response to some mild poking they showed themselves to be:

1) Uninterested in videogames, what they're supposed to report on.
2) Complete lefty ideologues.
3) Coordinating their attack messages.
4) Inexplicably in contact with "serious" journalists and able to seed said attacks to supposedly legitimate outlets through their backdoor networks.
5) Incapable of reason or argument.

The longer it went on the worse it got. And it's all down to their response and the evolution from there. Ultimately it's not even about videogames, it's about journalism. Because what was uncovered was just a scale on the beast's underbelly. We later found this shit infecting all media. Even Sup Forums got in on the action through the Sony leaks that exposed how they pay for reviews, coordinate with journalists and how they're ideological to the point of willingly losing money to promote a cause.

It's all rotted, the entire MSM and beyond. The more you learn the more disgusted you'll get.

Dear Diary, today Sven posted something decent.

This is a much better run down than I could have ever given.
On the fucking money.

Pretty much the moment Sup Forums weaponized its autism.

Makes me want to genuinely push this as a fact.

>Hey Zoe, did you know? You caused Donald Trump to get elected.
>This is all thanks to you.

Sup Forums is as ridiculous as this place can be
>mild shitpost about "post below is gay"
>3 day ban
>softcore porn thread
>up all time
>thread with unrelated topic
>up till 300 replies
Worst of all you can't even bring politics related to the medium there without some aspie saying "DIS IS NOT A POLITICS BOARD" even after the reality just masturbates in front of their face (see E3)
It's escapism but is also denial and manipulation, and everyone just plugs their fingers to their ears and yell "NUTHIN IS WRONG"

What's stopping you?

Whatever happened to The Fine Young Capitalists anyway?

>let's totally alienate the people who spend the most time and money on video games undermining our jew control to keep the goyim pacified with bread and circus entertainment
What could go wrong

do you ever get mad at seeing this black man and white women cuck shit in tv adverts?

imagine that but with video games and the sperg out was that huge it changed the world lol

it did

without GG cripplechan (our brains) would be just another deserted chan and GG was the proto alt right

So much left to do. We need to take back video games from (((them)).

Pretty much. I was left leaning centrist just before social politics started touching my games. Now I'm a flaming conservative. Never been more red pilled in my life, and I was raised in a red pilled household.

same,my mum nearly beat the shit out of me when i said communism was good when i was younger lol

btw she is polish so she would know of the evils of it,i have become redpilled since.

I have to agree. It's when I saw how powerful the agenda that's been pushed had become. It's like yeah, everyone knows that media had a vested interest in keeping advertisers happy, but GG exposed just how bad it had gotten if they were trying to control fucking video games.

Opened my eyes to a lot of things, ultimately the biggest of which I think was the far left's predilection for subversive tactics.


This. To elaborate on your point, that shit was happening in journalism as a whole. The media got greedy, and Gamergate was simply the biggest retaliation. It was not about games, it was about journalism. My theory is that kids bombarded by leftist views graduated from college and needed jobs. They began writing for video game press and brought their ideals with them.

These days, the left is doing the same thing but with focus groups (which the big publishers use).

You have to take into account how gamergate made a lot of people see the media very differently. If you knew a bit about things, and suddenly saw CNN lying through their teeth about a matter you knew about, you start thinking: well, what it they are lying about other things?
Learning about GamejournosPro or whatever the fuck it was called is what is what led me to find out about the JouroList thing, which shattered any credibility the Post or Times had for me. I can't vote in the US election, but if I could, and I had been a democrat, it most certainly would have soured me too because I would think: if our policy is the best, why do we have to be this fucking underhanded to win?

It's true. Before gamergate I didn't even know what right and left wing, republican or democrat were. By fucking with my games the left made an enemy for life. I'll never stop.

I for one am glad alienated young men pushed to the fringes of society are pushing back.

Will we once more be entitled to hold the gook head up high?

Even better: holding the kike head up high.

Pseudo-intellectual, pieces-of-fucking-shit like this guy imposing his extreme leftist views on people.

