Uhh, America where's your gun surrender bin?

Uhh, America where's your gun surrender bin?

With your rights.
Non- existent.

wheres your van lot?


wheres your imam?

Does the UK have separate bins for their forks and spoons?


my house, ill take all the firearms no one wants



>don't be a dork, hand over that fork
>stop being a goon, give us that spoon

we dont surrender our guns, thats why we aint getting the shit bombed out of us

And then you get that one Australian tourist who drops a spoon in the knife bin and all hell breaks loose.


Wewww Lad

>don't be a queer, hand over your beer
>just give a fuck, hand over your cup
>don't be a pretzel, hand over your pencil
>praise the kike, hand over Christ
>Islamophobia is crazy! Hand over your baby.

Best Alliance.

*Phone Rings*
"Hello, you've reached Scotland Yard. What's that? Muslim with a bomb? You sir are Islamophobic! We'll be over to arrest you just as soon as we've finished sorting out our cutlery and patrolling the internet for mean tweets."

I don't know about gun surrender bins?

But we do have bullet surrender bins. :)




Right here