/bbm/ - Based Black Man general

Can we get a based black man thread going?


Other urls found in this thread:


Sure, this will trigger stormfags.

Here's a few based black men just hanging out, praise kek



>based black """"""children""""""
you forget that part

“Whites have, on average, more neurons and cranial size than blacks… Blacks have an advantage in sport because they have narrower hips — but they have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.” --J. Philippe Rushton,

Negro babies walk earlier, like animals do
Negros are more promiscuous and have more STDs,
Negros are more violent,
Negros have smaller brains,
Negros live shorter lives,
Negros mature earlier,
Negros are less cautious and more impulsive (they don’t use seatbelts),
Negros are more sociable,
Negro women ovulate more, as expected from an animal whose offspring has less chance of survival.

Negros btfo: youtube.com/watch?v=i9FGHtfnYWY

Tyrone is still around making those videos? How much do they cost now a days?

this dude is hilarious

i hate you Sup Forums

based black woman doesnt hate you nigga


showing those dems who the real racists are xd.


tyrone for defense minister

>pol worshiping black cock

>went from making 5$ videos to cheating hiroshimoot out of money by selling merchandise with the Sup Forums logo
Why am I not surprised that a nigger is stealing something?

Jiggaboo Jones!

He's an old Sup Forums Meme, and he foretold of the start of YouTube censorship in 2010

What have we done
Why can't reddit realize their the real normies
I don't know if I can continue to live knowing that I helped creating this

its a fake video buddy.


It doesn't change the fact that those redditors are serious

Haha my fellow magapede 4channers!!!

let's show those liberals they're wrong by slowly neutering the key aspects of our movement with Based Black Guys, Based Trannies, Based Muzzies and who can forget based Jews!

Dems are the real racists!!1!

Praise Kek and Shadilay!! Don't forget to hit that upvote!!! MAGA!!!

KeK, not realising that they are the normies.
