American Colonial Flag Today

A neighbor is hanging the original 13 star flag. I do not know them personally.

What does it mean, in today's context, when someone hangs this flag?

What message are they making?

What political affiliation is implied?


It's the 4th of July in the next two weeks.

I think OP knows its origins.

He is asking what does it mean today.

just hipsters 2bh

I mean on a deeper level.

>not flying the original original original flag


Maybe you will become new states.

I think it means that they love soymilk and cuckolding.

Nope, it means that they are center-right to right wing and traditionally minded, jesus freakery optional and probably unlikely considering how secular the founding father were.

There are very few things that it could actually mean. In the main, it is traditionalism and a belief that the US will live on in a more or less recognisable form, with no need for year zero burning the past to the ground.

See, I thought it ment they were center left, because of the liberal revolutionary spirit.

Probably just a good ol' red blooded American who has a healthy distrust for the government. Make friends, OP

Pointless, masturbatory attentionseeking infantile waste of time at best. Atworst, creeping schizotypal early phases of schizophrenia, posing dangers to everyone around him, including himself.

You pick.

He is trying to harken back to the founding and the ideals it enshrined. The flag should represent the unbroken heritage that connects then to now aswell as a commitment to continue that tradition.


Republicanism was a mistake.

It's already broken.

You sound like the latter

Leftism is about destroying the past and getting a cushy gig on the commission appointed to construct the future.

Zero traditionalism, nothing old is good to them.

this is the original, you uneducated brit

The founding fathers wanted to destroy their connection with Britain. Our revolutionary war was essentially liberal in character.

It means that they are traditionalist. Probably old enough to remember when America was in the 90% white range. I envy them. There's alot of work to be done to get back there.

(p.s. the flag in your picture is displayed backwards. Union is always displayed on the left. Also would it kill people to iron flags before displaying?)

It means your neighbor voted for Ron Paul.

He want's your boy pussy dude.


Wasn't that created in the 20th century?

does it fucking matter? are you offended? if so kys

this is our colonial flag

that flag was adopted by the second continental congress in december 1775(first national flag of the USA, not the original flag of colonial america)

This could be a person who deeply appreciates history.

This could also be a person who thinks the "Betsy Ross" flag just looks better.

Instead of asking people who know neither of you, why don't you just go ask your neighbor yourself since you're so interested?

between 1923-1925, inspired by the greek and american flags

I wouldn't actually mind this, would probably be a red state


here's a flag for people who like 1777-1795 era america, but also want people to know they like to banter