Thanks GamerGator

This. Initially it was a minor scandal that would have gone away soon enough, except that the press lied so much and since gamers are all connected on the internet they were able to expose the truth. It's a short step from that to
>if the press is lying so much about this one thing which I know about, what else are they lying about? Maybe I should look into it

It pissed me off at the time because I don't play gaymes and Sup Forums was flooded with posts about it, but I'm so glad it happened in hindsight

Lets not forget how they all knew each other behind the scenes and have 10 different websites post "white male gamers are dead" articles all on the same day

and reviewers and award shows were giving high reviews and awards to games they were financially backing and stood to gain money on their sales

also lots of them giving good reviews to friends games

For once Sven is right about something political.

I was already redpilled after the Rotherham/Rochdale clusterfuck, but this definitely made me realise that the media is rotten to the core.

>You now realize this while reason Gamergate even started was because some slut slept with reviwers to get a higher rating on her shit game

They thought they were untouchable, they were so used to having monopoly control over what people thought they they never bothered trying to be subtle or anything.

And it would have stopped if Kotaku had just done a "Mea Culpa", dropped the issue and moved on.

I've never trusted the media in the first place, but the brutal efficiency upon which media as a whole came down on gamers for calling a spade a spade (or a slut a slut in this case) was very shocking to me. They were much more organized than I expected.

For those who aren't into the deep libertarian side of it, which Sven covered well, the simple thing is that Moot got cucked.

Gamers start complaining on Sup Forums about press censorship.
Moot wants Jewpussy, Jewpussy is a honeypot from the media. Moot orders Mods to censor / delete all gamer gate threads.

Moot's Jewpussy cucks him with a /fit/ body.

Moot throws his hands up in NEET despair and gives Sup Forums to NipMoot.

NipMoot is too busy watching anime to censor boards, people awakened by Gamergate start connecting the dots.

FBI user warns us. Wikileaks releases.

Weaponized autism attacks.

Right? And the MSM are so confused when polls show that trust in the media is at an all-time low.

Everyone be nice to Sweden today

So basically liberal politicians got destroyed because GamerGaters decided to blame them for an event that none of them created or endorsed? That's actually pretty amazing if you think about it from a foreign policy or trade policy angle.

Imagine having to explain to a Mexican businessperson who was benefiting from NAFTA and whose life will be disrupted by Trump's policies, that this can all be traced back to people who hate Zoe Quinn deciding to vote for Trump in the GOP primaries and supporting Republicans for the House and Senate, so as to spite liberal politicians on an issue they didn't know was in play, by electing conservatives who neither know nor care about the issue.

Absolutely wow.

They aren't confused, they are simply playing their cover story to the end. How many sociopath murderers on death row will deny their guilt as the switch is thrown, then grin their last grin at the families that wonder where their kids bodies are buried?
That is the mind set of the MSM.

>shitty girl game dev (Zoe Quinn) whores herself to 7 """journalists""" for good promotion and cucks her boyfriend
>boyfriend discovers it and spits it all on the internet
>Sup Forums and various other place say the gaming journalists have no fucking ethics (remember that DoritosGate already happened earlier) and that they should be ashamed of themselves and take action, call Quinn for the whore she is too.
>massive coordinated backlash from gaming sites accusing gamers for being sexist, mysoginistic, harassers, etc... and saying that game audience are basically scums and MUST change (basically moving the goalpost from their own shittiness and calling for a literral purge)
>shit even goes in mainstream who blatantly rewrite the fake narrative create by SJW
>gamers who talk back and reframe the initial issue are basically banned from everywhere (reddit, NeoGaf, RPS, etc... and even Sup Forums, what we call Sup Forumsharbor)
>people realize that gaming journalism and forum moderation have been infiltrated by powertripping social justice lunatics
>leftists don't even bother anymore to hide their power level and go full anti-male and anti-white rhetorics
>resistances organize, mostly around 4+Sup Forums and KiA and expands itself on youtube and twitter, progressively moves over the year from video games to entertainment as a whole campus politics and then to national politics

I would say a good half of Sup Forums today comes from GG either newfags or Sup Forumsirgins and Sup Forumstards

You know, the tragic reality of it is that Gamergate and the hard work of its autistic forces will probably never be acknowledged. It was literally the single greatest jumping off point for this new wave of cultural backlash and it is barely acknowledged outside of imageboards.

Collectively, those NEETs managed to uncover vast conspiracies and push back against a virulent narrative - exposing it and waging outright war against their enemies where it counted. They brought Gawker to its knees. They exposed the nepotism of the industry. They ruined the credibility of hundreds of individuals and even created a database to prove how shit the media was.

But they'll always just be misogynist trolls. They'll never be acknowledged as the heralds they were. They're the unsung heroes who have given us a chance to reclaim our souls from the Left.

>project chanology

lol no

Eventually it will be, but only after we've won.

>Debating how it started is pointless.

People say it started with Zoe Quinn but I'd say it started way earlier with Anita and Dina. And the biggest lesson was don't fuck with "weaponized autism".

>posting with a fag flag

If you're an actual fag you apparently studied gamergate but didn't learn from it. Using that flag just makes people hate fags even more.

Think of the gamer press as a minor specialty in the Department of Propaganda of the NAZI Party.
They could not be corrected without overthrowing the whole.

This is not as far fetched a comparison as it sounds, the MSM is highly concentrated in its ownership and management which is interlinked financially, racially and by marriage with the leadership of the Democrat party.

Just as Hitler, Lenin and Ergodan created shadow govts of party loyalists, so did the Democrats. They thought their long march through the institutions had finally paid off and they no longer had to rely on winning fair elections.
Gamergate was an experiment in shutting down a rebellious social group. They thought they were going after a group of socially retarded Pajama Boy NEETs. If the attack failed there would be no wider repercussions.
If it succeeded it would be a template for future attacks.
They chose poorly.

I post with it because the flag system is fucking gay.

GG was just the trigger event of something that was boiling in the US and the anglosphere since a bit longer.
The real original event is basically when Occupy Wall Street was destroyed by leftist identity politics and their insane rhetorics, the paradigm shifted from class warfare to racial/gender warfare.

Also it's not really the fault of Zoe Quinn per se, it's more the reaction of the journalists who were accused of conflict of interests and involuntarly redpilled everyone on media collusion and fake narrative by showing it's easily doable.
If the editors in chief had redacted a letter saying that they would adopt stricter standards of ethics after the Five Guys revelations then everyone would have carried on about their bussiness and they could have continued to slowly infect video games with the ideology, almost unnoticed outside of a fringe of people like Sup Forums (which was far smaller than it is now).

But insted they played the victim card and went full agression of young white men with a lot of free time, fatal mistake.

Most Gamergaters are liberal. They went for Sanders, then either voted third party or didn't vote at all when he lost. They're what the lefties called "Berniebros" during the election.

Similar methods used by both parties don't mean both parties are the same.

>and how they're ideological to the point of willingly losing money to promote a cause.
I never saw this. Got any sauce?

i ended up buying a computer to buy video games. I ended up being a Nazi.


Go to the gamergate (KotakuInAction) subreddit. They're mostly leftists who know the right is right but refuse to accept the redpill. Gamergate is irrelevant

Of course GamerGate had something to do with Trump winning. It was the first time the cultural Marxists were utterly humiliated and forced to retreat and it has set the template for how to fight them ever since. It was also the first time an entertainment industry and it's consumers really fought back against the cultural Marxists as the other ones had pretty much just rolled over and capitulated to them.

It was the turn of the tide and it's why the SJWs are getting increasingly hysterical. They feel their grip on society is weakening. I doubt Trump knows much if anything about GamerGate but he's used many of the same tactics that were used during it.

Anyone who was redpilled by gamergate has since moved on to things that actually matter.

Sup Forums is a shithole, this happened yesterday

Nobody who gamed ever took the gaming press seriously for fifteen seconds. Gamergate was a nothingburger.

Literally by definition, if you game you don't take poser faggots seriously. How are people still talking about this shit?

Hard not to end up on the right when the left has moved the goal posts so far that they are outside the fucking stadium.

look at this unbiased summary of the whole thing!

>It's nothing goys please stop talking about it
Shillary please

>rainbow flag

What a surprise.

>Most Gamergaters are liberal.

I'm not so sure.
They probably were in 2014 because being liberal is the default political position when you are young (especially when you grew up under Bush) and not really interested by politics but a lot of water passed under the bridge since.
I used to play with an american from Boston who was your average pro Obongo in 2012, he participated to GG and he moved slowly surely to the right and I saw his avatar with a MAGA hat last year, I don't play video games anymore but I wouldn't be surprised if he went as far as becoming a WN.

correct - gaming journalism was always a joke and paid advertising

the real "meat and potatoes" however was the fact they're all hyper progressive leftist warriors using the industry to shovel propaganda that was shown to be seeping down real, "respectable" mainstream news organisations ie one giant cluster fuck of leftist faggotry

It was just so stupid to go after gamers in the first place. These are people who enjoy a challenge, problem solving and competing. They are good at organizing, thinking rationally and are quick thinkers.

Did they really think that people who compete as a hobby would give up without a fight? Fighting is what they like.

Wikipedia is becoming rationalwiki 2.0 in that it is almost exclusively controlled by the left. It is sad to see how emotionally involved the site has become.

Great read

Everyone shits on it, but the fact is Milo reaching out to Sup Forums was a pivotal moment in history. The main advantages tumblr and SRS had over us was their connections to institutions and ability to run circles around us in the media. It was inevitable that someone on the right would eventually reach out to Sup Forums, but Breitbart as an organization did it first, and it created a powerful pipeline for grassroots activism to the Republican Party.

Between Sup Forums and t_d we have managed to make politics fun. We enjoy this so now they are 100% FUCKED

And as for any purist that wants to rag on t_d just imagine how much more the left hates them than you - that sub is where Sup Forums took a giant shit on reddits lawn

Gamergate was an alt-right trolling campaign started by the Daily Stormer that targeted prominent women and minorities in the gaming industry.

Weebs angry about localized japanese games having futa censored got involved, so that's where the "gamers are right-wing" meme came from.

I too believe there is an underground GOP (not point in calling them nazis or whatever, just patriots in semi-exile)


hahah and 5 years later the left is a bigger mess

not anita sarkeesian got btfo

I already mailed her a month ago asking for a pen pal relationship, and said exactly that.

I remember looking at an articles talk page, might even have been their completely wrong and slanderous version of gamergate and it had this one user sperging the fuck out all over the place to the point that they banned him for a time, then I looked at his profile and other contributions. This is what was immediately apparent:
>everything had an extreme left political tint with this guy
All of wikipedia belongs into the trash with people like this are not only allowed to edit stuff, but are actually respected editors. I can really recommend looking at the talk pages and history, with certain controversial wiki-pages, really makes you think, also since some time now I tend to search information on "real" journalists who write clearly biased horseshit, every single time at least on of the following applies
>extreme lefty/communist past
>member of some "foundation" (read: Atlantic-press shill)
>Jewish or born to Jewish parents

Fuck you. You're gay, newfag.

but Breitbart is not a reliable source

>oy vey lost 90% of advertisers since the election whoops coincidence

you cant just add the word burger and expect to fit in shareblue


Also, I don't know if it had such am important role in the election of Trump, but it is clearly true that Gamergate was one of the triggers to the start of the red pill movement.

People sometimes bash video games, but they're a product of culture, and therefore it is only natural to assume that they can have impacts on the culture. Gamergate opened the eyes of many young men aroung the world, I'm myself an example.

I just wanted to play video games now I'm a Nazi

Germanskii sees me having Asshole as a nick-name and aidsfaggot steam url
Asks if I'm from GamersGate or something
Why Dutchlandfaggots so swjs?

Hitler was right

zoey quinns vagina is the equivilent of an autistic serb shooting franz ferninand

they cant help it with figureheads like merkel, germany is on par with sweden with cucking

I like this image

the Gamergate bunch caused multiple sponsors for gaming sites (most notably Intel) to cancel their support. They still stuck to their narrative.



Intel eventually apologized for supporting misogynistic gamer nerds

same with immigration

the left will not bend,backing down means admitting failure and doing so to them is worse than defeat

they have a vison and will not u turn even if they can see the cliff edge

i see gamergate,brexit and trump movement as the people wrestling for control of the steering wheel from the insane left to u turn before they take us all over the cliff